Let's say there is a fire on your block. You hear the sirens while you're sitting on your couch watching the newest episode of "Burn Notice" (this show used because it rocks and the fact that the title seems appropriate for the situation). Let's assume also that you are watching the newest episode live and you don't have Tivo or DVR of any kind. Would you miss the rest of the episode to go gaze at the beautiful blend of orange, yellow and red or would you stay on your couch and watch the rest of "Burn Notice" (or whatever your big show is / was).
I personally already feel weird about the idea of watching someones house burn down. Obviously the fire looks awesome and it's not something you get too many opportunities to see, but it's someones house. I feel guilty just watching someone else's life burn to the ground just because it's rare and pretty. I would stay at home and try to catch the new later to see what happened with the fire.