Last week I was discussing a subject that somethimes sneaks into my mind with one of my friends.
I look down the streets and see the young adults and teenagers, people of around my age group. A lot of people seem to be like coral: loads of individuals who seem to dress, think and act the same as one large colony. A lot of these people I see as close-minded, who care more about celebrity lifestyles and whats popular than the things that are important in life. Even more worrying are the people who I see as complete imberciles- uneducated, selfish, yobbish types commonly known in the UK as chavs. You can't go through a day without seeing or hearing things about human ignorance and cruelty. A lot of disgusting behaviour and acts are committed by people from my generation, and I do worry about what it will be like in 10 or so years time. Badly-raised children who can't look after themselves having children, who they don't raise properly as they are too busy cranking dat to Soulja Boy and getting their leg over anything willing. Its a vicious circle.
My friend says that they are the victim of society. That if you talk to people individually, you see there is intelligance and a personality. I know this is true in some cases, however I think that there are lot of idiots. It may just be that I fail to see the good in these people.
Do you think about what scoiety will be like in the next 10-20 years?
What are your opinions on society today?
(My experiences come from living in England, however this topic is not just limited to the UK)