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Thread: Sleep

  1. #1


    How often are you awake during nights? Does it occur for you often that you sleep half through or the whole day?

    I tend to stay awake half the night, and mess up my day...

  2. #2
    Sleep rJ floW's Avatar
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    A night? normally id wake up at 3am for work at 5...

    on this national holiday (CANADA DAY!) im awake now cause im sleepin atill 9am tomorrow, but nights dont exist anymore, and when you hit university (or college), assuming its a REAL college and not a "community college", you will have NO time off and need to pull all-nighters, either studying, drinking, or doin the Doug-E-Fresh over your woman! (if you dont know what that is, it means your not hittin it right! HAHA)

    So if you experiance a "night of sleep" enjoy it, because most of us dont!
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  3. #3
    Sleep Freedom's Avatar
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    sometimes i wake up and couldn't sleep or couldn't sleep at all.(normally, i can't sleep when i'm not at home) If i feel like sleeping, i can sleep up to 14 hours....and yes, i know we sleep a lot...about 3 quaters of our life. Yes, FUNNY BUT FREAKISHLY WEIRD. 24 hours a day and we sleep at least 4-10 hours.

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  4. #4
    Air from my lungs. Sleep Violet's Avatar
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    Oh geez.. my sleeping habits are terrible. I go to bed at 5 a.m... 10 a.m has been my latest. Then I wake up at 4p.m. Half my day is wasted and I feel horrible about it afterwards, but I can't really help it. I tried sleeping early several times but I keep waking up in the middle of the night and don't feel tired anymore.

  5. #5
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    As above, cause I'm not working or doing jack I go to bed at about 3am then get up at 1. It doesn't help that I used to chug back so much coke which gives you a good rush then suddenly your tired as hell. I am wasting my day away no matter what I do, I am too lazy to do anything else.

  6. #6
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    Haha, my sleeping habits aren't too bad really. I do have a bit of trouble getting to sleep sometimes but usually I go to sleep at 11 - 11:30 pm. If I have troubles then I might not get to sleep until after midnight which really sucks. I go through fazes where I can't get to sleep but besides that it's pretty good. I used to sleep in until 9 - 9:30 am which was pretty bad but now I get up at around 8 - 8:30! I don't like sleeping in during the day because by the time you wake up, it is time to go back to bed again lol. I am always tired though which isn't good, I think it's because I spend too much time on the computer. My Dad doesn't sleep good most of the time though because he gets arthritis and it keeps him awake a lot. He usually sleeps out on the lounge because it annoys him. I would say I get a good amount of sleep each night, I won't really complain because I know there are people out there who get a lot less sleep!

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  7. #7
    I'm usually up most of the night, getting to bed around 3 or 4 in the morning.

    Actually, to me, sleep is sort of a waste of time. The average human sleeps 1/3 of their whole life. I think if we didn't need sleep, we could get more done during one day.

    Right now I'm on the end of a 48 hour no-sleep thing, and I'm just fine.
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  8. #8
    My schedule is pretty much down pat at this point. I wake up at about 2pm, get home around 11 and then am here until about 6am. From 6-2 is when I sleep, I'm quite fond of it really, I mean regular amount of hours, and my body's a night person anyway. I tend to sleep through though without being woken at all luckily.

  9. #9
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I go to be from the times of 4am - 6am.

    Usually I will wake up between the hours of 1pm - 3pm.

    Except on Sundays. I got to bed at 4am - 5am and get up at 9am because I take my little brother to his hobby store thing.

    I hate being awake, I'm always tired. But I also hate sleeping because I sleep on the couch downstairs and my back hurts from that.

    Not to mention my arthritic back and neck. Ugh. Makes it about ten times worse...

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  10. #10
    Sleep Jin's Avatar
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    My sleeping habits are fairly regular these days. I usually start work at around 11 or 12 (am/pm respectively), so I'm usually awake by 8 or 9. I like some time before work so I don't sleep in right until I have only time to get ready. This leaves me going to bed at around midnight; a fairly good time I'd say.

    When I was unemployed, my sleeping schedule was slowly shifting to nighthawk status. First it was going to bed at 1 and waking up at 10, then 2 and 11 and it began to border on 3 and 12. I find that that makes me feel horrible though.

    Until now!

  11. #11
    Sleep Ayse's Avatar
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    During weekdays when I have college, I usually go to sleep at around 10 and wake up at 6:00. On weekends, I sleep pretty late, but I always wake up around 9 or 10. During the holidays, I sleep my day away, cause its either the only day I get to sleep cause I'm working, or because theres just nothing else to do.

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  12. #12
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    I stay up late almost every night. Since i don't have to wake up early for school, i don't go to bed before 2am.

    It's hot these days & it's a bit hard to fall asleep, but once i do, a really shaky nightmare or a cannon shot is needed for me to wake up.

    I usually wake up around 11 am to 2 pm, unless i hear my cellphone & wake up earlier.

    I don't see it like a waste of the day; i don't do anything much...i study for thr eaxms, watch anime, play & chat on msn.

  13. #13
    Registered User Sleep Dimi's Avatar
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    My sleeping has been a little weird lately. Usually I sleep for about 7 to eight hours and I'm fine, but I've been sleeping for about four or five hours throughout the night. Its really hot over here and I wake up sweating and a little irritated that I can't go back to sleep.

    I take a nap for about a couple of hours after I get out of work. About two hours at the most. I wouldn't say it interfere's with my day though. Its just.....odd I guess.

  14. #14
    lowl, i just recently quit my job, and whenever i have nothing to do (school, job, otherwise) i tend to stay up all night, and sleep during the day. I watch a lot of movies, lowl, never anything good on television. Generally i go to sleep around 5-6, sometimes even later like 8am and i will wake up around 5pm ish. It messes me up, but i can't stop it. I actually got back on a normal schedule in like the last 2 days, sleeping at 10ish and waking at 6-7am. It wont last though. It never does!

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  15. #15
    Kou's Avatar
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    I have two sleeping patterns...weekdays and weekends.

    Weekdays I tend to go to bed around 11pm and wake up at 6.30am (alarm)

    Weekends I usually go to be around 3am and wake up anywhere between 8.30am and 10.30am

    Nothing exciting or out of the ordinary there.
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  16. #16
    Sleep Inagi's Avatar
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    I generally stay up 'till about 9 or 10 pm..and I generally sleep till about 9 or 10 am, XD...

    Im homeschooled so I get all the time I need to sleep , 'cause everyone knows waking up at 6am central sucks balls..hahaha.
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  17. #17
    Sleep TomStrife's Avatar
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    On school nights, I usually call the day quits at 10:30pm and wake up around 7:30am for school.

    On regular nights when I don't have to work the next day, I usually go to bed from 1-2am and wake up around 11am.
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  18. #18
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Well, considering that it's 2:00 a.m. here and I'm up and posting...heh. Usually I'll be awake until around now (usually I'm asleep by this time actually) and then sleep until 9:00, give or take an hour or so. I do prefer being up at night but I tend to get bored and end up going to sleep when I run out of things I feel like doing.

    I work night shifts 99% of the time so it doesn't really matter as long as I'm up in time for that. It's very rare for me to do an all-nighter these days though. Can't really afford to do it like I used to. Always a chance that I may have to be up in the morning, after all.

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  19. #19
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    My pattern is very regular. I either don't sleep at all during my 24 hour day, or I get an hour or two somewhere between midnight and 4am, or during a boring lesson in class if I'm at school. I basically just need an hour or two once every few days when I start feeling over tired again.

    My pattern also allows me to do a lot more during my waking day than a lot of other people. Hence my large collection of interests which can seem more than a little mismatched at times.
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  20. #20
    I can do that, too sometimes, Celt, but after the 3rd day, I'm too exhausted to keep my eyes open any more, so I doze off for about 12 hours.

    I heard of one guy, that after a 3 year coma, he can't sleep ever again. He's up all night and day, not resting or anything. Now that would kick ass...., except for the coma part.

    If I could never sleep, I could finish all the long RPGs I haven't completed yet. lol.
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  21. #21
    It can vary.

    I have school from 6 to 10 p.m., so I am awake for that. I like to go out a lot, so I usually don't get to bed until about 3 or 4 a.m, and I wake up anytime from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. A lot of times I have things that need to be done early, so I might wake up for that and nap before class.

    I used to work at 6 a.m. and was always up at 5. And I was still going out late. I wasn't in a good place then. Your legs will give out if you do that too many nights in a row.

  22. #22
    That One Guy Sleep dimmufan's Avatar
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    I have an almost set sleeping schedule. I gotta be at work by 8:00 am, so I try to be asleep by midnight. But it never works out coz I'm always tossin and turnin for bout an hour. And I usually don't go to bed till about 1:00 anyways, so I just have groggy days most of the time. I always sleep easier after smokin a bowl, though.
    2% of teens haven't tried smoking pot or drinking, if you're one of the 98% who has, then post this in your signature.

  23. #23
    Sleep Blitz King's Avatar
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    Sleep, who needs it? I can sleep for three hours and not be tired for the rest of the day! Doctors say you need at least eight hours of sleep, but yet somepeople do not. I'm the kinda guy who can go to bed at 4:30 A.M. and be up and ready to go to work at 8:00 A.M..
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  24. #24
    since i became a college student i got used to stay up late like about 1 til 3 in the morning...

    yeah sometimes i'm messing up my day.. getting sleepy in the class or any other sessions... but you know i hate that! i don't know why i cannot go back to my old habit like when i was in high school or so the reason why i stayed up late is because i'm trying to finish up assignments and other stuffs for the next day.. sometimes i just love to wondering around.. you know many teenagers or young adults like me do.. i don't know... till my eyebug's getting big hehehe!! and another result is i'm getting lazy to wake myself up though the alarm clock is alarming...

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  25. #25
    Vagabond Thief Sleep Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    Depends what time i'm working the next day. If I have to work at 8 or 9 I have alot of trouble sleeping starting at like 4 I wake up every hour to make sure i'm not late. I usually get p about once or twice in teh night any way to go to the bathroom,i do have a hard time falling asleep especially if there's alot on my mind and if i'm sick i barely sleep
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  26. #26
    Air from my lungs. Sleep Violet's Avatar
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    Sleep? What's that? I haven't gotten any decent sleep for the past few days, and decent sleep to me is when you like.. sleep at around 9p.m.. and wake up at 8 a.m. I can't remember when was the last time I fell asleep at 9 p.m. Ugh. I think I'll sleep early tonight for once. I always sleep early when I'm in Nevada.

  27. #27
    The Persistent Flourish Sleep Alice's Avatar
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    Sleep huh? The time I usually wake up at is usually around 9am...otherwise, it depends when I fall asleep. Meh. I'd usually fall asleep around 11pm but now my schedule has slightly changed . Either 10pm or the big 12am. I gotta change my sleeping pattern really soon...high school is about to start . Argh.

  28. #28
    Sleep Yuki-onna's Avatar
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    I have to get up around 06:30, and I go to sleep around 04:00. I'm tired at first, cranky, then I wake up till around three pm, where I get real tired. I zombie the way back to where I stay and then I'm awake again. Who needs sleep anyway?
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  29. #29
    Sleep Takishi's Avatar
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    During the week, I have to get up around 6 AM cuz of school but sleep in a lot on weekends and whatnot. Sleep is just a precious thing for me to have. XD I'm always tired when I don't get enough. I just need to stay up late more so I can sleep in a whole heck of a bunch. lolz

  30. #30
    my sleeping rhythm varies every week, but unfortunately next week classes are starting again /emo. which will probably mean less sleep during the week, half days of sleep in the weekend.
    I usually don't wake up after I sleep in the middle of the night. When I do sleep it's pretty deep.

    Peace out

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