Quistis, I would envy your photogenicness if I wasn't slightly worried about how menacing Taco is looking!
It's been a while so I have new photos. It's about time encase people have started to think that I am Matt Belamy!
Last week there was a fundraising party for Comic Relief. I went with my friends Steffano and Nathan, and it felt a bit odd as we were some of the only people there over the age of 18, but after a few drinks and some cheesy music we got our dancing boots on! These pictures show how really tiny I am, although being next to my 6-foot-something dragqueen friend doesn't really help!
Pic 1: Me in front, with Nathan behind and Steffano behind him. We're either doing the Macareena or the Saturday Night Dance.
Pic 2: I think this was the Cha Cha Slide... it's the cheesy dance number that I never fail to completely mess up! Not the most flattering picture of my body but my hair looks cool!
Pic 3: Just being a poser!
Pic 4: This ones from when Britain was covered in snow