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Thread: Sparkly Explosions

  1. #1
    HRH Albha Sparkly Explosions Aerif's Avatar
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    Sparkly Explosions

    So it's that time of the year again, in the UK, for everyone to be kept up 'til all hours of the night, hearing what sounds like gunshots followed by someone knocking over a massive bottle of glitter.

    For those who didn't get the abstract reference, I'm talking about fireworks!

    Since I've grown up in a... well, 'developing area', I've always been exposed to the effects of idiots+fireworks, thus I've always kept well away from fireworks myself. I still love the council-run displays though, they're usually great until they stop early because of rain/wind/someone getting horribly burnt.

    So, does anyone buy fireworks? Do you put on mini-displays or prefer to watch public displays?

  2. #2
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Sparkly Explosions ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Sparkly Explosions

    I always have fireworks in my back garden. we have family over and we stand in the garden setting them off, having a laugh and such, and we always have burgers and chilli. Then we stand and watch the display in the park (we don't live to far from there). We do it every year, and it's great.

  3. #3
    Registered User Sparkly Explosions
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    Re: Sparkly Explosions

    Originally Posted by Aerif
    So it's that time of the year again, in the UK, for everyone to be kept up 'til all hours of the night, hearing what sounds like gunshots followed by someone knocking over a massive bottle of glitter.
    Pardon, but what are people in the UK celebrating this time of year that calls for fireworks? I'm just curious.

    Anyway, I've done both the public displays and shot off my own fireworks. I enjoy both, but I think I like the more "private" displays. Maybe because I'm more involved with the whole thing, idk. When I lived out in the country, we could shoot fireworks on the property with no real restrictions (other than the weather, of course. ) Now that I live within the city limits, there's laws against that sort of thing, but I've seen people do it anyway.
    Last edited by Dodie16; 11-04-2010 at 03:00 PM. Reason: Gah...mistakes...
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  4. #4
    HRH Albha Sparkly Explosions Aerif's Avatar
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    Re: Sparkly Explosions

    Well Dodie, it's not really a celebration as much as a tradition. Guy Fawkes Night - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    But yeah, other than the dangers of fireworks, I think the real reason my immediate family have never purchased fireworks (my uncle did once), is because of the cost. A few fireworks can set you back £50 for only a few minutes of enjoyment. That's why I'd rather go to public displays.

  5. #5
    Registered User Sparkly Explosions winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: Sparkly Explosions

    I'm taking Maria to a big display on Saturday then Sunday we have a family fireworks party to go too, which I'm going to hate.
    I hate home fireworks they are usless!! the display ones go "WHOOOOOSSSSSHHHH BANG!!!!!" the home ones go "weeeee pop!" lol

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  6. #6
    The British Guy. Sparkly Explosions Robbo's Avatar
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    Re: Sparkly Explosions

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerif View Post
    Well Dodie, it's not really a celebration as much as a tradition. Guy Fawkes Night - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    But yeah, other than the dangers of fireworks, I think the real reason my immediate family have never purchased fireworks (my uncle did once), is because of the cost. A few fireworks can set you back £50 for only a few minutes of enjoyment. That's why I'd rather go to public displays.
    I know this is what most american's call it but in the UK iv'e only ever heard it referred to as Bonfire night. I usually attend a party this time of year actually i was scheduled to go to one now but i cant contact anyone so instead im sat in my house bored to tears.
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  7. #7
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Sparkly Explosions

    I like watching fireworks from a distance. I live in an area of London which is riddled with chavs and gangs, and fireworks make for excellent weapons. I had to dive behind a car last year. -_-

    I remember going to a council run firework display when I was younger... the fireworks didn't explode in the air, and the audience was bombed with balls of fire (no, seriously) which threatened to explode on the ground. One actually fell into a buggy belonging to a family who were standing next to us. Needless to say, I ran for my skin.

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  8. #8
    Bananarama Sparkly Explosions Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Sparkly Explosions

    I love lighting my own off. There's a sense of pride and accomplishment when you can see your rockets take flight and light up the night sky. That, and it's freakin cool. Last time I set off fireworks was Fourth of July 09, and it was absolutely glorious.
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  9. #9
    HRH Albha Sparkly Explosions Aerif's Avatar
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    Re: Sparkly Explosions

    Quote Originally Posted by Squall~Dissidia View Post
    I know this is what most american's call it but in the UK iv'e only ever heard it referred to as Bonfire night. I usually attend a party this time of year actually i was scheduled to go to one now but i cant contact anyone so instead im sat in my house bored to tears.
    I think most people call it Bonfire Night, but it depends where you hear it. Guy Fawkes isn't very politically correct (it has anti-catholic connotations), but most people, if not all, don't actually mind.

  10. #10
    Registered User Sparkly Explosions winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: Sparkly Explosions

    I always call it fireworks night, because of the fireworks I don't like the burning Guy on the bonfire side of it, it's boring watching people trying to set fire to a massive mountain of wet wood, last year it took about half an hour to catch light it was so damn wet!!
    We went to the display a little while ago and Maria loved it, got numb toes tho, Why did Guy have to choose November? lol.

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  11. #11
    #LOCKE4GOD Sparkly Explosions Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Sparkly Explosions

    We have Guy Fawkes here, too! I've never ever heard it called "Bonfire Night", though.

    Fun fact: Guy Fawkes was only the guy who was supposed to light the fuse; no more and no less. Also, they weren't trying to blow up Parliament, but Star Chamber, to take out the King, his son, and close associates. I heard once they also had a plan to then abduct the third in line to the throne.

    Usually the beginning of November is quite warm, which I'm sure doesn't help the fire brigade. However this year, right on 9pm, a perfectly clear day turned southerly, and it became bitingly cold. There were reports of the storm travelling up the country, so my girlfriend and I didn't go the council-run event in the harbour, until we heard final word about whether it would be postponed. News websites said final word would come at 7pm, so we waited. Then at 7pm the "final word" was "we're hopeful". Which was absolutely infuriating, because that's not a final word. They finally decided to go ahead with it, at 8.30pm -- but by then it was too late to get the bus to the beach, so we stayed in and made caramel-centred chocolate muffins.

    The worst thing was that usually I have exams to study for, and can't go to public fireworks displays. This was the first year in about 7 years where I didn't, and I didn't go. Lame.

    In terms of private fireworks, they're always really, really shit, unless you buy the really large boxes. There's heaps of restrictions on them anyway -- you have to be 16 (or was it 18) to buy them, and you can only purchase them for three days. There should be an IQ test as well, because idiots + fireworks = trouble.

    You may want to mute that. For some reason s/he's replaced the sound with a really bad song. You can see the wind picking up. About ten minutes after the show, the wind only got worse, and the rain started to pound.
    Last edited by Alpha; 11-06-2010 at 04:47 PM.

  12. #12
    Crash Boom Bang Sparkly Explosions Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Sparkly Explosions

    went up to blackpol to watch a firework display, only as close as we got was looking out the car window on the way, the weather was pap so we didnt bother. The kids werent arsed and the rest of us just couldnt be bothered after having an afternoon nap, so it worked out quite well really
    Just wish Id got some black peas ]:

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