Sleeping, fapping, videogames, internet shit, homework when I'm in class.
Homework takes the most time because while I'm writing a paper, I have to check my e-mail six times, while IMing my friends, and periodically refreshing facebook or twitter.
So now that GC looks like the ****ing Food Network. I'd like to propose we talk about something a little different.
Use of time.
What do you spend the most time doing each day? I'm going to go ahead and exclude sleep, so if that is your number 1 hit us up with your number 2.
Me personally I spend the most time out of my day sleeping.
No but really I spend the most of my time awake on video games (specifically the Bad Company 2 demo right now). After video games probably comes movies/television. I am an aspiring screenwriter, so I feel like I'm doing a little field research with all of my watching and analyzing.
Sleeping, fapping, videogames, internet shit, homework when I'm in class.
Homework takes the most time because while I'm writing a paper, I have to check my e-mail six times, while IMing my friends, and periodically refreshing facebook or twitter.
Takeing a nap while im in class, staying up playing video games in the evening, late night parties at my place whenever alcohol is present. Studying during the morning and my day pretty much consists of sports and doing everything the way I like it.
TFF Ladies Man and DJ
Gotta give a shout to Rinoa.Heartilly who works the TFF corner and brings in my money. Good luck to you and all your whores
Why so blue green man??? Is it that your powerless to help your friends....or is it that your just plain ugly?
TimonMeera's Hit list:
I play way too much ****ing World of Warcraft. There's quite a few weeks where I log over 50-60 hours playing, and that's with maintaining a relationship and going to school for 15 credit hours.
I basically spend my non-sleep time (which sleep is rare for me) playing WoW, doing something with my girlfriend, at school, or studying/doing homework, typically in that order of most time spent.
Currently work (5-12 hours a minimum 5 days a week)
Web surfing ([if I include mobile web surfing I can do while working] more than half the average day)
Gaming (2-4 hours a day)
Sleep (2-4 hours a day)
And in the rest of my day it isn't uncommon for me to shop/pay bills/post and recieve posted goods/watch movies/hang out with people/laze around...
It's a good life.![]()
victoria aut mors
I have lessons on Monday (9am-4:30pm), Wednesday (1:30pm-3pm), Thursday (9am-12pm) and Friday (12:30pm-5pm). My schedule pretty messed up due to Mondays being a killer, having Tuesday and Wednesday to sleep in, then having to be up a 6:30/7am on Thursday, only to sleep in for a while on Friday. Then the weekend, and another 6:30am start on Monday. x__x
Due to my timetable, I stay up late (or early, depending on how you look at it) surfing the web and playing video games. I rarely see my friends, because they're busy with college and we all live too far from each other to see each other more regularly.
When not playing games, I'm working on assignments or reading a book.
The least amount of sleep I can get in one evening is about four hours when I have too much on my mind. Most amount of sleep being thirteen hours, but even then I wake up every now and then.
Really, I need a job. -__-
Work takes up a fairly large chunk of my time. Aside from that, the rest of my time is divided between the internet, reading, writing and gaming. And every couple of weeks I spend a day hanging out with my best friend, schedules permitting. Any time I have left over goes to maintaining myself and my apartment. And the cat, of course.
Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn
A day in the life of Dodie16....
is boring.
Well, it is here lately anyway. Back when I used to work, I worked from 11-5:30ish, I would come home and eat, play some games, listen to music and play on the computer. Before I left for work, I would spend some time on the Wii Balance board. Occasionally (after work or on a day off), I would work on some art of different subject matter. Now, I have a lot more time for things like gaming, sleeping, my art, and more eating, which is making me feel like a fatass and making me want to spend more time exercising.
It's not as awesome as it sounds...if it sounds awesome at all...
Posted by DragonHeart
And the cat, of course.My cat demands attention, so I have to drop whatever I'm doing and make sure she gets it, or she destroys my stuff. She's an angel when she sleeps, but a holy terror when she's awake and wants her way. I wouldn't give her up for anything in the world though. x3
Last edited by Dodie16; 02-10-2010 at 08:41 AM.
Click at your own risk.:
On the days that I work, work generally takes up the majority of my time. I also periodically come online throughout the day, generally to check here or facebook. I'll also watch something, and occasionally play a video game, if I feel like it. There's also hanging out with people-which I do as much as possible-reading or drawing or some random thing to occupy my time with, exercising when I remember to do it or feel like it (or if it's Tuesday or Thursday and I'm not working; my friend Mike has gym stuff at his house that he lets all of use.) I like to go for a walk when it isn't raining (which it frequently does around here, any time of the year...) So my schedule is pretty random. Like, pretty much not a schedule at all. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Some days I spend all my time writing. It doesn't happen to often, but occasionally I get the writing bug and just have to get shit done!
School takes up some time, so does homework, but that one is kinda hit and miss, sometimes I have a lot to do, other times not as much. My job always takes up my time, I work 7 days a week, I get maybe 1 day off a month (if I ask for it and get approved! Apparently I'm too popular to the clients' parents for my own good lol.)
If I'm home or whatever, I typically don't have people to hang out with since everyone is at different places at college or something. I exercise some (will be getting into this a lot more starting tomorrow, I'm starting the Insanity workout), but otherwise I mostly play videogames, talk to people on the computer/phone/xbox, play Gamebattles with my h3 team, or hang out with my fellow friends/coworkers.
Such is life.
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
I'm going to steal che's list and add adventures with my girlfriend to that. To keep the normal day to day stuff from getting boring, we make everything into an adventure. Wal-Mart adventures are the most fun. There are so many angry and crazy people there that I can't help but laugh at them.
I work from 12-5 on weekdays and 9-5 on weekends...takes up most of the day. The Rest is time with my fiance, gaming, writing, band practice, or wrestling with the dog...
School and Kingdom Hearts II... at present.
School is... well, school. How can I describe something everyone knows by heart?
As for KH2, I just got back into it... what my 8th playthrough already? Wow...
Beyond those, I DO go on these forums a bit... too much.
I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.Click THERE:
I spend my time at school, going out, sports and on my laptop! (I use that for most of my gaming too).
xTidus: "What are you doing?"
ViviMasterMage: "I'm eating your hair... Why?"
xTidus: "You have problems..."
ViviMasterMage: "You smell nice!...I do have problems!"
Both: *giggles*
my day consists of hanging out with friends during the week days since i got kicked out of school but I'm starting online school on Monday i guess. My weekend consist of none stop partying and having an all time blast and in between all of that i work out and read pretty set life.
I go to school. Come home. Eat dinner. Take a shower. Get on the internet. And then I play video games. Go to bed. Get up and go to school. Sometimes I don't come home right away and I go over to my friends house. On week ends I go places with my friend or she comes over and we do stuff or I just stay home and play more video games then normal or be on the internet more then normal. Yeah my life is boring >>;;
Wake up to yet another light-blinding morning, shower, go to school, go through lectures, go home, do work, watch, go to the forums here (sometimes), play my PS2, draw, eat, take another shower, and go to sleep.
Pretty much, just the same boring stuff I've been doing my entire life. You know, before my first FIRST day of school. >______>
.....And I also stole that cupcake.
TFF Family~:
This is true (except for the twitter thing. I don't know how that works)Originally Posted by Che
But if you want to talk about free time, I spend most of it on the computer to read manga, watch useless YouTube things, and play with the fun little games Facebook has. My life revolves around my computer if I'm not in school...but I'll call a friend every few days just to waste an hour or two on the phone, so yeah. That's my life.