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Thread: Post your pests

  1. #1
    #LOCKE4GOD Post your pests Alpha's Avatar
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    Post your pests

    ...I mean pets! But mine annoys me. Wants to spend time in my room, door invariably shut. Sleeps for seven hours, wakes me up at 4am with a furball on the carpet and wants to be fed before being let outside. What a ****.

    But he's still pretty awesome. He's a cat, half tabby, and half manx, which means he (naturally) has absolutely no tail (not one of those phallic stub tails). When he sits out by the gate and school children walk past, they usually think he's been the victim of some horrible accident. He hasn't. But he milks it anyway. What a phony.

    He's about 11 years old now, and there's an interesting story of how we acquired him. And, like all good stories, it begins with milkshake. My mum had made a huge bunch of strawberry milkshake. We didn't tell her, but it wasn't very nice. Actually, my brother told her he really enjoyed it (he, too, is a liar), and she made more. So it ended up going off, and my dad went out one day to pour it out. Along came a cat with no tail, who seemed to enjoy the milkshake (again, he's a phony). He drank, and then followed my dad onto our property, and then into the house. He seemed hungry, so we gave him some cheese and some meat. Then he made himself comfortable on a chair.

    We had no idea whose cat this was, but it kept hanging around. We put it out when it wanted to go out, and it kept coming back to the door and settling in the back room. It appeared to be toilet trained, but it was young, so we reasoned it wasn't a stray, though it had no collar. A few days passed and my mother espied a lost cat notice with a picture of him. The owner arrived, and it was spot on. The woman told us that he ran away over a week ago (we'd had him for three days), and had no idea how he had come so far (over eight kilometres). She said that he had a brother from the same litter in her house, who hadn't left. His name was Bart, and the one that had befriended us was Max.

    A day later, the owner rang up and said that Max had gone missing once again, and wondered if he had turned up. He hadn't, until a few days later when a little grey face appeared through the glass of the back door. It was Max. He came in, and made himself home in a chair. We have no idea how he managed to find the exact same house, or why he had apparently chosen us as his new family. We rang his owner, who had come to the conclusion that he appeared more comfortable with us, and that we could keep him. We decided to change his name, however, to "Mr. Cat" (seriously -- we thought it was original, and we also thought that my little autistic brother might learn the word "cat").

    Mr. Cat has now been with us for ten years and is presently asleep on a pair of my jeans.

    So what's the point of this thread? Well, tell us about your pet/s, if you have any. Any interesting stories? Any sad stories? Anything?

    ALSO. Post pictures. Whose TFF pet is the cutest, ugliest, toughest, laziest, most obese, etc.
    But Gatsby will probably win. :3

    Here's a few of Mr. Cat:

    Yoda Cat

    Extreme Close-up

    Look, no tail!

    Are there better photos of Mr. Cat? Yes. Do I like getting revenge by posting risque and arguably pornographic pictures (he's naked) of my cat? Yes.
    Last edited by Alpha; 10-30-2010 at 09:03 PM.

  2. #2
    Controlling With Fear Post your pests Unlucky Rufus's Avatar
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    Re: Post your pests

    Wow, 11 yrs, ur cat is awesome. Well, i have a dog named goldie, shes a retriever. She never used to be my dog but, ive kinda been her care-taker for the last two years. Goldie is 8 years old, shes had a litter, and her daily tasks include sleeping on my bed and killing something everytime she goes outside. I'm not much of an animal person, but i guess i've changed a bit.
    Last edited by Unlucky Rufus; 10-30-2010 at 10:46 PM.

  3. #3
    Gingersnap Post your pests OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: Post your pests


    He IS super freakin cute. Even if he did just step on my cold feet with his toenails (ow) in his excitement at being let out of his crate.

    Gatsby is an odd duck (dog). He's very smart and real dumb at once. He catches on to what I need him to do really quickly, but he also forgot to jump once and ran face-first into the couch. Oh, and weekend before this one (has it seriously been a week already?), he jumped off a roof. He's fine, stood right up and ran off again. But I really didn't think my dog jumping off a roof was something I needed to worry about.

    He is hyper. Frenetic, at times. But we've snuggled up to take naps together, and he is a wonderful awesome dog. I adore the little bastard. It's been just over a year since I adopted him and I continue to love him more every day. When I first took him home, he was trembling and hid under my table and chairs. He didn't trust anyone. I suspect he was abused before the shelter found him abandoned (I happened to stumble on to him very soon after he'd been found, actually). He was at least a year old then. Now, he's confident and friendly and a little too fearless.

    Oh, funny thing... when I first went to this volunteer shelter 30 minutes outside of Savannah, GA, he was out in the yard. He came up to me, lifted his leg, and peed on my boots. I know they say the dog chooses the owner, but goddamn. Most people would have passed on a dog like that, and logically, I should have. In fact, a lot of people told me I should take him back to the shelter. But I'm glad I saw past it and took him home and kept him there. Gatsby is terrific.

    My doggy:
    Hey Gatsby, I'm gonna take your picture with these flowersNODON'TEATTHEM!
    Gatsby, you look like a girl

    How majestic


    And in honor of Halloween


    I love the story of how your cat came to be yours, Alpha. I like a cat who knows what he wants.

    Read more.

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    "I hope I never ridicule what is wise or good. Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can."

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  4. #4
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Post your pests

    I got my "tabbyco" kitty kiara back in June of this year when she was 8 weeks old and small. She had a pretty face, and seemed extremely mellow compared to her brother. And those two were the ones I was looking at; matched the colors I wanted the most. And she loves me, so it's good.

    ...she also tears down my posters, tears up paper, knocks books and dvd's off my shelf, and generally goes places she shouldn't. She didn't do this back when I was living with my friends, probably because they also had a little kitty for her to play with. Alas, she has no such playmate here, and is probably bored much of the time. Still, demon child!!

    ...nah, she's a cutie. See:


    Wuv, Yer Mom

  5. #5
    Registered User Post your pests
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    Re: Post your pests

    I have four dogs, a bird, and a kitty...

    The kitty is the one that I'll talk about though.

    Her name is Molly, and she started out as a stray. I think she was a runt too, because she's not as big as other cats I've seen that are around her age (She's probably 2 or 2 1/2 years now). Anyway, one day she just appeared on our front porch, and decided to stay there (heh..since we did feed her and stuff.)

    When it started getting colder, we brought her in the house to stay so she wouldn't freeze. She decided that she liked her new setup, so she's now an indoor kitty. She's calm sometimes, but when she's wound up, she gets into all kinds of mischief. Her favorite thing to do is scratch on my leather makeup case... She has scratching posts and a scratch pad, but she doesn't like those as much.

    Well, enough rambling... PICTURES!!! (Sorry about the quality though)


    This is her most recent one:

    And this is a couple that I've had for a few months:

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  6. #6
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Post your pests

    My cat lives at my moms house. I'm not taking her with me wherever I move to, she is to old and I would hate to have her freak out form moving, especially at that age.

    I want to get new pets in a few years.

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  7. #7
    Registered User Post your pests winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: Post your pests

    We only have a hamster, lately it's been making random squeaking noises, I don't know if thats normal for a hamster but I'm starting to think it wants to be a mouse.

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  8. #8
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Post your pests

    I have a dog, and he's the only pet I've had - besides the goldfish we had when I was little. He's become my best friend.

    Rolo was born sometime in November 2000, about the same time my cousin was born. At the time, my mother's friend (the owner) was pregnant, and knew she wouldn't be able to cope with four dogs and two babies. He was in a litter of two, and the other pup was female. He was born with a screw top tail like his father, and she had a long tail like her mother... unfortunately, his tail became infected when he grew, and had to be removed. So Rolo doesn't have a tail.

    We get some looks when we take him for a walk, but people seem mostly curious about his personality. In other words, he is a complete nutter. He's a very social dog, who can be a little "hands on", and the second he sees another dog he'll yap and bark at it until he's allowed to have a sniff. Because he doesn't have a tail, other dogs don't know if he's being cowardly or aggressive... we know what the warning signs of an attack is now, so we know which dogs he'll be okay with.


    My Rolo.:

    Big nose... <3

    Full body shot with short hair:

    Longer hair:

    One of his "I'm not impressed (with Gemma and her antics)" faces. xD;


    EDIT: Oh. Despite his age, he still acts like a puppy. Seriously. It's like he's never getting older.
    Last edited by Unknown Entity; 10-31-2010 at 07:02 PM.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
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  9. #9
    Crash Boom Bang Post your pests Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Post your pests

    Velcro. She's not long since turned 8 and now has an excuse to be a grumpy old fart. She's a right temperamental little twat as well, she will just randomly turn on you and attack *shakes fist*

    She's always getting under my feet, and she steals my underwear and leaves them dotted about my house. She can actually get into my bedside drawers ]:< I tend to find socks in her food bowl, it's her way of dropping hints. If that goes ignored, I get attacked

    If she has a hair ball, she just has to come and cack it up on my bed, so I have to be quick and kick her off. Bloody idiot animal. She thinks she's ****ing rambo as well, she's only a little thing, but shes always having cat fisticuffs if there's another moggy in the garden.

    She's ace though, she gets in bed with me at night and keeps me warm, and she only likes me. Everyone else gives her a wide berth, because she hates them all. She did punch me in the eye once though, the attack was done with such stealth that I didnt have time to blink.

    Her mad half hours are ace xD Tear arsing about, especially on laminate flooring, it's ****ing ace hahaha
    Last edited by Lily; 11-02-2010 at 03:15 PM.

  10. #10
    Registered User Post your pests CloudvsLightning's Avatar
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    Re: Post your pests

    Joe a.k.a KB (kitty boy)
    Wisteria a.k.a Wisty (strangers have a knack for calling her Whiskey)

    Joe is seven. He was given to us when our old cat Frank's brother Sammy died as a replacement. Frank died in January of this year so now he's the only cat of the house. I don't have his picture but he's an orange tabby with a white spot on his chest, and the tip of his tail is white as well. Sometimes he'll watch T.V as well which is really cute.

    Wisty we aquired in November of last year. She was two but had already had litter of pups. She was at the local humane society and is a Shiloh shepherd. She is so beautiful, but I don't have her picture either. She loves squirrels (like most dogs) and chasing the cat.She is tan and black with really fluffy fur under the ears and lare chocolatey brown eyes. She weighs 70 pounds and loves her toys.

    "One Ring to rule them all, one Ring to find them -"

    "Hey dude! Wrong place! This isn't The Lord of the Rings."

    "Really? Are you sure . . . I mean . . ."

    "I'm sure now go! Yeah now get out of the spotlight. I have some Deepground soldiers to shoot."

  11. #11
    Death Before Dishonor Post your pests Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Post your pests

    Here is a few of one of my dogs, and my fiance's cat
    Attached Images Attached Images

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  12. #12
    #LOCKE4GOD Post your pests Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Post your pests

    I figure I'd forgive my cat for pissing me off when I made this thread. Here are some nice photos of him:
    Attached Images Attached Images

  13. #13
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: Post your pests

    Sadly, I don't have any cats of my own right now, as they've all passed from age/illness. I do have two cats in my house though. I'm catsitting for a coworker. Shadow and Chaos are sisters and still fairly young, 3-4 years old. I actually met them when they were kittens, as said coworker had brought them into work when she first adopted them. They're both tailless, just got the little Rottweiler stubs. Still not used to that--I still look to make sure I'm not sitting on someone's tail when I sit next to them.

    I've been watching these two for a few months now, it was originally going to be only a month while she got her housing situated sorted. She doesn't have anywhere else to bring them so I don't really mind too much, though I was hoping they'd be out of here a bit sooner cause I plan on adopting another cat once they go home.

    Now, they're nice enough cats but they have some terribly destructive habits. They've done more damage to my house in three months than my Chaos ever did in his ten years. Reminds me why I usually adopt male cats, more laid back and less prone to hissyfits lol. They're constantly chasing each other around and getting in spats, knocking stuff over, jumping on everything, scratching everything, etc. I have never seen such poorly mannered cats before. I don't punish animals for bad behavior but damn, they don't even know the basics. Their welcome is wearing really thin right now, I have to say.

    Maybe I'll try to get a picture of them later.

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  14. #14
    Professional Klutz. Post your pests Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: Post your pests

    Josh_R- Is your dog a Staff?

    I have too many pets. I have 3 dogs two West highland terriers, they are Bumble and Beauty (both are 6) and red Staffordshire Bull-Terrier which is Millie (she's 7).
    3 cats, Rocket- he's 6 weeks old. Molly, she's black and white and is 1 year old. Then theres Lucifer, he's a big, fluffy moggy and he's 19.
    Last but not least I have Victor, he's a 4 year old Russian tortoise.

    Rocket.jpg- Rocket.

    Cogito, ergo sum.
    PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
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  15. #15
    Death Before Dishonor Post your pests Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Post your pests

    Quote Originally Posted by Hyzenthlay View Post
    Josh_R- Is your dog a Staff?
    Hell yes. I love em. I own 3 of them. He was just the only one that would sit still for a photo op.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  16. #16
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Post your pests

    Quote Originally Posted by Hyzenthlay View Post
    Then theres Lucifer, he's a big, fluffy moggy and he's 19.
    That is an ancient cat! He should be proud of his long-livedness. And then a six-week old at the other end of the spectrum. He's really cute. I'm guessing you knew his mommy, because they don't usually sell kittens that young. When I lived with my roommates, my roommate's sister brought her kat's kittens over for us to deal with them until they were ready for adoption, and they were about 7 weeks. (I actually also recently saw kittens in the pet store that were 7 weeks... usually, they don't sell 'em until they're 8 weeks.)

    I was offered a kitty one time who was only 2 weeks. I can only imagine that would involve a lot of bottle feeding at that age... Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  17. #17
    Professional Klutz. Post your pests Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: Post your pests

    Quote Originally Posted by Telegraph
    That is an ancient cat! He should be proud of his long-livedness. And then a six-week old at the other end of the spectrum. He's really cute. I'm guessing you knew his mommy, because they don't usually sell kittens that young. When I lived with my roommates, my roommate's sister brought her kat's kittens over for us to deal with them until they were ready for adoption, and they were about 7 weeks. (I actually also recently saw kittens in the pet store that were 7 weeks... usually, they don't sell 'em until they're 8 weeks.)
    Uhuh, Lu is very, very old. He's been there as long as I can remember. He has arthritis and his teeth are falling out. I still think he'll outlive us all though.

    As for Rocket; we do know his mum. The owner lives in my village. Apparently the kittens have been ready to go for a week. We just got him on Friday and he's adorable. From what we've seen they all eat just fine. I had a silver kitten a few years ago that was around 6 weeks. She was called Pebbles and we had to hand feed her. My mum said that she was too young and took her back. It killed me at the time. It was true though, she was too young.

    Cogito, ergo sum.
    PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
    Most likely to have supernatural babies- TFF Bogus Awards 2009- Winner

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