Holy crap, Taco. You look like another guy I know. If only I could remember his name.
In that third one, you kind of look like you could be related to my first boyfriend. I'm liking the sensibly framed glasses. I often so kids walking down the street with GIANT glasses on their face... Like these! http://www.boston.com/yourlife/home/...edarisblog.jpg ... O_O;...
And in that zombie picture... well, you kind of remind me of a thinner version of the guy that runs the corner shop down the road.
Here's what I look like when I haven't had my hair cut since September last year. Uhm, my last cut was almost down to nothingness, My fringe was above my eyebrows and now it resides at where my chin lays. So it's grown a few inches.
I think I look more masculine with longer hair. I'm so used to having spunky little hairdos.