Yeah, kinda. I can deliver a large important speech for the student body, 97% of whom I don't know, but I'm afraid to get a waiter's attention in a restaurant or ask for guidance to a certain part of a store
I want to know if I'm the only one like this here. But what I mean is, is there anyone out there who is shy when talking to somebody for the first time, or talking to someone you don't feel comfortable around. But when by yourself or with some very close friends You just come out of your shell and become a whole new person?
Because there are times when I want to ask somebody for something but am too shy to ask. But I'm on my school's improv team, meaning I go around preforming on the spot against other schools infront of a large group of people. Are any of you like that?
Yeah, kinda. I can deliver a large important speech for the student body, 97% of whom I don't know, but I'm afraid to get a waiter's attention in a restaurant or ask for guidance to a certain part of a store
CPC8- 'fo bros, 'fo life, 'fo shizzle
Yup, same here. I hate having to ask somebody something, and I usually have my girlfriend do it. Even something like ordering a pizza over the phone. But then on the other hand, I'm a singer. So I've sang in front of huge crowds be it karaoke or a concert. That's never bothered me at all, in fact I love it.
As with friends and stuff I can be really shy, but then give me a few hours and I'm the guy in the group that everyone remembers because of how funny I am.
I think a lot of people are like this.
This is my signature. It's not good now, but later on it might be. Who can say...
...can you?
Well I have a similar predicament but different outlook. I have trouble doing simple things like acquiring a waitress' attention but I do not do any activities in front of a roomful of people. Instead I become very friendly very quickly to the few people I do talk to. For example one person who I had met only two hours earlier and was just having an one on one conversation with said to me," Jaysus, for a shy type you just never shut up do ya?".
"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
Winston S.Churchill
I'm not usually good with people, but it's something everyone has to learn. I can talk with and break the ice with strangers pretty comfortably in certain situations - like if they're confident and jokey, I can be that back. If I go to a restaurant with a large group of friends, we tend to order all together - THEN I can't talk for some reason... I guess I'm just worried about screwing the order up, lol.
I took Drama for one of my GCSE subjects. I wasn't very good at it, and I hated it in the years prior to GCSEs, but I knew it would help me with my confidence. My final exam was to perform on a stage infront of an examiner... who wasn't JUST an examiner - she was the top lady from the examining board, so we were under a lot of pressure. @_@
Eh... performing to her wasn't so bad. That evening, we had to perform to the parents and teachers... that was much harder. =S
Interesting. Myself, I was just plain shy and scared of people, but after working on building sites for 2 years as an assistant site manager I got loads of confidence, so I can usually approach people fpr the little things and I try to introduce myself straight away other wise I can't do it later on. As for crowd type outgoing, only if I do it straight away and don't think about it (The more I do the more nervous I get). I did performing arts first diploma which helped too.
Last edited by TigermusiQ; 03-25-2010 at 02:39 PM.
I call out these prayers to the sky, heavy with thought, see your face.
I carry these memories inside, thoughts of a soul colored by love.
See me grow wings and fly high, passions will die down below.
I burn in a basin of fire, watchers look on as they dance in their merciless sky.
Watching me, watching you.
I'm not really shy and normally don't have a problem talking to new people. The only time I feel awkward is if the other person feels awkward :s because then I don't know what's okay to say around them and what's not.
I am pretty slow to warm up to people and new situations, but once I get used to everything/everyone, I can be pretty sociable. I still get anxious about certain social situations, but nothing crippling.
I have been told by some of my close friends that they thought I was snobby when they first met me though, because of how quiet I was around them. I guess it's to be expected, but I'm glad that they don't think that anymore.
Click at your own risk.:
its all about being able to adapt to situations. i'm a restaurant manager though i'm only 18 but sometimes when things get really serious i start to freak out a little ...maybe just the thought of having to in charge the whole restaurant you know? and everyone kind of looks to you...yah...but other than that i'm a pretty ok person.
I have never had a problem with being shy before. With me, what you see is what you get. I have no prob talking openly in front of anyone. It has gotten me in bad situations before, but it is usually in my favor..
I'm like that too.
I can have trouble establishing relationships, but I can be really social too.
Usually I'm pretty introvert. When I get to know people better and have had a drink with them or something, I can share stuff.
Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good
I am like that. I can speak to my mates and teachers no problem, but when it comes to speaking to someone I don't really know or come in contact with often, I find it difficult to speak to them. But I am slowly getting better. I'm more talkative to people who I don't usually talk to and I can express myself a little more to them.
I think it just comes down to confidence in yourself. Being proud of yourself really boosts your confidence! Making friends on places like this helps, too.
If you feel you can make friends with people who are far away from where you live, you can make friends with people in your area, too. I mean, what's the difference?
Death is not the end of your life. It is only the beginning.
I am horrible when I first meet someone. I probably seem like an entirely different person than after they get to know me. I have so much respect for people when I meet them, that I focus on trying not to offend them since we don't know who each other are yet. It just leads to bad things, because my natural self loves to make fun of people for who they are. I love it after I get to know someone to just pick on them. It's my form of flattery.
I think it's because after 3rd grade, I went to school on a military base since one of my parents worked for the schools. I'd make really good friends with people, and they'd just move away and I'd never hear from them again. It kinda shut me out of being close to anyone, I think.
Ehhh depends on the context and my energy level. I'm introverted at heart and require plenty of alone time. But it's sort of like playing a role when I meet new people or interact with acquaintances. I'm very social, I have fun, I can make others laugh if they're willing. But I don't vie for dominance in most conversations and if someone else wants to entertain everyone, I'm comfortable being quiet.
With close friendships, I listen a lot. And I really like nonverbal communication.
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TFF Awards:
"I hope I never ridicule what is wise or good. Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can."
. SOLDIER ('04) . cHoSeN ('04) . Por Rorr Kitty9 ('09).
HEY DO YOU LIKE MUSIC? Because I make music.
I'm usually very reserved especially when meeting new people. They say first impressions are everything....I say treat it like a boxing match keep my distance and assess who I'm dealing with. There are some people who I click with off the bat. That's a rare occurrence though.
If I'm totally comfortable with people you'll know. Random jokes or thoughts off the top of the head without thinking it through. Very fun but not many people like that I know well enough. My brother and I are weird like that where we can communicate without saying things flat out. Which makes talking in front of people we don't like easy. I feel like it's prison code or something.... *thumbs up*
Yeah, only in awkward situations. Me, I'll run out and talk to everyone, I'm an attention whore. I love getting friends and I'll talk your damn face off. I'm always trying to make people laugh, even if sometimes I have to put myself down. Attention's my thing, So basically I don't care, I'll talk to you, but if you're a chick or my boss, it may be awkward and I won't know what to say, or simply because I don't think before I speak, and I'll mess everything up.
To me this just sounds like being shy. Shy people aren't people without the ability to talk to anyone, they just don't do well around strangers. An outgoing person is the life of the party with or without their friends around. I myself am more of an outgoing person. I tend to strike up conversation with people I make eye contact with and have no qualms with being myself in front of strangers. To clarify, I don't think there is anything wrong with being shy, and I'm glad that you are able to let loose with your friends and the people you feel close too. That being said, I think you're just shy but hiding a really fun-loving personality behind that.
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
eh, personally i don't do to well in big groups. I just kinda let the conversation flow around me, in smaller groups though I talk... a lot. Most people tend to be kinda suprised when I start talking, I mean i usually exist as an almost complete introvert so they don't exactly expect me to be that talkative.
Read some of my stuff here
The Gargoyle
Star Gaze
My TFF Family
(is laughably small because 'loner' turned out to be fairly accurate)
Unknown-Entity - loner-kid's hilarious 'friend'
Raider - my ginger brother
I'm not shy... But I'm not talkative. I talk to who I have to and not many others. I suppose I'm the opposite of the title of this thread. I'm not socially anxious but I tend to shun people and conversation. That said, they could make a damn sitcom of my life because no matter how I try to shun people it doesn't work.
What a very nice and encouraging thing to sayIf I could give "thanks/no thanks," I'd totally give "thanks" for this one, but for some reason... (maybe because this thread is over a month old...)
I'm shy. Sometimes I have the ability to shut the shyness out of my head and just interact with people. This generally happens with me during interviews, or when I'm in a situation where I don't know anybody. Like the first time I went to Yellowstone, or when I recently went to this four day class for wildlands firefighting and didn't know anyone there. Also, I've done the acting thing a little bit. Not as much lately. If I can get an audience laughing, I start to get on a roll. If they don't laugh and seem bored... I get flustered and mess up. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom