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  1. #1
    Boxer of the Galaxy Stressing Rowan's Avatar
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    No wonder 30 perent of my hair is grey, I'm stressing too much. Im doing a 2 year course and just realised that I have a whole 20 assesments, 2 projects and 5 modules to do within 6 months. My first year I was completely ****ed around. I was doing the WRONG work. Now they want me to complete 2 years worth of work within 6 months. This is the kind of work that needs to be studied so how am I going to be able to do this in the allotted time frame and have it sink in. A lot of this work isn't relevant to the work I do in the school and therfor not practiced so its much harder to learn and especially since noone is teaching me, I have to learn on my own. I do NOT want to fail this, beacuse it means 2 years of time wasted working toward nothing. This qualification will help me get the job I want so its a neccessity. And before you all start saying "oh why are you posting on here and not studying blah blah" because I'm at work now and theres far too many distractions in order for me to concentrate. Down-time for me is in intervals of 5-10 minutes so I will not be able to focus, although I have tried. I have messaged my co-ordinator and they keep telling me that I can do it etc. I think this is just because they cant be bothered putting me into the standard version of the course after they already planned on how I will be completing the cisco version. They believe I should be able to do this within a week. If you have seen the amount of coursework there is and the assessments, you would cringe if you were in my situation. Btw, I cant just zip through this course material, as its 80 percent pass rate. I managed to complete the first assessment at 89.5 percent, but it took me 2 weeks to study and understand the material. I have another 19 to go + the projects and final exams. If only I had started this at the start of last year like I was supposed too, I wouldn't be in this situation. No use dwelling on what should have been, right? Gotta focus on the situation at hand. How am I gonna do that when it seems hopeless.

  2. #2
    Memento RK Stressing Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: Stressing

    I like putting things to two options. I'll give you my opinion. I don't expect you to follow what I am going to say, but I do have a bit of experience with this type of stuff.

    First option: Keep fighting to be let into the standard course. Someone might give in eventually.

    The second and probably your better option is to manage your time and take these assignments one at a time. It might seem overwhelming at first, but as soon as you get into the groove, you'll be past those 27 assessments/projects in no time. 6 months is a lot of time. It can also seem like it's not a lot of time in retrospect, but it is a matter of time management. I know you're a determined and intelligent guy. Set up a 'study/work schedule' and stick to it. It will be very rewarding in the end.

    Keep in mind that you can do whatever you put your mind to. You'll be fine. Also a good stress reliever is a major necessity. Don't let the stress build up. You'll snap. Find what works with you and stick to it.
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    (my first letter of my first name key is ****ed up, so i can't type that)
    ve yourself
    is what i said
    not "do you"

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  3. #3
    Registered User Stressing Squall's Avatar
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    Re: Stressing

    R.Kyra is right. Take everything step-by-step; don't try to eliminate everything at once because you'll end up killing yourself in the process. Plan accordingly and dedicate a certain amount of time every day to completing the work and if you stick with it, you'll get it all done. Just don't dwell on it because it'll just bring you more unwarranted aggrivation and annoyance.

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  4. #4
    Bananarama Stressing Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Stressing

    Make lists of what you have to do, and break them down based on days and weeks. Having daily goals for every assignments and even simple things like "pay x bill on x day" really helps. It's a good psychological boost to see yourself knocking out your days goals, because they ultimately build into the weekly and monthly ones.

    Don't stress the small shit, but look at your work like a marathon. You can't knock it all out in a day, but you can get there if you pace yourself and don't burn out too quickly
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  5. #5
    Asking all the personal questions. Stressing RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: Stressing

    I know it's typing but when you said this out aloud to yourself did you take a breath.

    When I was doing my secondary studies I found it hard to complete my assessments and studies before the required allotment of time I was way off track mainly because I was working 9 hour days and often weekends.

    Mentally I couldn't get into the right state of mind it was hard for me to push myself because I was always tired and I couldn't focus, and that is my biggest problem even presently, once I am focused or in the mood then I go for it for long periods of time.

    With that situation I think I ended up taking a week off to help catch up, in the end when the pracs finished I think it was two months later until I finally got all my assessments handed in but my training organisation were very helpful and forgiving.

    Anyway during this time I found breathing exercise really helpful sounds stupid but it worked for me, helped me get focused and stayed focused and you can do some small exercise that only take ten minutes so if you feel yourself sliding of the track step back and do a quick breathing exercise to re-focus.
    It doesn't work for everyone but it worked for me.
    In fact Tai chi is really good.
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  6. #6
    Boxer of the Galaxy Stressing Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Stressing

    Thanks for the info everyone, I'll try a few things to get started. Im the kind of person who likes to get everything done at once really early to get it out of the way or create more time for myself, I hate it being the other way around when im forced to rush within a small timeframe. Its like im an water flan whos being attacked by a lightning wraith. I'll try to do one at a time and take chips off and progressively as I notice how much I've done in comparison to how much I have left to do, will give me a persistent boost in confidence. I also have annual leave if I need to take it in order to get focused. Anyway, thanks for the advice.

  7. #7
    Registered User Stressing Squall's Avatar
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    Re: Stressing

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Thanks for the info everyone, I'll try a few things to get started. Im the kind of person who likes to get everything done at once really early to get it out of the way or create more time for myself, I hate it being the other way around when im forced to rush within a small timeframe. Its like im an water flan whos being attacked by a lightning wraith. I'll try to do one at a time and take chips off and progressively as I notice how much I've done in comparison to how much I have left to do, will give me a persistent boost in confidence. I also have annual leave if I need to take it in order to get focused. Anyway, thanks for the advice.
    I'm the same way man. If it isn't finished right away then I'll spend days thinking about it. Just get yourself together and get organized and little by little you'll get stuff done. It won't the speedy solution you're looking for, but it'll be efficient nonetheless.

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  8. #8
    Hewerya love...? Stressing seanb's Avatar
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    Re: Stressing

    I'm a huge procrastinator. no matter how hard I try I always do things at the very last minute, because I'm lazy about anything that I don't like, even if it's important.
    I get pretty stressed when I have to do shit for college the day before it's due when I've had a month to do it... but I think that's part of who I am haha


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