Chatting with my fellow security guards the other night I came to realise that some of our little stories about recent happenings can be quite interesting. To that extent I came up with the idea for this thread!
Share a little tale or two of either yourself or some other interesting incident you heard about. Maybe even give a little commentary on another's story if you wish (though don't go being an asshole, it's not cool to spoil the fun).
An example?
I was working on one site a couple months ago where some cars had to go behind a couple buildings to get to a gym's carpark (some of them came flying around the corner quite fast I should mention). I had some skateboarders on my site and gave them the usual 'It's cool, though I'll be keeping an eye on things, try to avoid any roads, main stretches of carpark etc etc' one of them didn't follow my advice, skated between the two buildings and WHAM! Kid got nailed by a speeding car. Luckily the kid wasn't too injured or the story likely wouldn't have been too amusing for me...