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Thread: Polk's Eleven (TOP SECRET SHH DON'T TELL)

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    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Polk's Eleven (TOP SECRET SHH DON'T TELL) Polk's Avatar
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    Mar 2008

    Polk's Eleven (TOP SECRET SHH DON'T TELL)

    Ladies and Gentlemen of TFF:

    There are certain inalienable truths in the world.

    The world is round.
    Nickelback sucks.
    If you use a blinding attack, then cast Reflect on the Sanctuary Keeper before you slow it, you're pretty much good to go.
    Shortbread Girl Scout cookies are delicious.

    The last of these truths is the subject of this thread. I was enjoying some delicious shortbread girl scout cookies this evening, and it hit me. I'm going to rob a Girl Scout cookie warehouse.

    Now I know what you're saying. "Polk. I don't care how handsome, daring, and debonaire you are. This is an impossible task for one man, even a man as great as you." This I know for a fact, person I made up. That's why I need a team. That's why I need Polk's Eleven. In a plan I stole directly from Based loosely off of Ocean's Eleven, I'm going to assemble a crack team of individuals, each with different useful skills, to help me out. The risks are great, but trust me, the rewards are even better. How does a lifetime supply of Thin mints sound? Yeah, I bet you're listening now.

    So, want in? Do you have any skills that you feel will be important to the master plan of our heist? Do you have a unique set of secondary skills that can be used in a tight spot? If you feel you possess the skills necessary to be one of my Eleven, then by all means, post your credentials in this thread. Once we have our team, we will discuss the plan.

    The Team

    Me (Polk): George Clooney.

    Secondary Skills: Jesus I'm George Clooney I don't need anything else so quit asking.

    Rocky: Whose boyish good looks drive young girls crazy, and they fall in love with him like he were a member of the Jonas Brothers.

    Secondary skills: Bedwrestling against women, Halo 3.

    Sabin Rene Figaro: The bait, to which all of our enemies will be attracted.

    Secondary skills: The ability to radio air space for convenient getaways.

    Dodie16: The inside informant. Can easily obtain knowledge known only to Girl Scouts.

    Pete: Rape Getaway van driver. Also useful in case of softball emergencies.

    Loaf: Second getaway driver. Also wild card.

    Che: Stealthy Accountant.

    Block: The Fall Guy.

    Sean: The Tech guy.
    Last edited by Polk; 05-21-2010 at 01:30 AM.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

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