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Thread: The Royal Wedding...

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  1. #1
    #LOCKE4GOD The Royal Wedding... Alpha's Avatar
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    Wellington, New Zealand
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    The Royal Wedding... perhaps the least interesting thing I can imagine.

    Haven't heard of it? Two people (one of whom is rich without merit; is in a position where he will one day inherit a position of power over several nations, only one of which he is actually a member of; and comes across as pleasant, which makes it hard to hate on him; the other of whom has rich parents; is often compared to her spouse-to-be's dead mother; is 'descended from commoners' (uhh... like most people?); and is rather pretty and charming, which also makes it difficult to hate on her) are getting married. Pretty simple.

    Yet this marriage is special! It will be watched by hundreds of millions of people (a minority of whom will be taking it seriously/won't be drunk), is going to occur in some old church with the bridegroom's dead relatives inside, and is a black hole of media attention. The royal wedding this, the royal wedding that. Perhaps it's because I live in a Commonwealth nation, but hooollllyyyy shit, please, stop talking about it.

    So this thread better not be responded to. If you dare discuss the royal wedding in this thread, and how boring it is, prepare to be added to Alpha's ignore list (join the one current member!). I'm sick of hearing about it.

    EDIT: It's also this Friday ( time?). Rebecca Black will be so so so so EXCITED.
    Last edited by Alpha; 04-25-2011 at 06:35 AM.

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