The level of emotional investment in the world around me shrinks every day.
When you come of age, you begin to realize that the state of the world around you affects you, personally. Then you start trying to influence the state of the world. Then you start getting pushed back by those who do not agree with a state of the world that would be beneficial to you. So you either push back harder, and become an activist, or you retreat, and become an observer.
I am the latter; the more I observe the world around me, the more I am inclined to think that any opportunity to change the world at large is visited upon individuals by a chaotic dart-at-a-spinning-globe randomness. Mostly, you may alter the world around you only one word at a time, by inches, not miles.
So, as I have grown into an adult, I have cared less and less about the goings on and/or opinions of the world at large, and have instead focused my attention inward, to myself. What do I think of what I have done, and what I do? How do I feel about myself? These are the things that matter to me. My family has opinions of me; I take them into account, but mine is more important. If you aren't family or very very close with me, your opinion of what I should be is not taken into account at all.
Trying to assess the opinions of too many people at once is a road to insanity and narcissism. I have tried to keep myself off that road.