My tits are just the perfect size as is. Thank you.
What do you think about getting Plastic surgery? I personally, wouldn't want to change anything, I like the way I look and I'm far too paranoid to have anything done, not to mention I don't like hospitals. They make me nauseous. I watch shows from time to time like Dr. 90210, and seeing what they do to you while your asleep freaks me out. I like watching it on T.V. but my hands get all numbI do think though, that if there is something that has been bothering you for one reason or another, or if you are insecure about something, that there is nothing wrong with wanting to fix it. Life is too short to let yourself feel unhappy over something that can be fixed. It's a little scary when people become addicted to it though. I guess body dysmorphic disorder is one thing, but I think there is definitely a line between a "normal" amount of plastic surgery that a single person should get. I guess it just depends on the goal you are trying to reach appearance/comfort wise.
The people who have no set goals going in are the scary cases, because they don't even know what they want. So they just keep changing things.
What are your views on plastic surgery?
If you were to get one thing, if anything done what would it be?
EDIT: actually, I would get a butt crack reduction. I'm serious -_-
Last edited by GypsyElder; 10-09-2009 at 02:03 AM.
My tits are just the perfect size as is. Thank you.
I'm totally pro-plastic surgery. I think that if you feel you can look better via plastic surgery, go for it.
Also, crap to aging gracefully. I constantly hear older celebrities who choose not to indulge in plastic surgery saying that it helps them keep dignity. Seriously. What is so wrong with wanting to look better to the extent that you'll go under the knife for it? I think it shows a pretty healthy thirst for self-improvement and I can't find anything wrong with that.
I'd FAR rather look half-decent than be a wrinkly old shit but still have my so-called 'dignity.'
TLR - Plastic surgery is brilliant. If you're ugly, go out and get it.
I've been on this site since 2006 woah
I think plastic surgery should be reserved for those that really need it. Like people that got in car accidents or have deformities they want to get fixed. But when someone looks fine the way they are and goes to have it done, I somewhat lose respect for them. I think people should embrace what they have. Natural bodies are better than plastic Barbie. When someone who looks nice gets plastic surgery done, they're trying to look like something they're not.
The only thing that looks natural about her is her eyeballs. I do not want to look like a blow up doll when I'm in my 70s. I want to look like a nice old lady.
Last edited by Violet; 10-09-2009 at 04:18 AM.
I agree with everything Ann has said. If you think about it, it's false advertising. It's giving others the impression that you're more or less of what you actually are. I can understand if you NEED something like gastric bypass in order to save your life, but shit like botox and tit jobs just seem to be misleading. It's like saying "I'm too insecure with my own body, so I have to make all of these superficial changes so people will like me." Totally different story if you need anything like reconstructive surgery though.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
I wouldn't rule it out if I was old and had the money, bit of a face lift or summat. I wouldn't consider it now mind, even I'm not starting to sag yet, and I do try to take care of myself, eating well and running and whathaveyou, although weekends are a whole different story, gotta cut lose and misbehave at a weekend!.... I wouldn't mind bigger boobs if Im honest, Ive got a very boyish figure, but on the other hand, I don't really want to start changing myself, I'm pretty happy with my body overall tbh, I don't mean to sound conceited, I just mean I'm happy in my own skin, if you don't like it, look away. It's took a long time for me to get to this stage, Ive always hated what Ive seen in the mirror and always thought, if I could, Id have surgery and fix everything, but at the end of the day, it's me, I DON'T have money to waste and well now, I just don't want to
I think some people take it to far and end up looking like living blow up dolls or something, or getting boobs that are so obviously fake, and I just found out recently men can get like, implants to give them muscles, like chest and biceps and stuff, it's like, dude, work out, it's achievable... I'd only consider it for things that were out of my control, like if I had a massive hooter or some shit, I'd have a nose job...yeah, I'm sure I'm contradicting myself xD
I believe that plastic surgery should only be okay after you have had a serious car crash or some other injury and if you need it to look at least close to what you did before.
It's cop out. Deal with what you were born with. $20,000 for a new pair of tits? I don't even know how many wells and irrigation systems that would build in Africa. I don't even know how many abused children that could counsel. That could get a Katrina victim a new house. Unless you've been in a car crash or been otherwise mauled, seriously, those that love you aren't going to give a crap how wrinkly you are, how saggy your butt is, or how small your boobs are.
No problem with improving little things that keep bugging you. If you have a really awful nose that makes you embarrassed to go out, then I think it's fine.
I would perfer it to be for more reconstructive usages, but I think titbits (no pun intended), are fine, if you're really suffering a blow to your self esteem from it. I really hate those women that have GG sized tits from it though. Can you say excessive? Big is fine; big is great if that's what you're into. Excessive is just sad.
The person in my avatar is me.
I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.
Pics or this means nothing.
Also, fake boobs AREN'T REAL. We can tell. That nasty freakin gap you get from having oversized boobs on the wrong body is the least attractive thing in the ENTIRE WORLD. I'd take a natural B cup over a fake D ANY day, hands down. (This wasn't directed at you Maridia, but my first statement still stands.)
Hell yeah Che U freakin tell them ! I personally can't stand the 40 yr old women who get knockers. It looks as unnatural as a dog walkin on it's hind legs. No matter what you do to your will still have the face of a 40 yr old.
LOL I can see why women want to get implants though too. If I were an A cup; I don't think I would have the confidence I do with my D's. Unless I had an awesome ass to make up for it !!
I have bunch of friends who got breast implants, and I honestly don't know why they did. I think one of my friends had a decent reason. After she had her baby, her breasts sagged and she didn't like that, so she got implants. Even though I have a small chest, I don't think I would ever get them because I really don't want bigger breasts.
As for plastic surgery in general, I think that there are advantages, like if you lost a lot of weight and need to take off the excess skin, or if you've been in some sort of accident. Stuff like that is fine, but I agree that it can become a problem (like an addiction). I have an aunt who's had 3 facelifts, 2 breasts augmentations, chemical peels, and Lord only knows what else this woman has gotten done to herself. She doesn't look her age, but she doesn't look natural either. Her face looks really tight, and does have the "plastic" look going on. She has the money to do that stuff, but I think it's ridiculous.
If I chose one thing to have done to my body, I would get my thighs worked on. I have some scars on my upper thighs from an accident when I was younger. I probably won't actually ever do it, since they aren't that bad, but it's the only thing that I can think of that I would change.If you were to get one thing, if anything done what would it be?
Click at your own risk.:
Che, Maridia is a dude, he was ****ing with everyone haha.
I also want to add that in 99% of scenarios, the fake tits are plainly fake. I've seen enough porn in my day to know. However, I feel that it would be ok to get fake knockers if there was a breast cancer situation, and they needed to be removed. So, in short, ok to replace what you lost, but not ok to get the beachballs.
Other than that, just think about when you have kids. If I'm attracted to a girl, I'm hoping that it would be due to her own merits and not what some doctor had done. I mean in a purely Darwinian sense, we're attracted to the traits we find most desirable, so that we could have the best offspring. Now if all of these traits aren't natural, then we've just duped ourselves and genetics. Not cool.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
Do what you want, your life isn't my life, why should I care.
Actually, it's generally only the really shitty fakes that look fake, now. And a lot of them actually feel real as well. It's quite possible to place the implant below the pectoral muscle, which leaves natural breast tissue right out front and they feel totally natural. Often when somebody's had them done well, it's really not noticeable.
Both Nicole Kidman and Megan Fox have breast implants. So does Kate Beckinsale.
I think we all knew that Christina Aguilera has fake boobs, but they are VERY good and honestly, if I didn't know that she's naturally flat chested I wouldn't suspect they were fake.
C'mon. They don't look gappy or weird, do they?
If the girl getting them doesn't want them to look fake and has the cash, they won't look fake and won't feel that bad, either.
I've been on this site since 2006 woah
Actually, Nicole Kidman, Kate Beckinsale, Megan Fox, and Christina Aguilera are all ugly. So they don't matter.
great tit - Google Images
Che, there are plenty of great tit pics in that link.
And I think that Beckinsale and Megan Fox are both hot, but not for their tits. Tits are like icing on the cake, but I love Megan Fox's "**** it" attitude when it comes to her fame, and Beckinsale has an awesome face. Nicole Kidman is too old for me.
What I think is even funnier though, is when dudes get implants. Like calf implants or even fake abs. Apparently, instead of like exercising and dieting, some dudes will actually have like molds of some kind of material placed into their abs to look like they have six packs. Just ****in work out, cmon.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
Last edited by GypsyElder; 10-10-2009 at 01:50 PM.
Never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever will i get plastic never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever ITS JUST BAD AND I THINK ITS FINE HOW EVERYONE LOOKS