I love the sound of my victims crying out in pain as I drain their life juices out of their jugulars. Gets me every time...

I agree with rain when I am inside. I will take a step further and also say the sound of thunder. Good time to read a book. I also like the sound of a vacuum cleaner, washing machine, and fan. It's like it gives me a warm feeling on my outsides, the vacuum cleaner especially. Also, the fan in my bathroom. I don't know why. I'm weird. Also, certain techno songs or jazzy songs (mostly without vocals) relax me. Particularly if I'm in a car or walking around at night. Also, relaxed, mid-to-deep voices relax me. Male or female. Probably mostly female. Can't have a timber or too much of a rasp to it though. Anyhoo...

Wuv, Yer Mom