Sorry about the lateness, I keep overlooking this thread... ;!
Enjoy yourselves. :D
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Sorry about the lateness, I keep overlooking this thread... ;!
Enjoy yourselves. :D
Happy birthday Lily! :D You are totally awesome and I hope you get all the things you want and may all your wishes come true! Have a rocking birthday!
Happy birthday Lily!
Have a great day. :)
Happy b-day lily, and all the others that I have missed over the last few weeks! Hope you have a great one, and for the ones I missed hell just celebrate again and we will call it even!
Happy birthday Lilly! Have a great day, party hard.
It says it's Lily's birthday in the little box at the bottom of the forums' home page soooo....
Have a happy day, and eat all the chocolate you want. You're really nice, so you should have a really nice birthday. Have fun!
Happy birthday to Lily, and in my time, right now, it's Secret Weapon's birthday too, so happy birthday the both of you! Hope you both have a great time, with lots of cake, and cookies. And balloons. Yay for the balloons!
Hooyeah!!! Tiger Lily has a berfday!!! I hope your wishes come true on this most glorious of days. Happy birthday Lily.:)
Happy b'day to Lily, Storm, Spiral, and Secret Weapon, I hope that the day will go great for you. Have fun and party hard. Happy birthday!
Geez I'm always late for these....:roll:
Happy Birthday Lily, Secret Weapon, and Storm! Hope all of you have a great day, filled with cake, beer, etc, enjoy your special day it only comes once a year, so live it up!:lol:
Happy Birthday, Lily!
Happy birthday Lily,Have a great day!!
I saw Lily's announcement at the bottom of the screen but how did I miss my brother from another mothers?!?!?!?! So I will give a big shout out to make up for it. Happy B-Day SecretWeapon
Wow. It's Secret Weapon's berfday too? Here's to wishin you a very happy birthday. *raises shotglass*
Happy Birthday, Chez! Hope you have a lovely day filled with cake and stuff. Haha. =P
OMG, Chezzie! Its your BIRTHDAY!!!
Have fun - not toooooooo much... - eat lots of cake - not toooooooooo much - have a few drinks - not toooooooo many - and have a dance - though take a break now and then!
LOL, have a grrreeeeeaaaaaaaattttttttt time, and stay safe!
Pfft, you're all doing it wrong. It's not her birthday for another four and a half hours.
Or, you know, maybe I'm the one doing it wrong, considering I'm not in GMT?
Either way, happy birthday.
Happy early birthday Chez! Wow, it's really been a while since I've talked to you but happy early birthday anyway so have an awesome day!
CHEZ happy B-DAY! but how the hell can you miss that it is Wrays b-day also. Happy birthday to both and have a good time!
Hey El Wray, Happy Birthday. Have a nice day, because then I will totally steal it, as all nice things belong to me now. I totally called dibs.
Happy Birthday Chez and El Wray.
I hope you have a great time doing whatever you're planning to do, be it party, laze around or something else entirely.
Happy Birthday Chez. I hope you have a great day and that you get many presents. Have fun with whatever you plan to do today.
Also happy birthday El Wray. I hope that you have a great day as well and enjoy your birthday.
Thanks everyone, although it isn't El Wrays' birthday today, and I know this because I wished him a happy birthday on the 3rd of May. :) I suppose this is part of the faggoty thing he and Pete have had against me for the past four years for no particular reason, however I don't know why he would choose my birthday as his own as I really don't see how he has anything to do with me.
In any case, though, I'm not really bothered. Thanks all!
EDIT: My post barely made sense, sorry. :D Not drunk, by the way, so that's not why. :p
EDITEDIT: There was no fued. I've never said a negative thing about you, nor have I ever had an argument with you.
Happy birthday Chez! And I thought our feud was over?
Yes, it is not my birthday. I wanted to see if anyone else would notice, though. I didn't pick it with knowledge of any other birthdays, but alas.
Happy birthday Chez! I get in with just over an hour to spare! Have a great day. Well, I hope you had a great day seeing as though you'll most likely see this after your birthday. So happy unbirthday? Happy day after your birthday? Anyway the point is HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
Hmmm awkward
Happy birthday, Chez! I assume you will be getting shitfaced.
Happy berfday Chez. Hope Andrew buys you 20 red roses and 20 presents on this most glorious of days. Get pessed.
I would wish El Wray a happy berfday but it seems he doesn't have one. Oh well.
Happy Birthday, Chez. Hamsters and cake!
For some reason I thought you were older than me, Chez. Regardless, happy birthday.
I wonder, does it hurt to still want me at this age? :p
Happy Birth Anneversary, Chez! Sorry I'm late... ;!
May your dreams be haunted by visions of Silent Hill for the coming year!!