More ever-elusive pictures of Rasler. My hair isn't at its best in these. I'll have to try to get a picture of my hair in all of its awesome glory.
I will drunkenly headbutt you.
Me, next to a fence.
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More ever-elusive pictures of Rasler. My hair isn't at its best in these. I'll have to try to get a picture of my hair in all of its awesome glory.
I will drunkenly headbutt you.
Me, next to a fence.
Rasler...stop drinking..its making you become a very cool-looking..
...anyways, heres some of me!
Here's a before and after shot of me....
Before and After
an here's myself clean and cut after shaving...and of course showing of my super saiyan body...(Warning: upper body shot only....may contain chest hair!)
......I think ou looked better with the beard. Anyhow, the good thing is that hair always grows back.
You look damn serious in that picture, heh heh!!!
and you still have 17 years?
damn, you look older.
cool pics Alucard, is your work hard?
I bet its fun.
I look soooo stupid here
My flag !!! :woot:
Look look, MIST!!!! There is a esper here !!!
What the hell man?!?! You DJ?! That kicks such uber ass bro! You learn something new everyday. Anyways, what kind of sets do you do? Do you do turntabilism or just normal sets? I envy you for having your own turntables dude! What brand are they?Quote:
Originally Posted by Alucard
Hey, you're from Hrvatska! I went there about two years ago, and it kicked ass! I drank an assload of Karlovačko and Ozujsko Pivo while I was there, finished about two caskets with my uncle on the first night alone; quite a nice beer. And the chicks there are hot as hell!!! Didn't think so many hot females could gather on one small spec of land like that.Quote:
Originally Posted by Shadow Of Darkness
Originally Posted by Shadow Of Darkness
Eh, is everybody missing something here or is it just me?! Of course that's NOT his ex-girlfriend! You people apparently don't get sarcasm when it bites you straight in the ass. And besides, that is MY girlfriend, has and will be for the next millenia (next to a gang of other chicks I pleasure on the 'by and by').Quote:
Originally Posted by Vampiric Delerium
KarlovaČko And OŽujsko Pivo Rules !!!!!
Thanks for the compliments. One, the job isn't hard, especially considering how much I get for doing it. :D
As for the sets I do, I just mix and beat match. I scratch a little in my free time as a hobby, but never really when I work. As far as what I use, I'm on a CD setup and right now I'm using a Denon DN-X500 to mix on Tascam CDX1500 CD players.
This is me making a complete idiot of me (damn,the beginning is dark but you can see teh rest,you should also enlarge the screen so the darkness will go away)
It is indeed dark man... I like the burping alot though. That's the way it should be.
I should upload another one of me & my pals. I dunno if you have seen this, it's at a friend's house last Christmas. The long haired guy will get soooo wasted...
I'm taking the vid-i'm the pitch black one who shows up later on. My voice is different with all the booze.
hahahahaha Cloudy !!!
Dont understand anything but its ok.
I know. The only thing to understand from greek is the word m@l@k@.
There, i just uploaded the video of my friend Savvas when he's half asleep from drinking too much. We woke him up real good.
Can't watch vids because of shitey bandwidth, but nice pics everyone!
Anyway, new hair. Meant to be purple/black but it's more purple/red. Whatever.
Very cute sis!
Couple of people asked me to record my voice, so I made a 25 second vid XD. Probably shows my new hair ALOT better than the couple of pics I just posted, too. I'm also the least photogenic person in the world.. Beware XD
Be blinded!
im in love with you, your hair, and your voice!Quote:
Originally Posted by Vampiric Delirium
Beware the aussie accent....
Love the hair..rock on! :woot:
Seems like i'll have to take back what i said about the purple clolor of your hair Froggie. It turned out really good. Although i can't make up my mind on which color is better, but that's another story...
Well, there sure are some weird people around...No offence meant guys.
In that video your hair looks better & about your voice; it's normal. You should listen my aussie cousins speak...Australian & english accent & whoever can understand can talk to them.
That was nice thinking making a video. You are about 100 times prettier in that than in the pics, probably because seeing someone moving and talking is better than static. Not that you aren't pretty in the pictures-no way!
About being the least photogenic person in the world, i think you should reconsider, for that probably is MEEEEE!!! Seriously.
lol. You're gonna have a bit of a fan group forming around you now Froggie. You should start a youtube channel. You look stunning btw. Funnily enough, I'm comin down to your side of the world in the next couple of weeks. Gold Coast, to get away from the friggin Melbourne cold.
Well, here are few snaps of a birthday present I made for a friend.
You know how here on TFF, the Buster Sword is a popular gift? Well, I did even better.
Sorry abot the poor picture quality and angles.
Overall, it is 76 inches long, a foot wide, and 1 inch thick. 3 inches thick at the base. The handle is 20 inches long.
It cost about $20 to make, took about 10 hours, and used over a mile of clear tape.
I love this picture of me :) Works well with my short hair but doesn't make me look like a nerd.
Witchfinder: I like short hair on you. And that's a great picture, too. You SHOULD love it. It's good.
Rasler: That's pretty frickin' good, especially for only about twenty dollars. Awesome stuff. Be proud of that, it's really good.
Anyway, new pictures of myself XD. My hair's changed.. Again. The purple faded oddly, so I used a conditioner to 'revive colour', and it turned.. Sorta red. And that blonde chunk was a dare... Yikes.
Oh, and I apologise for my mirror. It's absolutely filthy ><
How would I look with a blonde fringe? XD
Vampiric, your hair looks a bit weird, but anyways, it's a sorta funny thing to experiment with your hair; i can't do it....
I don't know about the rest, but the links aren't working for me. I'm just talking about your avatar pic.
Damn. My bad ><. I did some sorting with my photobucket account today, and the links break when you change things into different folders. Edited. Should work now.
And yeah, I guess it is kinda odd, but I honestly just get bored of seeing the same thing in the mirror every morning. And that blonde bit.. That was a dare XD. Someone dared me to do that, so I did. Not sure how long it'll stay. I'm thinking of keeping it as a whiteboard stripe. Like, changing it all the time with semi-permenants. Could do some fun colours.
How you doing guys ? This is me Aziz from iraq and this my picture with my Ak47 machine gun :lol:
I am not a terrorist or a member of any illegal gangs :lol: ..I am just showing up myself !!
By the way, Final Fantasy VIII is my favorite and can't stop playing it :o .
Looking good everyone! :lol:
Aziz, is that baby real?! I WANT ONE!
Cool Hair Froggie. Picture two is my favourite.
Witchfinder, the hair looks pretty cool too.
And the buster sword Rasler? It looks very good. Better than some models I've seen sold commercially.
Froggie, You hair looks a bit weird but really cool, that blonde chunk looks awesome!
You are beautiful as always ;)
Aziz, you look so.....friendly in this picture :LOL:, AK47 is a very common machine gun in Iraq, Start looking for something better........RPG :P !!!
hmm...I've got to think of a lame and old joke...hmm..I kinda like that hehe
For Froggie (duh) - Damn,when I saw those your pics I called the police cause its illegal to be so beautiful !!!
..ok...Im going to hang myself now...X_X
Got some pics from the sixthform leavers party... only 2 of me... but its still something! ;!
(l-r) Alex, me, Laura
Dirty Dancing!!!
Spoiler: The dance style isnt dirty... Dirty Dancing is the movie the song we were dancing to is from... sorry guys! ^^;
Rasler: Pretty unique gift. Your mate will be chuffed
Witchfinder: You look really different with short hair, still,cool pic
Froggie: Nice random blonde streak... it looks different but may catch on!
Keepsake: Try not to blow the roof down with that...