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Thread: Pizza

  1. #1
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Pizza Xanatos's Avatar
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    I have yet to eat a half decent pizza in this god forsaken place, there's not much of variety and it's usually expensive thus I make my own. I don't really like mushrooms on my pizza, I usually go with lost of salami and cheese, sometimes I even use bacon or mortadella... mmm... bacon. I top all that with bit of mayonnaise...

    Your favorite toppings on pizza?

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  2. #2
    Death Before Dishonor Pizza Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Pizza

    We got a local place back in Ashland Kentucky where I am from called Giovanni's best damn pizza ever.

    I am a meat lover. Bacon, ham, ground beef, pepperoni, etc... With a shit ton of cheese.

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  3. #3
    TFF's Resident Messenger Pizza Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Pizza

    Quote Originally Posted by Josh_R View Post
    We got a local place back in Ashland Kentucky where I am from called Giovanni's best damn pizza ever.
    Seriously!! There is a Giovanni's in my little town of Peebles, Ohio! And they serve the best pizza ever (Don't tell my relatives who own Hometown Pizza, their competition in town). Maybe it is a regional chain restaurant in our area.

    EDIT: Just checked their franchise page. They have locations in Kentucky, Ohio, and West Virginia.

    It is probably easier to ask what I don't like on pizza. That would be anchovies and pineapple. Everything else I either like or haven't tried. But most likely I like.
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  4. #4
    Certified tech, come at me! Pizza SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Pizza

    Oh man, this thread is making me hungry, brb while I get some little ceasers!
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  5. #5
    Boxer of the Galaxy Pizza Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Pizza

    I have a feeling this thread was inspired by CC and her pizza obsession. We have a pizza in Aus called a double bacond cheesebyrger pizza. I always get that, or an Aussie pizza , which is basically a meat lovers with egg on it.

  6. #6
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Pizza

    Me, and a couple other TFF members (like Block) love Bacon and Onion. It's by far the best combo ever.

    Also, you gotta look, look, look for good pizza places. I used to work for one. Miss it so much.
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  7. #7
    The Mad God Pizza Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Pizza

    There's a lot of crap I like on pizza, but my comfort lineup is hamburger, onion, extra cheese, and pepperoni. That's been what I've ordered from my favorite pizza place since I was like, 5. Great little place by the way, called Johnny Sortino's, pretty sure it's only one location, not a chain. Their sauce is well spiced and flavorful, they use good cheese, blend of Romano mozzarella and some other Italian cheeses I don't remember the name of, point being it's flavorful and awesome. They use good quality meat and so forth.

    Tl;dr, good ingredients make good pizza. This place uses good ingredients.

    Other things I like on pizza, black olives, jalapenos (fresh, not those god awful pickled things), peppers of any kind if they're good fresh peppers, salami, bacon, canadian bacon, ham, sausage, other meat I haven't mentioned (pretty much, kill something cook it, I like it).
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  8. #8

    Re: Pizza

    My roommate use to work for a pizza place. Papa Murhpy's if I'm not mistaken (its been way to long).
    Anyways we use to make a double layered pizza with chicken, bacon, mozzarella cheese, garlic, and cheese stuffed crust. I can't exactly remember the sauce it wasn't tomato thats all I know. I'll have to ask him tomorrow.

    We have a late night Pizza (noon to midnight or 2AM depending on the night) place near us, I really like it. I usually go there when I work graveyards.
    But on a standard pizza I'll take as much meat as I can get, anything but sausage though. Sausage is gross.
    So Pepperoni, Bacon, Canadian Bacon, Salami, Ham, basically anything I can get on it, I will.

  9. #9
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Pizza Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: Pizza

    My parents live around the corner from the most wonderful Italian restaurant in Greenwich, London, which does the most delicious authentic pizzas, meaning that the pizzas are fired in a proper brick oven. One of them had ham, mushroom and five kinds of cheese. It was delicious!

    Away from there, I usually eat Dominos pizzas. A bit pricey (£13.99 for a medium Meat Feast!) but they do good offers, and one can last me a couple of days, but essentially I spend one week's grocery money on one meal. :/

    At least in the aforementioned restaurant 'back home' you get value for money. And hot Italian waiters...
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  10. #10
    Bananarama Pizza Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Pizza

    If it's done right, you don't need any toppings. That being said I'm partial to buffalo chicken and barbeque chicken. oh and chicken caesar is delicious. other than that, give me two regular slices and an orange soda and I'm set.

    nothing beats new york city pizza.
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  11. #11
    G'day Pizza NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: Pizza

    Mmmm pizza. I like ham and cheese, meatlovers, pepperoni and what Rowan said. Double bacon cheeseburger pizza, on puff pastry crust!! I also like cheese pizza haha.

    I want pizza now, but it's 6.30am. Dayum.

  12. #12
    I want to play a game. Pizza Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Pizza

    I mainly go for meatball or a combination of: pepperoni, green pepper, & onion. Sometimes I just go for a few regular slices.

    Story time. When my ex-gf and I went out for pizza I remember telling her how to properly hold a slice. Well I thought to tell her that at one point the sauce kind of collects making it scorching hot when bitten into, but decided she'd be ok. Wrong I was.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    nothing beats new york city pizza.

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  13. #13
    I do what you can't. Pizza Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Re: Pizza

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    I have a feeling this thread was inspired by CC ...
    You mean CiCi's? Ahhhhhhh!

    (CiCi's is a cheap pizza buffet chain here in the States.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    nothing beats new york city pizza.
    Eff that. Chicago pizza for the win. New York pizza is just like New York people -- too thin, bland, and greasy.

    While I do like a good delivery pizza, I usually just go the cheap route, and end up with a frozen pizza with extra toppings. I'll get a regular, cheap frozen pizza (Mama Rosa's, Jack's, whatever is four or five for $10) and add to it -- pizza (or spaghetti) sauce, a can of mushrooms, more shredded mozzarella, some pepperoni ... Depending on what I have available, I'll toss more and more on it. (And if shredded cheese is deemed not cheap enough, I'll get string cheese and cut little chunks out of it to spread around. Works pretty well.)

    When I order pizza, I like most toppings ... the more, the better, really. (As long as there's enough sauce and cheese to go around -- another reason New York style pizza is inferior.) I've had anchovies, and I'm definitely not a fan. I never got the fascination with "Hawaiian pizza", with ham and pineapple. Fruit is not a pizza topping, unless it's a fruit pizza with whipped cream and cream cheese and such instead of cheese and tomato sauce. And since I don't like olives, I'm not a fan of black or green olives as toppings.

    Somebody mentioned mayonnaise? On a pizza? What?

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  14. #14
    #LOCKE4GOD Pizza Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Pizza

    I like vegetarian pizza. I used to swear by meatlovers or double bacon cheeseburger, or hawaiian, but I tried vegetarian an I've never been back. So much better for you too.

  15. #15
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Pizza

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    I never got the fascination with "Hawaiian pizza", with ham and pineapple. Fruit is not a pizza topping, unless it's a fruit pizza with whipped cream and cream cheese and such instead of cheese and tomato sauce.
    You can be wrong That is my favorite kind. Meat Lover's is also good. Actually, I will eat just about any kind. Except maybe mayonnaise pizza.

    Also, I wanna try double bacon cheeseburger pizza. Anyhoo...

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  16. #16
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Pizza

    Yo Sassy I thought tomatoes were fruit.

    Jalapenos? Not a fruit?

    Banana Peppers?

    It's like, who the hell said veggies were a real topping when someone put some veggies on them? (thinking back when they be inventing pizza for the poor folk)
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  17. #17
    Boxer of the Galaxy Pizza Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Pizza

    @sasquatch, I meant CC or 'C2' from code geass, xanatos has been watching it a lot and cc eats a lot of pizza hut.

    @telegraph, the double bacon cheeseburger pizza has mayonaise on it, but you could request without and just have it with BBQ sauce. I like the meat they put on it.

    @nikkilinkle, I like to get cheeseburst crust, haha. To bad I can't eat it anymore though, I'm on a 20 carbs per day diet. Pizza would ruin it.

  18. #18
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Pizza Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Pizza

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    I have a feeling this thread was inspired by CC and her pizza obsession.
    Sorry for late response. I'm afraid no, bad slice of pizza was the main reason I made this thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    Somebody mentioned mayonnaise? On a pizza? What?
    What's wrong with mayonnaise on pizza? Mixed with little bit of ketchup it tastes great, then again I love mayonnaise on everything, so... yea.

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  19. #19
    The Mad God Pizza Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Pizza

    Mayonnaise and ketchup? I think I could almost consider that blasphemy, or heresy or something... Well, I'm sure there are people who like it, but I see both of those as flavor destroyers you put on food to mask the flavors you don't like, I'd rather just load it with awesome so I don't WANT to drown anything out myself.
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  20. #20
    Chief Inspiring Officer Pizza Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: Pizza

    Thanks to my brother's generous use of his awesome Pizza-making skills, I haven't had the need to go out for pizza in a looong time (and I never want to). He makes the dough fresh. and it takes maybe two hours to rise, but it's so worth it. My favorite toppings on the one's he's made so far, Green bell peppers, Monterrey jack and mozzarella cheese, whole green olives, pimientos still inside, and Tyson's spicey chicken and of course Ragu for tomato sauce.

    Story-time: Brother played a little trick on his kool-aid-slugging-friend, had him taste a slice each of Domino's, Pizza hut, and his own. He even switched the boxes so they were completely anonymous. The friend tasted and chose, hands-down, (of course) my brother's, (he kept calling it Domino's, cuz of the box, tho).
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  21. #21
    Registered User Pizza Squall's Avatar
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    Re: Pizza

    A perfect pizza for me is one that's SPICY. I'm talking hot cherry peppers, buffalo chicken, and sausage sprinkled with crushed rep pepper. Give me one of those and I'll be a happy, happy man.

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  22. #22
    I'm like a sexy female Darth Vader Pizza motscroises's Avatar
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    Re: Pizza

    Feta cheese, caramelized onions, chicken, sliced tomatoes, basil, olive oil. Fantastic.

  23. #23
    ~*Moogle! Kupo!*~ Pizza pixergirl's Avatar
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    Re: Pizza

    i love tomatoes and spicy chicken, with lots and lots of parmesan and ranch dipping sauce mmmmmm
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