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Thread: Other adventures

  1. #1

    Question Other adventures

    I have played the Final Fantasy games I have over and over again. I am a big fan of RPG games. I love playing Final Fantasy and legend of Dragoon. Unfortunatly I have played these games so much that they are starting to get old. Can anyone suggest a good RPG game that are like these games?

  2. #2
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    you might want to check out this thread it is pretty simular to what you are asking about with alot of good suggestions outside of FF

    i have already posted there so i will prolly not post any recomendations here

    hope this helps
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  3. #3
    Gingersnap Other adventures OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Thanks for pointing him in the right direction.

    And with that, I'll go ahead and close this one. Heffdog, I noticed you posted the same thread in the Role Playing forum. That's not what that forum is for, and the same can be said for this one. In the future, please direct all game related questions to one of the gaming forums. And don't post duplicate threads in multiple forums.

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