Anyone good at Poker (specifically, texas hold em) on the forums here? I've started playing a lot of poker for fun recently on different websites like Pokerstars, and I want to get better but I don't exactly know how to do so. Obviously playing online vs real people is a whole different story, but we all gotta start somewhere right?! I'd like to eventually build up a bankroll and go to local casinos and start taking people's money but I need to learn the metagame stuff. I know the rules obviously, I need tips and advice though, if anyone has advice or material they should suggest me reading, then send it away! (I hope selcopa sees this thread lol)

PS: Just for my background, I've been going to casinos since I was 19, I've made definitely more money then I lost playing blackjack but I realize that BJ is a dealer vs player game, whereas Texas hold em is a whole different ballgame. I know basic stuff like playing on tilt is a no-no, etc. I dont really know how to play my cards though, so any help with that would be ACE.