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Thread: Random Thoughts (that don't deserve their own thread)

  1. #1
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Random Thoughts (that don't deserve their own thread) Polk's Avatar
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    Mar 2008

    Random Thoughts (that don't deserve their own thread)

    I just rooted through half of GC to see if there was a thread like this, and found nothing. I apologize (no I don't) if this has been done before.


    I had a random thought the other night. So I was watching a little MMA, and a fight between two female fighters came on. One of the fighters, whose manager was also her boyfriend, had a prominent black eye. My thought? It must suck to be her boyfriend when they go out in public. Big guy, blonde girl with a black eye. I can't imagine the looks he must get, coming from people who have no idea what her chosen profession is.

    So as I had this thought, I said to myself, "HEY I SHOULD GO AND MAKE A THREAD ON TFF!!!" because that is the reaction any normal person should have when they think of something they find clever. Then I came to my senses and realized it was a stupid idea for a thread and kind of forgot about it. But seeing as I'm basically a genius, I came up with this dandy idea.

    Ever have a thought that could possibly provoke a bit of discussion on TFF, but were too scared or lazy to actually make a thread about it? WELL FEAR NO MORE WITH THE NEW THREAD BY AMERICAN PRESIDENT JAMES K. POLK!!!! Post your idea/topic in here, no matter how dumb it may be.

    Things to keep in mind.

    -Any original topics should have some room for discussion (this is GC after all, HEH). Posting stupid little random things like "purple platypus geology lololol" is not only stupid/unfunny and leave no room for discussion, but also hurtful to me and why would you ever want to hurt me? What are you, some kind of monster?

    - My idea for this thread is to basically have a bunch of mini topics that don't warrant threads by themselves. Keep that in mind when posting a topic.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  2. #2
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Random Thoughts (that don't deserve their own thread) che's Avatar
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    Re: Random Thoughts (that don't deserve their own thread)

    Maybe next time Polk should keep his random thoughts to himself. AMIRITE GUYS.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

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