lol thanks guys! Man, almost out of my 20's it's pretty sad =P
Belated Happy Birthday to you too Sean!!!
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lol thanks guys! Man, almost out of my 20's it's pretty sad =P
Belated Happy Birthday to you too Sean!!!
Damn. Haven't looked at this in ages.
Happy birthday to Fish, Chez, Martin, Sean, Quistis and Spike.
Hope you all had a great day. =D
Sorry for being late...I faced some problems in the past 3 days :!
Happy Birthday guys :)
Happy Birthday to Slick and Pete. Have awesome days both of you, and remember, it's better to be over the hill than be buried under it.
Haha, I'm kidding. ^^
Happy birthday pete! Hope it turns out to be a great one! Drink a few for me. Had to double check if you where legal to drink, so yeah drink alot for me haha.
I just wished Pete happy bday on AIM.. so now I'll say it here.
Happy Birthday, Peter! If you get completely trashed tonight.. just avoid the crazies. Either way, I will hear about it later =D!
I feel like when I was really sleepy last night, I said happy birthday to you somewhere other than AIM... but... now I'm pretty sure I dreamed that. Weird...
Um, so, happy birthday, Pete! You made it past 21!
EDIT: Oh jesus! I should look at the bottom of the index more often. He heh. Happy birthday Brett and Slick! Oh, Brett. We used to talk so much more than we do now. Hope things are going well.
Happy birthday to our fearless (future) leader.
Thanks everybody!
I also support and wish happy birthdays to both Brett(kilo/ che/ etc) and Slick!
Happy Birthday to everyone on this posted Forum!!
a very very very very very very late happy birthday to Pete
Happy birthday, Korova! I know you don't post anymore, but what the hell. You're awesome, and your birthday should be known.
Happy birthday Kyo!!
Nothing really significant about 23, though. My boyfriend turned 23 earlier this year and I decided I would call him old and insist he buy a zimmer frame, but I won't do that to you. :p Instead I will wish you a well hung naked man in the post! ;!
Happy birthday Kyo-san! Chez beat me to the hot naked guy, but the more the better lol...
Have fun!!! :D
Well Kyo-san hope your b-day is going well, if not, drink alot it helps I promise haha.
Have a good one, later bro.
Thankssss you guysssss... -OMG! SNAKE~!- <<;
I hope I get a smexings-gram in the post too. If I do, I know exactly where to send the thank-you card.
-stares pointedly at Chez-
Happy Birthday Kyo-kun.
Hope it was a good one and all!
I already said it on Yahoo, but hey, hell with it. Happy Birthday Kyo!
And happy birthday to Daniel as well, whatever his username is these days. I think it's still Lover Boy. He should be less inactive and post some random haiku about something.
happy birthday Loner-kid
Happy Birthday V!!!!!!!! I hope you have an awesome day with trippy music, neon colors, and a room infested with cosplay pics! And the traditional cake and ice cream. ;D
And a belated birthday to Loner-Kid. Hope you had a great time. ^^
Sorry for the lateness but...
Happy Birthday!
Loner Kid
And Happy Birthday to: Shadow of Darkness
Miss ya bud, hope ya come back on soon, (gimme some cake) :P
(And everyone I missed through lack of checking this thread) ;!
Have a great time and be sure to party hard. :woot:
Happy Birthday, SoD! Have an awesome day, and get your arse back on here! You haven't been around in a while.
SoD!!!!!! I miss you bro. Happy Birthday man. I hope you have an awesome day filled with random encounters, girls hitting on you, and a Helium tank to pump up those balloons so you can make funny chipmunk sounds! Don't forget to youtube them. ;)
I miss you Luka ;_;
Happy birthday, though.
Happy birthday Sheepy, even though your birthday ended a few minutes ago in my time zone. ;! You must not have your birthday shown because I didn't see it and I almost would have missed it.
Also happy birthday to the people that I've missed in the past couple weeks.
It's my Birthday! I turned 21 on the 21st!
Happy birthday Dan558! Hope you had an awesome day. ^^
Hello Birthday Dan!
Your getting OLD dude xD, nah j/k I'm going for 21 in a few months lol. Enjoy your 21th birthday man, and gimme some cakez!:lol: Haha, have an awesome day my friend.