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Thread: Nioh

  1. #1


    So... Anybody playing this amazing game?

    I'm currently about to step into the 5th map area and im rocking a Katana build, i was pairing it with the spear but as soon as i got the hang of the katana i havent used the spear since, so respecced my build to stack Heart and Spirit.

    And im using the Enko spirit currently, the offer so many different stats, im not even sure if its the best one i should be using..

    Are you playing? if so what guardian spirit are you using?

  2. #2
    Registered User Nioh Martial Master's Avatar
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    Meriden, CT
    I'm playing Nioh as well. One would figure a fella like me, with this username, would do so I'm at the end of the 2nd mission, fighting the boss of the caves, and picked Kato the fire-wolf as my starter. When I get more spirits, I plan to use Gyokuro the moon-hare. I'm using spear and katana pretty evenly, and am Lv 25 with points mostly in body, heart, and spirit with a little dexterity for ninjitsu. A few well placed makibishi (caltrops) can help surprisingly well for earthbound threats. I loved cleaning the oni out of that lower cave before Hino-enma. Just need to learn how to beat her. I'm wearing the full archer gear and a paralysis omamori, so her paralysis won't be that big an issue. Just need to find her telegraphs and watch her speed.
    His mind is not for rent, to any God or government, always hopeful, yet discontent, he knows changes aren't permanent, but change is. ~Rush, "Tom Sawyer"

  3. #3
    Boxer of the Galaxy Nioh Rowan's Avatar
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    Im still undecided whether or not I should get it. How much like dark souls is it? I didnt enjoy the demo at all, but thats because I had no idea what I was doing or what the controls were. I dont play games that much anymore and any spare time I have for games is devoted to something special.

  4. #4
    Yeah its got alot to it, combat wise, im still picking up tricks. Once you learn the basics you will be fine, the bosses can be hard and frustrating, some are a piece of cake. I like that you take missions as opposed to running around a big open world. Its a nice change and makes it alot more casual, if you got alot of time you can do the main and sub missions. If you only have a few minutes you can just do a sub mission, they can be over pretty quick.

    If testing yourself gameplay wise is something you would rather avoid, and go with something more heavy on the stories, then its not the game for you.


    Just realised i posted this in gen chat and not gaming

  5. #5
    Registered User Nioh Martial Master's Avatar
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    Meriden, CT
    Well, I figured out Hino-enma's tells, and how to properly dodgeroll form her. Seems she can't take a lot of hits either. High speed and damage, but low constitution and stamina -- a true glass cannon.

    Estimated attempts at killing Onryoki: Over 20
    Estimated attempts at killing Hino-enma: 6
    His mind is not for rent, to any God or government, always hopeful, yet discontent, he knows changes aren't permanent, but change is. ~Rush, "Tom Sawyer"

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