Happy Birthday Noah have a great wonderful day and enjoy some cake and have a beer (if your old enough to drink lol).
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Happy Birthday Noah have a great wonderful day and enjoy some cake and have a beer (if your old enough to drink lol).
Happy birthday to Atma-Noah. Have a good day, and eat lots of cake. Don't drink beer though, because I don't think you're old enough yet. Enjoy anyway!
EDIT: Oh, and going over the last few days on the calendar....
Happy belated birthdays to Neo Necron, Gobble Vamp, Pablo Honey, and Yuki-onna. Sorry for the late wishes, but hope you all had a good one. You're all great people, so hopefully you all had great birthdays.
Have fun, get wasted, talk to you on MSN whenever. :lol:
Happy belated birthday to Noah!
And happy birthday to Plazzy Sassy! YOU'RE SO OLD. Tell your grandchildren stories of being young and whatnot. :D
Happy birthday to Nick. Haha! You're one year away from being officially old :P
I'm kidding. Have a good one! :)
Haha. No wonder why you were a little tipsy when I talked to you on MSN last night. Already celebrating the big day early eh? :D
Happy Birthday man. I hope you have an awesome time. Get out and party hard. ;)
Happy Birthday Nick. :D
I really need to pay more attention to that birthdays thing at the bottom. ;!
Have a good time, get drunk, whatever. :lol:
Happy Birthday Nick! I'm surprised only three people have wished you a happy birthday so for. Everyone is probably just giving you visitor messages. :roll: Anyway eat cake and have a great time.
I hope you have an awesome birthday and things turn out great. ^^
You have my love as always. 8-()8-()8-()
I'll talk with you as soon as time allows.
Happy birthday, Ann!
I hope you have a great day and that cake is served in large amounts. Lolz! :)
Hope you have lots of fun! And cake! Mmmmmmmmmm cake.
Typically, Silver was the first to say happy birthday... :lol:
Happy birthday, Ann! Have some fun, okay?
Thanks guys :D *stuffs face in cake*
Happy Birthday Ann, hope that your day is filled with a lot of happiness and goodies. May you receive many awesome presents. Have some cake or something unhealthy, that's one of my favorite things about Birthdays. ^_^
Happy Birthday Ann!!! Again! Have a great day and eat something unhealthy! I think it's required by law to have something unhealthy on your birthday. Have a Kirby dance as a present because I'm so cheap and you live halfway around the world.. >>
<(^^)> ^(^^)> ^(^^)^ <(^^)^ <(^^)>
ANN!!!!! Happy Birthday!!!! It's official out here in our time zone. One more year till you can legally buy drinks. I hope I actually meet you around this time next year. You provide the beer. I'll provide the tacos. We all could have tacos and beer! ;! I hope you have an awesome day today. Take it easy and have a great time. :)
Have a happy birthday and I insist you ingest many a noodle, or something of that random nature. You're the master, not me. :P
Happy Birthday Sprial!!! Good luck creating havoc on the roads! Even though I got to before you despite you being older! Have cake and tea and candy and lots of unhealthy food. And get presents.
We respect him so much, we're gonna call him Mr. Spiral! *sniff* (Yeah, right...I so won't. Not counting now. :lol:)
Happy birthday dude, and have a good one! Though, I think you will anyway. ^^
Happy Birthday, Spiral ^^
Have looaaads of cake, presents, and balloons. Yay balloons!
Spiral! Happy birthday! Have lotsa cake, but make sure to make a wish before blowing out the candles lol! Don't tell anyone, or it won't come true though... O_O
Ann! I'm sorry for the lateness, but happy birthday!! Hope you had a great day, and you piged out on cake heh. Spiral, happy 17th dude! Hope you have a great day, enjoy yourself, your one year closer to adulthood haha.
Speaking of lateness, Happy Belated Birthday Spiral. I'm sorry this is late but I hope you had an awesome time partying hard and getting great gifts. See you on MSN. :)
DOUBLE POST!!! Its Storm's Birthday. Happy Birthday, Storm. I never realized you come on here as much as I had thought till I looked on your profile and sent you that VM. Have an awesome day filled with balloons, cake, friends, and more cake and more balloons and more friends!!! :)
Happy birthday Storm!
Happy Birthday Storm, this year I remembered :P
Thanks guys, and Arcano, don't worry about not thinking I was active as I have been rather unactive the last year or so. Just managed to get on as i've been so busy with everything, partying, parting, beach, all-you-can-eat buffet, more partying...
Anyway happy birthday Cheesevixen. I actually thought you had left, but I guess thats my mistake! Have a great day and devour the cheesy goodness that is cheese.
Happy birthday Cheesevixen!!
Haha! I got in first! May your day be filled with money, X-Files and cake! Have a great day!
*hugs* I love you, Lily. Have a very happy birthday. May you get something you really want. Like more credits. =P