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Thread: Parents

  1. #1
    Parents draco's Avatar
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    This is a thread for people to come and get things off thier chest about their parents either good or bad things about them.

    Like today my dad made my mom mad because my dad didn't fix his tire or something like that now my mom has to pay a thousand dollars to fix my dads mistake and she started crying because we might not beable to see are cousine this month and that makes me mad becaue this thing always happens when my dad dosn't listen to my mom and mom has to clean up after my dad and thenn my dad makes my mom feel like crap and plus this guys not even my real dad hes a step father.

  2. #2
    I think the bad thing about my parents is that they still treat me like a little kid. Most of the time when they talk to other people about me, they're like, "Oh, little David's always...blah blah blah" and it's a little embarrassing, especially when some of my friends are listening. I mean, there's Roy (my little brother). Why don't they just talk like that about him? He's just ten, after all.

    And my dad's like, so overprotective. Geez, I'm in college, for heaven's sake. He's always like, "Son, let me carry your bag" or something like that. And despite him being caring and all, he has a pretty short temper, especially when he asks us brothers to do something.

    And there's nothing really wrong with my mom, but when she starts yelling at my brothers for doing something stupid, I just get really annoyed. Her lectures get kinda too repetitive, it's like a CD playing over and over. And I hate it when people yell at each other or fight, especially inside our house.

    Oh, and nice thread, man.

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  3. #3
    Registered User Parents Dimi's Avatar
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    Everybody has good and bad things they have to say about their parents. Sometimes they annoy you. Sometimes you love them. Sometimes you wish they would just leave you alone but at the end of the day, they're there for you.

    The thing I like about my mom is how supportive she is of things that I do. I like how she tends to not sugar coat what she says and how she's there for me. I've always been close with my mom since I was younger more then my dad and it still is the same today. I can trust her with some things that I can talk to her about.

    My dad on the other hand is a different story. I will always be grateful that my parents are still together even though they have and will always have their rough times. But throughout my life, moreso when I was younger, my dad wasn't there for me that much. He was an alcoholic and he would never be home. He's even gotten physical with my mother in the past. He didn't really clean up his act till I was aboult 8 or 9 years of age. He had gone to jail for 6 months for child endangerment and assault on hitting my mom. That day my mom had beaten the crap out of him for him hitting her. However, my dad originally called the cops on my mom. And it had backfired and he ended up getting arrested for the warrants he previously had.

    After jail, he was sent to go to Anger Management and those AA meetings. He's come a long way to be honest. Even though he has his slips every now and then, I'm just glad that he's not that person he used to be.

    A couple years ago, I did go through this phase of being really disrespectful and showing resentment towards him. I'm not gonna lie. I hated him for a while. It just angered me still and how sometimes he forgets the shit that he's put others around him through. But as I got older, I've just accepted my father for who he is you know. I can't change him. I can't change what he's done. That damage is there but I've learned to let it go.

    To sum it up. Do I hate my father? No. Do I love my father? No. Do I like him? Yes.

    It's a hard feeling to describe to be honest. I don't really think about it all that much anymore. It is what it is but in the end, I still have them.

  4. #4
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Me and my parents just seem to mostly ignore each other for better or worse. But I like that in a way as when they do try to talk with me, it's usually when they want something from me or I just feel really uncomfortable when they do something nice. I'm just not ever used to it... And I associate it with them wanting something and trying to temporarily get on my good side.

    We're usually cool though. I pay the rent, they most often leave me alone. Seeing some other happier families can piss me off every now and then, but others are worse off than me. It's just ultimately the hand you're dealt, right?

    One of my pet peeves with my parents is they can get really nosey at times if they suspect something's up. It rarely is, and never concerns them, but whatever the reason it does piss me off when they're looking over my shoulder the whole day and trying not to make it look obvious...
    Like spy movie rejects.

    I can't help but feel me and my dad would get on famously if my mum wasn't around. But she has a severe lack of empathy and he's basically her bitch most of the time. Too bad that...
    victoria aut mors

  5. #5
    Registered User Parents winterborn86's Avatar
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    When i was living at home from the age of 14-17, I hated my parents, i was always running away from home, and telling my parents how i hated them, and that i would rather die than live with them, I said ALOT of evil and hateful stuff to them, at the time i didnt give a crap, but when i look back at it, i hate myself for it, cos after all that i put them thro at home, when i got my own place they did everything for me, helped me decorate, by furniture, helped me out wit bill payments etc, and now im not livin with them i get along with em loads better, and have alot more respect for them.

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  6. #6
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Parents Treize's Avatar
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    My parents are ok, but I don't really talk to them very much. My dad works out of state so I don't see him very often. He calls every once in a while, but that is about it. As for my mom, she works third shift so she is usually sleeping while I'm awake. It has been like this for quite a few years now. I even had to live with my grandparents for three or four years because my parents weren't around. Now I live with my mom and we have the occasional conversation when she is awake. My parents don't really fight very often, but it doesn't seem that they like each other a lot either. They've never gotten married and it seems they never plan to, but I suppose they are dating maybe. It is kind of a strange relationship. It seems like I'm living by myself, but I'm really not.
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  7. #7
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    I don't really have many problems with my parents, they do bug me sometimes but what parents don't? My parents have always been there for me, especially through the tough times and I am eternally grateful for that. I try to be there for them as well because it is the least I can do. I believe I am very lucky to have parents like them, I love them very much. My Mum and I are very close and I think she really loves my company. I still live at home with them and she said I could stay for as long as I want because she would really miss me if I left. I give them money and such for staying so I help out there and help Mum with grocery shopping and such.

    My Dad and I are close too I suppose, he has a bad temper which I have too, same as my older brother. I think we both got it from him which isn't good but he's a good Dad, he always has been and has helped out a lot in the past, and still does. He cares a lot for his family and he's just awesome.

    I don't really have any complaints about them..

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  8. #8
    I treated me parents like shit from ages 14-16 and I'm amazed and grateful that they still talk to me like I'm a human being. Sometimes I feel I don't deserve it from them.

    As a unit, my family has a far from perfect history. Others have critisced my parents for what happened in our family as my brother and I grew up. My parents' relationship was not a happy one, and the way that played out allowed me to realise from the age of about 8/9 that your parent's marriage is about their happiness, not yours. I suppose that about sums it up. It's a long, long horrible story with a very happy ending.

    Just now, my relationship with both of my parents is the best it's ever been. I see my mum once a week when I'm home as she lives in Glasgow, and I live with my dad and brother during these summer months. The rest of the time I hardly see them at all, as they've both got jobs and I've got uni. I sometimes wish they'd call me more when I'm away, seeing as I've gone for over six weeks not hearing a peep from any of them before, but I've learned to take it as a compliment; I could have become a crack whore and dropped out in that time, but they trust enough that I haven't to leave me alone. Also, the concept of a child wishing to be in contact with its parents after it leaves home is alien to them - they both ran away, and that's I think why they don't quite get it, and could probably be classed as among the least attentive parents after the kid's left home. Other people's parents call them every day to check up - not so mine, and if I call them they ask quickly why I'm calling, what's wrong, what I might need. They're the best.

  9. #9
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rasler+ View Post
    He's always like, "Son, let me carry your bag" or something like that.
    I wish my dad carried shit around for me.

    Lets see. Well, for years, I really hated my dad because he was an alcoholic and he treated us like crap. When he stopped drinking, the problems with his attitude didn't really go away for a long time. It took about two and a half years for things to actually get to stable ground. I still have some doubts about my dad now and then because things could always go back to how they were.
    HOWEVER, my dad has always pretty much provided food and rent for us and yes, he does live here. I love my dad, it's just very hard to tell him because the memories are still pretty fresh. I'm sure when the time comes, I'll be able to forgive him more. It's not that I haven't already forgiven him somewhat. It's just that I can't always talk to him about a lot of things right now.

    As for my mother... she's nice, but she ****ing annoys me sometimes. I have a younger brother, and out of my mothers' four children, he's ALWAAAYS been the favourite. This never started to bother me until she kept saying how she needed to do this and that for him. She even spends more bonding time with him than she does with me, and whenever I ask her if we can go for a drive or something, she usually asks Ollie to come, or she asks Ollie if it's okay if we go. She bought him a DS for my birthday, as well. Irony. Boomch.
    Other than that, she's a good person, if not a little moody sometimes. Nobodies' perfect, but I do wish she'd treat us slightly more equally.
    Last edited by Chez Daja; 06-11-2008 at 06:51 AM.

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  10. #10
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I love my mum, but have mixed feelings about my dad. My mum raised me (actually, my nan did because mum had to work lots to keep the roof over our head), and my dad was in my life until I was about 4 years old. Although it was my mums fault they broke up, she heard that he'd been sleeping with someone else behind her back when they were still together - and that this woman was expecting his child. So, now that I think about it, I have a half-brother or sister somewhere. He has also been to prision. He robbed a place, but got caught...

    I never really saw my dad for YEARs after they broke up - I saw him a few times a year, or even less, even though he was living about a 30min drive from where I live. As a matter of fact, I never recognised him as my dad when I did see him - He always looked to different from the last time I saw him. I guess I looked different to him too... I saw him on my 16th for the first time in over a year. I thought he was trying to get back in my life to repair the bond he broke all those years ago. But after his visit on my brothers 15th birthday, we haven't heard from him...

    My mum has been through a lot too. The boy-friend she went out with just after her and dad broke up treated her like a piece of sh*t. I still remember the time he pinned her against the wall, his hand around her throat, spitting insults in her face. I remember screaming and begging that he let her go. When he didn't listen, I punched at him as hard as I could at that age (5 years). She has met 2 other men since, but they were really nice - one she is still going out with. She still works a lot these days - a lot more than she normally does...

    I want to give my dad another chance, but I feel I have given him too many chances all ready. I respect my mum greatly, because she has done her best to look after me and Jamie - even though nan looked after us a lot more.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
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    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  11. #11
    Parents draco's Avatar
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    Well yesterday my parents had another fight and this one was seoiriosly wrong. My mom went in her room and through away all of my dads pictures witch I didn't really care for because I kinda hate the guy. And yes I do know that hate is a powerful word but my step dad keeps asking what every time we tell him what to do and he tells us to shut up when we aren't even talking. My step father has like a thousand dvds and I think he love his dvds more then my mom because when hes watching them he yells at us if we say I now that Is wrong. Now back to the point they yelled at each other for hours then my step father like begged for forgivness and of coures thier back together again untill the next time they fight.

  12. #12
    I will finish the hunt Parents Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    I think parents are only around to cause substantial damage to their childrens mental health. I met my dad when I was 12, and him being a reborn christian thinks he has the right to tell me hwo to live my life. He doesn't even know me. And due to his absense (among other things) I have developed an unhealthy an detachde view on how I believe relationships should be. My bf now complains about how I put up walls, and just won't let him in...working on that though. He is not the first person in my life to have told me that either.

    Than you have my mother. Her main deal is using her children as an emotional crutch while hindering them to handle the real world. I literally got nothing from her expect for a criminal record.One day she is happy the next she is cutting you down. She is a manipulative little bitch that insists on thinking she knows everything. After she got married and had two kids suddenly me and her Eric (her mistakes) didn't matter anymore. My step-father would beat me when he wanted to give me attension, and my mother would tell me how very normal that was.

    I remeber very little about ym child hood, but I have learned this. Trust nobody...especially an obviously bad parent. They will only hurt you.
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  13. #13
    Parents draco's Avatar
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    Cheesevixen no disrepect or any thing but I don't think other people should run our life. Thats like saying you wana be his exact copy talk like him and acting like him even dreaming the same thing he dreams about becomming.

    And again no disrespect or anything

  14. #14
    My mum's a complete control freak. She sold the TV when I was six and I still haven't got it back. (I can watch DVDs, etc., but not TV 'cause she sold it.) She never lets me go anywhere without her following me. If I try to go any further than where the neighbourse leave their bins, she runs down the road after me, shouting at me to come back. She follows me around the house too. And when she does let me go somewhere without her, she sends my wimpy brother with me "to protect me". Him, protect me?! I always end up protecting him! o.O I'm not allowed a computer either (the one I use is hers), or a camera, or a cell phone, or any console (I'm allowed handhelds, but not consoles.) And she decides everything for me. When it's school-trip season, she reads all the permission slips before me, and she's like, "Now you wouldn't want to go to that, would you, my little poppet?" and throws them in the bin without even asking me. She buys my clothes too, and decides when I wear what. And her dress sense is awful... Not when she dresses herself, but the clothes she chooses for me... =/ I'm sometimes allowed to choose what clothes to buy, but... For example, I once bought this (really cute IMO) black t-shirt. One day, I woke up, (or rather, mum tipped me out of bed) and she told me to wear the black t-shirt... with a light blue polo shirt underneath it. Uuuugh! I look so stupid...

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  15. #15
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by draco View Post
    Cheesevixen no disrepect or any thing but I don't think other people should run our life. Thats like saying you wana be his exact copy talk like him and acting like him even dreaming the same thing he dreams about becomming.

    And again no disrespect or anything
    What are you talking about?

    Your no offense comment doesn't work here because you pretty much just told Cheesevixen she's as bad as some horrible man who beats people which is far from the truth. She had a rough relationship with various men involved in her [mothers'] life and having an issue with trust due to that is more than understandable.

    I think you need to rethink your priorities because that was pretty condesending. I know you meant no offence, but I don't think you properly read her experiences.

    Quote Originally Posted by Refieth
    For example, I once bought this (really cute IMO) black t-shirt. One day, I woke up, (or rather, mum tipped me out of bed) and she told me to wear the black t-shirt... with a light blue polo shirt underneath it. Uuuugh! I look so stupid...
    I'd hate that. You should talk to your mother and ask her when you can start deciding what tshirts you can wear... The only time I let my mother decide anything for me was when I was like... 12 and under... those times are long gone. Ask her for some measure of independence and make it clear that you're totally trustworthy and not exactly about to strip off in the middle of the road!

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  16. #16
    Registered User Parents Dimi's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Draco
    Cheesevixen no disrepect or any thing but I don't think other people should run our life. Thats like saying you wana be his exact copy talk like him and acting like him even dreaming the same thing he dreams about becomming.

    And again no disrespect or anything
    As Chez said, What are you talking about?

    @Chez: I know what it's like to have an alcoholic father. It really sucks especially when you wish they were there during certain parts of your life when you needed them. But it sounds like he's a changed man and he's trying to change his ways and not turn to the bottle again. Good for him. And as I've said when I repped you, I hope in time we are able to forgive our fathers.
    Last edited by Dimi; 06-11-2008 at 10:10 PM.

  17. #17
    Parents draco's Avatar
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    Well a few days ago my parents were about to get a divorce again. God I'm getting tired of this crap. I hope they quite there fighting because it dosn't just affect them it affects the rest oof the family.

  18. #18
    Registered User Parents Halie's Avatar
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    The thing that really gets to me about my mum is that she never takes the blame for anything. And she can also never admit that she's wrong, either. >.>

    I don't live with my Dad, because he and my mum broke up when I was about six months old or so. I've never actually seen them together, except for when I was a baby, but obviously I can't remember that. I would like to see them going out, though. I'd probably not have such close relationship with my Dad if they did get back together, but still. I think it'd be cool to see what it'd be like living with both parents.

    My Dad doesn't have much flaws. Off the top of my head, I can only think of one. He usually tends to get a bit nasty with his words and say things that maybe he doesn't mean. Whether it's out of boredom, I don't know. But it's only minor...and he doesn't do it all the time.

    Oh, another thing that pisses me off about my mum, is that she usually has no respect for other people's feelings and such. At the moment, my Dad is having a bit of trouble with money, and it's like she doesn't even care. Both of them are on good terms and everything, they never fight, and basically...they're just like friends. But she still acts as though this money thing doesn't matter. The other day, my laptop broke down, and it was both her and my brother's fault. My brother uploaded World Of Warcraft on it, and my mum slammed down the lid of the laptop which ****ed up the hardrive. My Dad bought me the laptop for Christmas and it was really expensive, and she didn't even care. She kept blaming it on my brother and denied that it had anything to do with her. That really pissed me off. She didn't even apologise to me, my brother, or my Dad! Grgh!

    Alright, I'll stop complaining now. ^^

  19. #19
    Registered User Parents Dimi's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Dystopia
    The thing that really gets to me about my mum is that she never takes the blame for anything. And she can also never admit that she's wrong, either. >.>
    Haha. That's one quality about my mom that I love sometimes even though it can be annoying. You could tell her to go this way and she'll go the other way when she knows she's going the wrong way. Then when she sees what she's done, she still won't admit it! Aye. I could imagine when she gets old. >_>

    <3 For nagging old ladies!!!

    Originally posted by Draco
    Well a few days ago my parents were about to get a divorce again. God I'm getting tired of this crap. I hope they quite there fighting because it dosn't just affect them it affects the rest oof the family.
    When parents do fight and their children witness it, it does affect the family as a whole. As I've mentioned in earlier post, I've witnessed my dad physically fight with my mom. I've seen my mom physically fight with my dad. And as of recently, they've been arguing endlessly since the incident that took place a couple days ago if you've been reading my journal.

    Yesterday, my dad packed up his stuff and threaten to leave my mom in this financial burden. Mind you, he says that all the time but never does it. My mom always says she wants to leave him but never does it. And they argue A LOT. You would think one of them would actually get tired and actually do it.

    As long as it doesn't get physical then I'll let them nag at each other endlessly. You have an MP3 player? You go out and do social stuff, Draco? Do that. Tune them out. You're 13, right? They're always gonna argue. I know it's annoying. But whether if it's something big or small, it won't matter in about 5 or so years from now when you live on your own.
    Last edited by Dimi; 06-22-2008 at 05:22 PM.

  20. #20
    Cilla vs. Games Parents Priscilla's Avatar
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    I don't get along with my parents. Especially my Mum. I am closer to my Dad. My mother is a cow. She can not take the blame for anything and if she makes a mistake it is my fault. My brother is her favourite and for my Birthday he got a new mobile phone and I am yet to get anything.

    My parents do fight sometime and I usually have to tell them it isn’t a big deal and my Dad then usually stops and leaves. My Dad cares and wants to best for us.

    My mum on the other hand likes to think the worst of me. She has accused me of being a slut and having sex with people for money. Which I have never ever done and would not do. She yells at me and calls me fat - which is a sore spot for me because it’s not exactly a lie-

    When we go out together as a family which never happens but I have to pay for myself while my brother and parents are all together. I even order separately from them. But I guess they are not perfect because their parents weren’t perfect. My family is screwed up so obviously it’s going to impact on people.

    But my brother got the better end of the stick in my family.

  21. #21
    I generally don't talk that much with my parents, so there's not really that much to discuss. I'm always in my room playing Final Fantasy or some other game, so I don't really communicate with them unless it's something very important. I know that makes me sound like an anti-social person, but i'm really not, I just don't like talking to my parents.

    I think I'm beginning to understand. An answer from the Planet, the Promised Land...I think I can meet her...there.

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