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Thread: Share a Little Tale About Your Life!

  1. #1
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Share a Little Tale About Your Life!

    Chatting with my fellow security guards the other night I came to realise that some of our little stories about recent happenings can be quite interesting. To that extent I came up with the idea for this thread!

    Share a little tale or two of either yourself or some other interesting incident you heard about. Maybe even give a little commentary on another's story if you wish (though don't go being an asshole, it's not cool to spoil the fun).

    An example?

    I was working on one site a couple months ago where some cars had to go behind a couple buildings to get to a gym's carpark (some of them came flying around the corner quite fast I should mention). I had some skateboarders on my site and gave them the usual 'It's cool, though I'll be keeping an eye on things, try to avoid any roads, main stretches of carpark etc etc' one of them didn't follow my advice, skated between the two buildings and WHAM! Kid got nailed by a speeding car. Luckily the kid wasn't too injured or the story likely wouldn't have been too amusing for me...
    victoria aut mors

  2. #2
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Share a Little Tale About Your Life!

    Back in '05 when I worked at Yellowstone, I was staying at Laurel Dorm. Some cool people lived there, but also some shady people lived there. I witnessed or heard kids getting arrested or kicked out for drinking underage (which automatically got you fired and kicked out of the park.) This one kid was trying to stay in the park anyway, sleeping in random people's rooms. In the middle of the night, he got busted; whoever's room he was staying in, one of the roommates kicked him out, and as he was trying to find somewhere else to hide, security came up and cornered him. I was sleeping in my room, and I heard some voices, someone running, and "STOP!! POLICE!!" And then a loud thud. As they were walking him out, I heard the kid say, "Could you at least let me pull up my pants?" Looked out my room down the hallway, and there was a big hole in the wall from where I assume they ran him into it. The girl who's room was right there was also standing at her doorway. Guess it shook her up pretty bad.

    I could probably think of more. There was also this kid who wrote his name in blood on the wall when he was drunk. He got kicked out too. It's funny, because the first time I was there, I was kind of sympathetic to the kids, but the next time I was there, I had to clean up after them and have them keep me awake late at night when I had to wake up at 6:30 AM the next morning... Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  3. #3
    Registered User Share a Little Tale About Your Life!
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    Re: Share a Little Tale About Your Life!

    Hmmm... Here's a random thing that happened in my life that someone might find entertaining:

    Couple of years back, my mom was driving up the main avenue of the town we live in (heading east), and I was riding along with her. We were just having a casual conversation, talking about nothing really in particular, when suddenly we see a guy dressed up as a clown driving in the opposite lane (he was heading west). My mom turns to me and says, "Please tell me you just saw that..." and I was like "A guy dressed up like a clown? Yeah, I saw that." Then she says "Okay, good." I think she was relieved that she wasn't just seeing things.

    One more driving story, and then I'm done. This time it's with me and my dad, and is one of the reasons why I hate driving him anywhere.

    I was at a red light, waiting for it to turn green. I look away to adjust the station on the radio, and just as I was fumbling with the switches the light turns green. He turns to me and says "Hurry up and go! The light isn't going to get any greener!" I glared at him, and stepped on the gas. I veered the car to the side of the road and tell him to get out of my car right now. He just looks at me and tries to pass it off like he was just joking. The thing is, he always criticizes everyone's driving no matter who it is, and I was sick of it. He's not happy being a passenger, I guess.

    I wound up just driving him back home. We sat in silence the whole time. Afterward, my dad tells my mom what happened, and she laughed about it. She told me that it served him right.
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  4. #4
    Dr. Prof. Failstrom Share a Little Tale About Your Life! Dr_Flea's Avatar
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    Re: Share a Little Tale About Your Life!

    Well the only thing i can share right now thats preety cool is a dream i had a couple of weeks ago!


    i had a dream that a scotch finger biscuit was fighting a cigerette!! was an epic dream except i didn't get to find out who won!!


  5. #5
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Share a Little Tale About Your Life! Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Share a Little Tale About Your Life!

    Son of one of the high politicians was heading in the same highschool as me, same class in fact, he wasn't bad as a person, just a terrible student. I got to knew him over couple of first weeks, I would help him with his studies, projects and such. Right before the Christmas holidays there was an additional exam in Geometry for students who had terrible grades at that subject. It was his only chance to get a decent grade, but he didn't knew shit about Geometry and I couldn't tutor him since I had a lot of work on my own.

    Day before the same exam he approached me and offered me 500$ to take the exam instead of him, insane and risky many would think, but both of us knew it was highly doable. The professor who teaches Geometry was senile old fool who refused to go into pension, he never could remember any of our names and was always confused, and disoriented at times. I accepted the offer without thinking twice, tomorrow I went on the exam, and just as I expected he didn't recognize me except for few fellow students who thought it was funny, I earned him C that day, I could have done much better but I didn't want to push my luck. Except for easy money I earned, we became best friends over the years, he also repayed me in the same manner by stealing the exams when we were freshman on college.

    Unfortunately my favorite uncle lives far away, not to mention that he's a really busy person who doesn't have much free time for himself, still, he manage to visit us at least twice per year. One time he was here he took me shopping, we had to take my dad's car since his was in the repairs. We left our car on the parking lot and went to the mall to buy few thing. It was raining by the time we were done with shopping so we quickly heeded to the car. The door was locked and my uncle couldn't seem to find his keys, until I saw them, they were in the car locked with the umbrella we forgot to take with us. The only thing we could do was to remove the side window, it was raining and I was standing by my uncle while the people who passed by were looking at him trying to bust the side window. Police came soon after that, one of the police officers approached and asked my uncle what he's exactly doing, I almost pissed my pants when my uncle calmly responded "I'm busting the side window, what does it look like", and he continued to do so. I explained the police officer what happened and he decided to help us, we still had to remove the side window but now we had tools for it.

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  6. #6
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: Share a Little Tale About Your Life!

    Well, I suppose I have an amusing little story from yesterday. I was in the photo lab doing the photo thing, but I can hear what goes on in the front since the lab is next to the front counters. Well this girl on a cell phone is in line and she drops an F-bomb, loud enough that I could hear it. We get those fairly often, no big deal. Well the older guy in line next to her pretty much flipped out. He called her a lowlife and everything and she was just giving it back at him. They got steadily louder until they were both yelling. Seriously, it was so close to them just throwing down in a fistfight about it. XD Then the girl stormed out. It was pretty funny.

    It doesn't happen often but it's always amusing when it does. Might just be a retail thing though, you take what you can get at this job.

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  7. #7
    Bananarama Share a Little Tale About Your Life! Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Share a Little Tale About Your Life!

    I was driving through the most ghetto part of Brooklyn the other day, when I saw an old ice cream truck converted into two things...

    A mobile barbershop and

    a carwash.

    Yup, get your car washed while you get a haircut. I mean, it's not a bad idea, but the ghetto factor was astronomical. I would've taken a picture, but I was a little afraid.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  8. #8
    SOLDIER 3rd Class Share a Little Tale About Your Life! Copperfire's Avatar
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    Re: Share a Little Tale About Your Life!

    Quote Originally Posted by Silver View Post
    'It's cool, though I'll be keeping an eye on things, try to avoid any roads, main stretches of carpark etc etc' one of them didn't follow my advice.
    Happens a lot. Some people don't listen to anyone.


    I was doing security near the War Memorial during Canada day, and my shift was nearly over. (I was working to midnight)

    Some guy (who was obviously drunk) asked me if he could pee behind the Laura Secord statue.

    1. This is a health hazard
    2. There were plenty of portopotties around, so it was a rediculous request
    3. It was disrespectful

    So he got a big fat no.

    He ended up peeing in the bushes near surrounding the War Memorial.

    What a dork.

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