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Thread: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

  1. #1
    #LOCKE4GOD Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time Alpha's Avatar
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    Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time


    Why was this ever an issue?

    As an aside, did you know Obama could be a British citizen? His father was born in Kenya, before it became independent. That makes Barack Obama Sr a British citizen, and means Obama could successfully apply to be one too. Though, of course, he hasn't and so isn't. He's a goddamn American.

    EDIT: Someone want to fix my title typo?

  2. #2
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time Polk's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  3. #3
    Sir Prize Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    Trump is oh so proud he got Obama to flash his birth certificate. This is such crap. Why is this making headlines, Media, you're just encouraging this situation, why OH WHY!?

    Some people say it's racist, some people say it's a waste of time and SOME PEOPLE think it's forged because it calls him "African" instead of "Negro" which is apparently how the certificates were back then in Hawaii, or w/e.

    I say this whole thing is retarded.


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  4. #4
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time che's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    He produced his own birth certificate? I KNEW HE WAS A FRAUD. GET HIM!

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  5. #5
    The Bad Boy of TFF Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time Block's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    I'm pretty sure forgery is like a huge offense.
    apparently in my state you are required to spend a minimum of 7 months in jail with a maximum punishment of 23 months upon your second offense. The first offense is merely a monetary loss of $500 dollars (which I think he could afford), but I have not looked into the penalties for the state of Hawaii. I imagine, though, that is where he would be judiciously held responsible?

    got my info here

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  6. #6
    Bananarama Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    Nobody cares about Kansas, Block.

    Likewise, nobody cares about Obama's birth certificate. I wish people would focus more on the problems within the country, as opposed to the non issue that is his citizenship. He's black, deal with it. If you don't like it, VOTE when the time comes. But until that time, support him and hope he does the best job he can for this country.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  7. #7
    This ain't no place for no hero Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    Well said Pete. I can't believe people are moaning about this when there is SO much more out there to be concerned about.

  8. #8
    is not a douche Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time Bubble Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    He was born in Hawaii?! NO WAI!!!

    Donald Trump is such a moron.

  9. #9
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time Joe's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    No one was every concerned about his birth certificate. Most of them were more concerned about using the birther issue to forward their own political agendas and/or book deals.

    Just sayin'
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  10. #10
    #LOCKE4GOD Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    Lol. Just heard on the radio that now peoples are claiming it's a forgery.

    "You're not a citizen, you can't be President!"

    "I was born in Hawaii."

    "Prove it!"

    "I don't think I should have to, this is stupid, but here's the short version, which is a legal document."

    "I am Donald Trump, that one's not real or something, so prove it again!"

    "FFS, go away. Look, here is the long one. Happy now?"

    "Well, I've already decided you weren't born here, so it must be a fake!"

  11. #11
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time Leon's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    Bunch of BS if you ask me. I visit the White House page on Facebook every now and then, and I actually have a friend who's frustrated that the same people who wanted to see the birth certificate are now calling it a fake. I call it racist because nobody bothered to ask for Bush's, Clinton's, or even Reagan's. Nope, Obama happens to be the first President where the people doubted his citizenship. Oh, but these people claim they're not racist, so I'll believe them. BAH!

    By majority of vote, Buchanan's been called the worst President we ever had, and I doubt people wanted to see his birth certificate. Any wonder I'm frustrated with certain Americans? I bet I'm getting some heat for this but meh, I don't care.
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  12. #12
    I do what you can't. Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    It's not an issue of race. It doesn't matter what color he is. And it doesn't matter how good or bad of a President he is -- you will always have people that disagree with the President, and this matter is only a way to discredit him. The same thing happened with Bush's "AWOL" bullshit, with Kerry's "I'm a war hero" statements being quickly spoken against by everybody unfortunate enough to serve with him, etc. etc.

    What matters is that if he wasn't born in this country (or its territories), that would make him inelligible to hold that specific office.

    Why didn't anybody ask Bush or Clinton or Reagan for their birth certificate? BECAUSE THEY ALREADY PRODUCED IT. Well before it was asked for. Obama didn't -- and when he was asked for it, he produced something that wasn't his actual birth certificate, without producing his ACTUAL birth certificate. And even that looked fishy. Now, more than two years into his Presidency, he finally produces proof that he's eligible to hold the office of the Presidency. It's easy to see how some people would (and should) have a problem with this.

    It would only make sense that people would be suspicious. If he was a legitimate citizen with a legitimate birth certificate, why would he withhold his birth certificate for so long? Especially from a President that promised a new "era of transparency" when elected? People requested his birth certificate under the Freedom of Information Act -- why wasn't it produced two or three years ago, when it was initially requested?

    Anybody who says that people only question Obama's citizenship or stand against his policies because they are racist is simply a moron. It's an issue of politics, not race. People need to get off of this bullshit kick that the only reason people don't like Obama isn't because he's turning the country more and more socialist, isn't that he's punishing success to reward the unsuccessful, isn't that he's trying to extend government control deeper into every citizens' lives ... it's that he's black. Yeah, right.

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  13. #13
    #LOCKE4GOD Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    Maybe Obama just thought the whole issue was silly, and didn't want to waste his time with it? After all, he's too busy being a socialist.

  14. #14
    The Bad Boy of TFF Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time Block's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    Maybe Obama just thought the whole issue was silly, and didn't want to waste his time with it? After all, he's too busy being a socialist.
    OOOOHHH DIG! But seriously he is a socialist and I wish he wasn't our president for only that reason. Oh that and he's black

    Quote Originally Posted by Alisyn
    I can tell by looking at you right at this moment from the angle of through your window that you have nothing to be ashamed of
    CPC8: Makin' it happen.

  15. #15

    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    I find this hilarious that this wasnt checked prior to him running for office, you would think with the amount of funding America pump into security that this detail would have been covered prior to running for office.

    And im with Sasquatch on this, its not racist, he just needs to prove hes American, which is fair enough.

    If they didnt want him as President anymore they would just invite him to Dallas.

  16. #16
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    I'm positive this "forgery" would have been discovered a long timeago.
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  17. #17
    Registered User Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time Locke4God's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    Doesn't matter, his mother his a citizen anyway, so the whole certificate thing was mute from the begining.

    And anyway. He's a terrible leader and horrible decision maker regardless.

    I defy you to name one positive significant thing he's done?

    Healthcare? Guaranteed to cost 5-10 times more than he claimes and doesn't cover anybody else anyway, which was supposedly the goal.

    Stimulus? Wasted money, created only temporary jobs and never moved the unemployment needle, which is fabricated to rest at 9% but in actuality is closer to 15%. Only 45% of populace works, and half of those are government workers, leaving roughly a quarter of the population working to support the other 75%. Yeah that's not a good figure!

    Foreign policy? Please. He backed off closing Gitmo and holding civilian trials because he knew he was wrong to begin with, and he's done little to nothing else.

    Women's equal pay bill? Only encourages lawsuites not any individual change to any one person's pay. YaY more lawuites. THANKS!

    Budget Plan? He wants to increase taxes during a down economy! Dumb dumb dumb dumb DUMB! Even if you're pro "tax the rich" realize that they already pay 55% of their salary in taxes, and if you took every penny from them it wouldn't fund the country for a year anyway, so there's really not as much money in that bracket as you think. Not enough to solve our SPENDING PROBLEM!

    Budget plan 2? We have a spending problem which he doesn't understand. We're simply spending too much money. I'd say let's just cut everything 20%

  18. #18
    The Bad Boy of TFF Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time Block's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    Quote Originally Posted by Locke4God View Post
    Budget plan 2? We have a spending problem which he doesn't understand. We're simply spending too much money. I'd say let's just cut everything 20%
    Why stop at 20%? The government has been poorly spending the populaces tax money for decades now and I would like the opportunity to spend it myself on the things I need in my life right now. Tax me when I buy gas for roads, tax my paycheck to keep the country safe, and then stfu and let me buy everything else I need. Schools? Privatized. Mail? Privatized. Privatizing? CREATE JOBS.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alisyn
    I can tell by looking at you right at this moment from the angle of through your window that you have nothing to be ashamed of
    CPC8: Makin' it happen.

  19. #19
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    I don't know about you guys, but I wouldn't want to show my birth certificate to the world. It's a personal, private document. I bet half the people bitching about him not showing it wouldn't want their birth certificates floating around the internet. Which also explains why he might've shown evidence that he is a citizen, but without producing the official document. I honestly can't blame him.

    The fact that he's the first black president has already caused people to give him stick over it. No matter how much you try and defend it, but America is still a largely racist country (I'm not saying the rest of the world isn't racist btw). It wouldn't surprise me if it was because he's black; I agree that saying it is completely because he's black is stupid, but it doesn't mean it doesn't play a part in it. Because it certainly does, and anyone who says it isn't, is a ****ing moron.

    And Lock, this thread was about the birth certificate, and the absurdity behind it. Not about whether he's a great leader or not. Discuss that in the millions of ID threads you've made about hating the man.

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  20. #20
    I invented Go-Gurt. Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time Clint's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    In relation to American citizenship, if you are born abroad to one United States citizen and one foreign citizen, you may be considered a U.S. citizen if you meet three requirements.

    One; one of your parents was a U.S. citizen when you were born.

    Two; if the parent who is a U.S. citizen has lived at least five years in the U.S. before you were born.

    Three; the parent who is a U.S. citizen must have lived in the U.S. for at least two years of these five years after his/her fourteenth birthday.

    President Obama fits the requirements for American citizenship, so all the fuss over the production of a birth certificate has been a complete waste of time and resources, and is severely stupid.

    A lot of the retards who keep making a big deal about this bullshit are in government, yet they don't know how citizenship of the country they're governing works. A ****ing monkey could do a better job then half the people holding an elected government office.

  21. #21
    I do what you can't. Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    Quote Originally Posted by Block View Post
    Why stop at 20%? The government has been poorly spending the populaces tax money for decades now and I would like the opportunity to spend it myself on the things I need in my life right now. Tax me when I buy gas for roads, tax my paycheck to keep the country safe, and then stfu and let me buy everything else I need. Schools? Privatized. Mail? Privatized. Privatizing? CREATE JOBS.
    Exactly. Thank you. Unfortunately, there are too many people in the United States that believe that the government is the only thing that creates jobs, drives the economy, and provides goods and services, and will continually vote for the government to take those powers away from the private sector. They need to get back to what they are Constitutionally required to do, and nothing else.

    Especially when private schools provide a much better education (with better financial efficiency), and private postal services work better than the USPS.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    I don't know about you guys, but I wouldn't want to show my birth certificate to the world. It's a personal, private document.
    And the obligation to produce it still falls under the Freedom of Information act -- and I don't know about you, but I'm not the President of the United States, an office that requires me to be a natural-born citizen, and to provide documentation of such fact.

    No matter how much you try and defend it, but America is still a largely racist country (I'm not saying the rest of the world isn't racist btw).
    It is indeed. Which is why we have protests that lesser-qualified people are not given more because of their skin color, companies being forced to support Affirmative Action (a program that gives jobs to less-qualified applicants based on other-than-white skin color), and an extremely unqualified President that would have been laughed off of the ballot if he was white.

    Oh you mean that America is "largely racist" against black people? Oh.



    It wouldn't surprise me if it was because he's black; I agree that saying it is completely because he's black is stupid, but it doesn't mean it doesn't play a part in it. Because it certainly does, and anyone who says it isn't, is a ****ing moron.
    It certainly does ... to whom? What politician (you know, the ones that vote against his policies all the time) has stated anything about Obama's deficiencies being because of his skin color or ancestory? What person of any standing has said anything of the sort? Sure, you'll have a handfull of morons claiming that he's incompetent because he's black (when his skin color has nothing to do with his incompetence), but you also have people claiming that Bush was a descendant of Hitler and/or Pierce, or that Republicans planned the September 11th attacks to scare up support for some fake war, or that every President is a part of the Illuminati that originated with the Free Masons and is running the world behind closed doors, or hell, that Daylight Savings Time is responsible for "global warming" because it increases daylight by an hour every day. (I've actually seen somebody try to make that argument. It was awesome.) Just because there are idiots out there doesn't mean that they make up any sort of meaningful group.

    Hell, there was a big stink about McCain's natural-born citizenship as well, during the race, because he was born of American citizens (both) in Panama. It wasn't an issue of whether or not he is a citizen (like Obama), the issue was that he had to be a naturally-born citizen, and that has never been clearly defined. I'm quite sure that if McCain had won, we would still have people bringing up the fact that he was born technically outside of the United States. Except nobody would be foolish enough to call them "racist" for an issue that has absolutely nothing to do with race.

    And Lock, this thread was about the birth certificate, and the absurdity behind it. Not about whether he's a great leader or not.
    It's about Obama and his birth certificate, not just a meaningless piece of paper. Talking about how Obama being a citizen or not doesn't affect his competence is pretty relevant to a discussion on proof of whether or not Obama is a citizen.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Clint Eastwood View Post
    A ****ing monkey could do a better job then half the people holding an elected government office.

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  22. #22
    #LOCKE4GOD Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    Exactly. Thank you. Unfortunately, there are too many people in the United States that believe that the government is the only thing that creates jobs, drives the economy, and provides goods and services, and will continually vote for the government to take those powers away from the private sector. They need to get back to what they are Constitutionally required to do, and nothing else.
    Could you at least add an "in my opinion" when you state your, uh, opinion? It's arrogant to suggest that your view on the government is the only possible one, the only correct one. It isn't, and that's moot.

    Also, this is about the birth certificate. If it is about race, as a few members are now suggesting, consider some additional questions:

    1) Was Obama sworn into office without providing as much evidence (of citizenship) as previous presidents?

    2) Was/Is President Obama expected to provide more evidence than previous presidents?

    3) If the answer to #1 is "no" and the answer to #2 is yes, is it reasonable to suspect this is the result of racist double-standards?

    Also, big ups to The Clint Eastwood. I learnt new things from his post, which is understandable given that I have no desire to acquire American citizenship. Sasquatch, you should have responded to him, rather than (or in addition to) picking apart UE's post.

    I agree with UE that I consider a birth certificate a very private document. I keep mine locked away, and only ever photocopy it if I need it, getting the copy signed by a Justice of the Peace to confirm its validity.

    Certainly, I would not want mine floating around the Internet. Sasquatch, you may not be attempting to gain public office, but in order to vote in American elections, you must be an American citizen. So may we all see your birth certificate?

  23. #23
    I do what you can't. Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    Could you at least add an "in my opinion" when you state your, uh, opinion?
    First, it wasn't my opinion, it was the opinion of others. Second, everything I post revolves around my opinion, just like everything you post revolves around your opinion, and everything anybody else posts revolves around their opinion. It's opinion that Obama is a good or bad President, it's opinion that his ridicule is based on race or isn't based on race, etc. etc. You could argue against my opinions, but they are obviously opinions. Do I really need to state "this is my opinion" on everything I post?

    It's arrogant to suggest that your view on the government is the only possible one, the only correct one. It isn't, and that's moot.
    Actually ... when a governing document is established, government should be based on that document. In the case of the United States of America, that document is the Constitution of the United States of America. Whether or not you agree with said Constitution is an opinion, but the idea that a government should stick to its governing document is simple common sense.

    Also, this is about the birth certificate. If it is about race, as a few members are now suggesting, consider some additional questions:

    1) Was Obama sworn into office without providing as much evidence (of citizenship) as previous presidents?

    2) Was/Is President Obama expected to provide more evidence than previous presidents?

    3) If the answer to #1 is "no" and the answer to #2 is yes, is it reasonable to suspect this is the result of racist double-standards?
    IF the answer to #1 would have been "no" and the answer to #2 be "yes", then it might be reasonable to suspect that it is the result of a double-standard, and since he is a different color than other Presidents, race might be one reason for the double-standard (besides creed, background, political stances, qualifications and experience, etc.). Unfortunately for that argument, the answer to your first question is "yes". But somehow, expecting Obama to produce the same amount of evidence as previous Presidents of his natural-born citizenship is "racist".

    Also, big ups to The Clint Eastwood. I learnt new things from his post, which is understandable given that I have no desire to acquire American citizenship. Sasquatch, you should have responded to him, rather than (or in addition to) picking apart UE's post.
    There was no reason to. He listed one set of requirements for being a United States citizen -- however, "citizen" and "natural-born citizen" may or may not be different classifications. I'm pretty sure I addressed this very point. ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    It wasn't an issue of whether or not he is a citizen (like Obama), the issue was that he had to be a naturally-born citizen, and that has never been clearly defined.
    Oh yeah. I did.

    So we have established that Barack Hussein Obama II is a citizen of the United States of America. Which, in this case, matters very little.

    Certainly, I would not want mine floating around the Internet. Sasquatch, you may not be attempting to gain public office, but in order to vote in American elections, you must be an American citizen. So may we all see your birth certificate?
    Actually, in a few years, I do plan to run for public office. And at that time, if you are on any sort of election council that verifies candidates' eligibility to hold the office that they are running for, and I am one of the candidates that you are verifying, then yes, you can. (This happened to Obama, yet he failed to provide his actual birth certificate.) Until then, you will have to file a valid request under the Freedom of Information Act (this happened to Obama, yet he failed to provide his actual birth certificate) -- and if that request is granted, I will be legally required to provide it, and, as I would be legally required, I would do so (as was Obama, nearly three years ago, yet he, until just the other day, failed -- or refused -- to provide his actual birth certificate).

    I'll definitely concede that "natural-born citizen" hasn't been, and hasn't so much needed to have been, clarified until very recently. Even now, it hasn't been clarified. Does it just refer to somebody who had been granted citizenship at birth, and thus those born of parents who were American citizens would qualify? Or does it refer to those only who were born inside the United States or its territories, or perhaps only the legal United States itself? What about if one parent is a citizen of another country, as would apply to Obama -- could he be a "natural-born" citizen of the United States, while he was also born a citizen of Kenya, and since its founding, the United States has frowned upon the possibility of any leader having a "double-alliance"? Either way, there is no reason that Obama wasn't obligated -- legally and morally to his constituents -- to provide proof of his eligibility to hold the office of the Presidency long before he was elected into that office. And to answer your question again, yes -- if I ever have that same obligation, I will live up to my responsibility.

    Again. If McCain had been elected instead, we would still be having this argument. The only difference is that those supporting McCain would not be able to label those against him as "racist" for reasons that have everything to do with eligibility for office and absolutely nothing to do with race.

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  24. #24
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch
    And the obligation to produce it still falls under the Freedom of Information act -- and I don't know about you, but I'm not the President of the United States, an office that requires me to be a natural-born citizen, and to provide documentation of such fact.
    If the Freedom of Information act wanted to know how big your **** is, would you disclose that information to the public? Regardless if it's under the Freedom of Information act, I wouldn't want my birth certificate floating around the internet. Obama shouldn't have to have showed it to the entire world to stop everyone biting at his heels; it could have been showed to other officials to act as witnesses.

    And even now that he has showed it, you've got that asshole Trump calling it a fake, and investigating if it's real or not. It didn't even stop the biting.

    It is indeed. Which is why we have protests that lesser-qualified people are not given more because of their skin color, companies being forced to support Affirmative Action (a program that gives jobs to less-qualified applicants based on other-than-white skin color), and an extremely unqualified President that would have been laughed off of the ballot if he was white.
    I don't even know what you're getting at here, and I can't tell if you're just being a jerk or not, if I'm honest. If there's protests, then that just says it all for me. If companies are forced, then that says even more.

    Oh you mean that America is "largely racist" against black people? Oh.


    How about... no? You're the one who said black people, not I. I stated that Obama is black, but didn't say America is solely racist against black people. You said that, and then laughed like a moron.

    Quit seeing what you want to see out of my posts. Do yourself a favour, and read what's ****ing there instead of acting like a jerk.

    It certainly does ... to whom? What politician (you know, the ones that vote against his policies all the time) has stated anything about Obama's deficiencies being because of his skin color or ancestory? What person of any standing has said anything of the sort?
    Skin colour doesn't mean incompetence, and I said nothing of the sort. I didn't even make the link between his skin colour and his ability to manage a country. What I was stating was the way people view him, because that does play a part. Regardless if he's been a good president or not, he's the first black president, and I know there's not a lot of people who aren't happy with that (aside from his ability to run the country).

    I've seen it, and I've seen it on this forum, where people have stated that Obama was only voted into office for the history books, and for the thrill and excitement of it.

    Sure, you'll have a handfull of morons claiming that he's incompetent because he's black (when his skin color has nothing to do with his incompetence), but you also have people claiming that Bush was a descendant of Hitler and/or Pierce, or that Republicans planned the September 11th attacks to scare up support for some fake war, or that every President is a part of the Illuminati that originated with the Free Masons and is running the world behind closed doors, or hell, that Daylight Savings Time is responsible for "global warming" because it increases daylight by an hour every day. (I've actually seen somebody try to make that argument. It was awesome.) Just because there are idiots out there doesn't mean that they make up any sort of meaningful group.
    That's just irrelevant to what you quoted me on.

    Hell, there was a big stink about McCain's natural-born citizenship as well, during the race, because he was born of American citizens (both) in Panama. It wasn't an issue of whether or not he is a citizen (like Obama), the issue was that he had to be a naturally-born citizen, and that has never been clearly defined. I'm quite sure that if McCain had won, we would still have people bringing up the fact that he was born technically outside of the United States. Except nobody would be foolish enough to call them "racist" for an issue that has absolutely nothing to do with race.
    He'd have been the 44th white president if he'd gotten through. And if he was born outside of the US, then poor him. He'd have been fighting a loosing battle if it's true. Obama is a citizen, and it's been proved, and he's still not proved it to everyone.

    It's about Obama and his birth certificate, not just a meaningless piece of paper. Talking about how Obama being a citizen or not doesn't affect his competence is pretty relevant to a discussion on proof of whether or not Obama is a citizen.
    Did I say it was a meaningless piece of paper? I do believe this thread was about his birth certificate, and not about what he's achieved as president.

    I didn't even want this to be about racism. You tore my post apart because I said racism played a small part in this debate. An opinion shared by more than just me.

    It's only his birth certificate which proves his race which people are getting pissy about, so race does come into it. Two years down the line, he's proved it, and it's still a ****ing issue.
    Last edited by Unknown Entity; 05-01-2011 at 01:12 PM.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  25. #25
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    Why's it so important that they be a natural born citizen?
    Surely some people who've migrated from countries with a higher level of education that've become citizens would make ideal leaders.

    Granted you probably wouldn't get anyone from Vatican City or other such places as their populations are that small, but surely there's a few folks from Finland, Greenland, Georgia, Norway or wherever that've become citizens that would be ideal candidates. It strikes me as a little odd that a country so free has restrictions like that.
    victoria aut mors

  26. #26
    The Bad Boy of TFF Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time Block's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    1) This thread is getting a little ID on us here. (Which isn't a bad thing!)
    2) Sasquatch, you and I are apparently of similar mind when it comes to what or, more importantly, what not our government should be involved with.
    3) Unknown Entity, if the government wanted to know the size of my **** I'd tell them to shove off, but I wouldn't then expect them to let me be the president afterwards.
    4) My penis is rather big.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alisyn
    I can tell by looking at you right at this moment from the angle of through your window that you have nothing to be ashamed of
    CPC8: Makin' it happen.

  27. #27
    I invented Go-Gurt. Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time Clint's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    It wasn't an issue of whether or not he is a citizen (like Obama), the issue was that he had to be a naturally-born citizen, and that has never been clearly defined.
    You could have always looked up the requirements for natural-born citizenship at the time of his birth.

    Between December 23, 1952 and November 13, 1986, the requirement for natural-born citizenship for the birth of a child outside of the United States to one American citizen and one foreign national required that the US citizen must have resided in the US for a total of 10 years prior to the birth of the child, with five of the years after the age of 14.

    Obama's mother was indeed American, and she had lived in America her entire life. In fact, even though she lived in Hawaii at the time of his birth, she moved there after 1958, after it had been made a state.

    And while she didn't fit all the requirements listed, seeing as how she gave birth only four years after her 14th birthday, the requirements for natural citizenship were updated in 1986 which indicated that she would only have to have been 16 at the time of his birth for him to be considered a natural born citizen.

    So you're correct to question Obama's citizenship, seeing as how he wasn't technically made a natural-born citizen of the United States until he was about 24, but the issue of his citizenship should have been resolved in 1986, and it's quite ridiculous that people are making such a big deal about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    I didn't even want this to be about racism. You tore my post apart because I said racism played a small part in this debate. An opinion shared by more than just me.
    You're right. The only reason anybody questioned his citizenship in the first place is because he's an African American who was born in Africa to one African parent and one American citizen. John McCain was born to two American citizens in Panama, but if he had become president instead, I doubt it would be as big of an issue.
    Last edited by Clint; 05-01-2011 at 01:09 PM.

  28. #28
    #LOCKE4GOD Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    I figure I should clarify. I think race is the least of the issues involved here. The only reason it seems to beg clarification is that his father is Kenyan (British). This opens the possibility of dual allegiance. However, as Obama has only ever been an American citizen, it is ridiculous.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but surely Obama had to show proof of 'natural born' citizenship to some official at some stage? Perhaps in registering to be a candidate. I have faith enough to believe that it was checked. Why did he ever have to release it, in it's entirety, to the public domain?

    I want to see Trump's certificate of live birth. I doubt he'd show it. To quote my dad, it would prove he's a bastard.

  29. #29
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time Polk's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    Literally the best video.

    I'm so glad I voted for Obama.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  30. #30
    The Bad Boy of TFF Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time Block's Avatar
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    Re: Obama produced his birth certificate, now go an do something constructive with your time

    Second best video ever. I'm glad I vote Libertarian.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alisyn
    I can tell by looking at you right at this moment from the angle of through your window that you have nothing to be ashamed of
    CPC8: Makin' it happen.

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