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Thread: Overcoming Creative Blocks

  1. #1
    Registered User Overcoming Creative Blocks
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    Overcoming Creative Blocks

    Whether your preferred method of creativity is through art (traditional and/or digital), writing, music or any other form of expression, I'm sure at one point or another you've encountered the dreaded "creator's block", when you have the urge to create, but for some reason or another your brain just can't think of anything interesting.

    I get in creative slumps a lot. I hate when I do, because the urge to create is there, but it seems like there is nothing to inspire me to actually get anything done. Sometimes, I'll sit and just stare at a blank page, hoping that SOME idea will come to me and I can put it on paper, but usually it takes a lot more than that to get the gears of creativity going.

    Anyone else get into slumps where you can't seem to come up with ideas to express yourself or create anything? What do you do?

    What works for me (sometimes) is just looking through all my old works, and seeing if there's anything I can draw from them to help me with what I want to do. I've never thrown out any of my old works, because I never know when they will be of some use to me in the future. Even if I think they're bad at the time, I keep them anyway. If I still can't come up with a decent idea, I'll just randomly sketch something, and see if anything comes from doing that.
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  2. #2
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Overcoming Creative Blocks ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Overcoming Creative Blocks

    I get this a lot when I'm creating music. What I do is just listen to music that has influenced me before. If that doesn't work, then I usually play something random, and build upwards, no matter how long it takes. If I'm drawing or whatever, I build up from a random sketch.

  3. #3
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Overcoming Creative Blocks

    I haven't really had a creators block. Mostly I'm just saying that I can't come up with anything because I haven't written it down yet.

    With things like a few stories I have in my head and written down I am always thinking of new things to add to it. Either it be new characters, events and such. I've probably had a brief moment where I was just like. "Wtf do I write." rarely.
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  4. #4

    Re: Overcoming Creative Blocks

    I don't really get creative blocks, for the most part my stumps usually come from lack of knowledge of something or vocabulary, not so much lack of ideas when it comes to writing.

    For Art, I never really get creative blocks, since when I do something, it's layout is usually thought of on spot, like as soon as I'm given an assignment I already have like three ideas of what I want in my head and manipulate those into something that works. My art teacher says I have and "eye for design" lol because she always scolds me for not doing thumbnail sketches... because I don't need it

    Something that helps inspire is music, game music in particular....which is the only reason why I have so much of it on my ipod. You just have to listen to something that relates to what you're doing, or that has the right mood you're looking for.
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 03-08-2010 at 07:26 PM.

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  5. #5
    Ellipsis Overcoming Creative Blocks Meigumi's Avatar
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    Re: Overcoming Creative Blocks

    This happens to me often. Very often.

    I do absolutely NOTHING, N-O-T-H-I-N-G when I encounter the creator's block (Music, digital art... whatever).

    ....Which means I completely fail at life. xD Both as a kid, and a young artist.
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  6. #6
    Oh Boy! Overcoming Creative Blocks Lavos's Avatar
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    Re: Overcoming Creative Blocks

    These blocks are extreamly progressive for me.

    Something that always helps me is watch or read a scene or small episode of something, like a random video on Youtube or a blog, and try to expand on that beyond the author.

    Soon I get not only new ideas, but I continue expanding, until I can create my own world to create.


  7. #7

    Re: Overcoming Creative Blocks

    When it comes to writing I read a bit of Terry Pratchett, he always inspires me.

    When it comes to art, I look at my old stuff, even if is just for a laugh. Sometimes you come across something you forgot you did, and it's actually good. Talk about inspirational.

    Also, good music. Especially when I'm cooking
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  8. #8
    Death Before Dishonor Overcoming Creative Blocks Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Overcoming Creative Blocks

    I used to get creator's block quite often. Whether it was with my music or with my novels. I have written two novels each exceeding 400 pages. I have made no attempt to get them published. I also you to have a band. I played the bass guitar, but was good and composing music. So I dealt with that shit.

    One way that I get over it is by listening to music. If I am stuck on a piece of music I will listen to a famous band. Then I will try and find variations on what it is they do. And try to improve.

    If I cam writing I will watch a movie or something. That way I am able to get an idea. Cause I can watch one show and come up with 30 different stories in my head..

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  9. #9
    The Mad God Overcoming Creative Blocks Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Overcoming Creative Blocks

    Happens to me all the time.

    When writing fanfictions/original stories/roleplays, I usually just go through some crap I did before, usually the ones that failed and try to see what was WRONG with them. Then instead of starting from nothing, I begin trying to develop the opposite of something I've already done.

    With music (I'm a guitarist), I usually just do some improv with songs I like. Usually just playing random shit over a backing track. If nothing comes to me, I just go listen to some Michael Angelo Batio, or Buckethead or something. Always a good lick or two to rip off in shred songs.
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  10. #10
    Imperius Rex Overcoming Creative Blocks Storm's Avatar
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    Re: Overcoming Creative Blocks

    I get it sometimes too. What I find is best is to clear your mind and do something else, like watch a film, read a book, play a game or listen to music. Sometimes once you've cleared your mind ideas tend to flow better. Even if they don't, you've kept yourself entertained nicely instead.

    You can't really control the flow of creative ideas, you just have to take them when they come. If you are bad at remembering your ideas, maybe jotting them down when you think of them will come in handy.
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  11. #11
    The Persistent Flourish Overcoming Creative Blocks Alice's Avatar
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    Re: Overcoming Creative Blocks

    Yup, I get it a lot. A lot more frequently in the last two weeks because all I've been doing in that time is writing stories. School, requests from people and a personal project. Also some other random tidbits.

    I find editing what I've written so far gets me back into actually writing things. Also, if the environment is too distracting, either find a quiet one or resort to music and block everything out! If those don't work, looking at something that inspires me always seems to work.

  12. #12
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Overcoming Creative Blocks RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Re: Overcoming Creative Blocks

    Whenever I get a writer's/musician's block or get tired of the guitar, I try to do other somewhat creative things that are totally different. I try drawing, or listening to other types of music more, or focusing on a different instrument on my favourite guitar album. Stuff like that.

    I think it's best to keep doing (creative) stuff, only do something different than what you generally do.

    Like when I can't seem to finish a certain rock riff, I usually get sick of rock all together and listen to more hip hop and rap for a while.
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