Happy birthday Grizzles.
May your beard be long, your women's beards be longer and your giant gourds of whatever your favourite beverage is never run dry!
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Happy birthday Grizzles.
May your beard be long, your women's beards be longer and your giant gourds of whatever your favourite beverage is never run dry!
Happy birthday to Blacksmith (Formerly Grizzly) and Squall333. Hope you guys have a wonderful day.
Happy birthday Squall333! I was gonna take back 1st place in WOW Connect today, but seeing as its your b-day, I'll wait until tomorrow... :D
And happy birthday Grizzly AKA Blacksmith!
Dearest Squall and Grizzly. Pleasnat tidings on this, the occasion of your birth.
I am going to throw this one out there, happy b-day diaryofjane, i see you.
I know its late, but time zones are crappy... HAPPY BIRTHDAY to DIARYOFAJANE!
Have a gooden'! :)
I already wished you a Happy Birthday, but ah well. Have an awesome day ^_^. <3
Happy Birthday Darkwolf. Hope you have an awesome day filled with waffles. :D
Or happy birthday in Australia time anyways. :D
Have a blast.
Happy Birthday, Rocky! ^^
Happy belated birthday, Darkwolf!
Happy today-birthday, Rocky!
Happy birthday DW and Rocky, enjoy this day and keep walking in this "crappy" path that lots of retarded ppl call it life :)
Happy Birthday, Rocky. Have a good one.
Mega Happy Birthday Rock and Darkwoldf hae a great one (or so they say :P)
Too late to join the party?? Nah.
Rocky, Darkwolf, I hope amongst hope that your day of celebration of the birth of you fine fine people has been most excellent.
Party on Wayne. Party on Garth.
Happy Birthday, Rocky.
As I type this, the Packers have just scored. Go Packers!
Happy Birthday, Rocky! I hope it's a fun one!
Haha, just don't over do it eh?
What the **** I'm I saying!!!??? Go wild!!! :D
I've said this on MSN much earlier but I'll say it on here too. ;!
I hope you have an awesome time dude. Enjoy it and take it easy. ;)
Happy birthday, Rocky! =D
Hope you had a great day.
Happy birthday Totakeke777. We know you still a newbie but try to stay active and enjoy this special day :)
Happy 14th Birthday Athna Loveil
Have a great day!
Happy birthday Athna Loveil! Have a great 14th, and have lotsa fun! :)
First off let me say a very late but very needed happy birthday to my frat brother rocky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crao porr **** 8
Next up on the b-day wish list, Athna Loveil,
happy b-day, hope it is a good one, and remember you are just one close until the one where you stop counting haha!
Sorry for the lateness but,
Happy Birthday: Rocky and Athna!
Hope your birthdays were filled with love, merriment, and cheer. :)
Happy birthday Riddler. Hope you have a good one.
What about those who had celebrated on Dec. 6th, such as me?
Happy Birthday Dragonheart and Winterborn. I hope you two have an awesome day filled with gifts and an after-party filled with egg nog tossing, beer-chugging, fun. ;)
Crap. Forgotten again. :(
That is sad... :(
Happy belated birthday, Sailor Callie! Hope it was a fun, joyous occasion.
And happy birthday to Dragonheart. I used to talk to that person on AIM sometimes, and some other forums run by random TFF members. That was some time ago. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom