I have never, and would never, have a beer. I'm a straight edged kind of guy.
I have never, and would never, have a beer. I'm a straight edged kind of guy.
CPC8: Makin' it happen.Originally Posted by Alisyn
Oddly, I would never expect that from you. I don't know you though. Do you drink?
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Ive been drinking for a few hours solid now (friends 21st) and I am at that stage where I need to put on my poker face so the peeps don know.
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
It's okay Block, I'll split whatever you don't drink with Rocky. We're kinda like frayed edge.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
I don't like drinking that much at all. It's extremely rare. If I do, I feel like my insides are eating themselves and I piss like Seabiscuit. I don't enjoy either.
Pissing is like the best thing of all time though.
I don't doubt that you have never had a beer, being straight edge and all.
What I do doubt is that you would never have a beer. If somebody kidnapped you, held you against your will, and forced you to drink beers, with the penalty for refusing being death to either yourself or people close to you, I'm pretty sure you would be drinking beer.
You are a liar, a hypocrite, a troglodyte, and a gelatinous tapeworm, and I expect an apology for your very assumptious accusations about yourself.
rare... to find som1 else whos never had a sip of alcohol that is... i havent either and im almost 27. neither have i had any kind of smoke ( im not against either but just not for me) besides second hand... ooh i get a ton of second hand cuz when people exhale my face seems to be a target..lol
i wonder how long we'll last without drinking..
It's cool Blocko. I wont ever smoke marijuana once in my life.
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I don't drink beer at all, but I did take a few sips just to try what beer tasted like. I think I tasted Corona and Budweiser while the beer was being added to the steak my friends were grilling. I can't remember which one was sweeter and bitter. I preferred the sweet tasting one. Even with a few sips, I got a headache right afterwards. U_U; /embarrassed
I am tired right now and not even sure how to deal with this thread. So for now I am closing it and will come back after I have had some sleep to actually deal with the aftermath of the spamming shit storm that has happened while I was at work.; that is if Ocean doesn't deal with it first.
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Together we're marching on
United, we move as one
Our finest hour has just begun
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