It has come to my attention that these things called bronies. They are fans of a show called My Little Pony Friendship is Magic and I get really frustrated because they treat the show like a religion and they apparently live by a "Love and Tolerate" I think that's total BS because they love to argue with people that don't like the show mind you a number of them love to lurk on YouTube to revert non "bronies" to one of them. Either I spend very little time on the Internet or something because apparently they've been around since 2010 in a way I wish I hadn't known about them. Lastly I have a bone to pick with them because they always ask what I am a fan of I and when I bring up Final Fantasy all they do is belittle the series not just XII and onward they. Also they do something called "ponifie" which is turning something famous and turning it into ponies I've seen them "ponifie" the Final Fantasy vii cast and rename Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions to Final Brony Tactics The War of the Manticore. Lastly I've seen a rom of Final Fantasy VI where it's been renamed My Little Pony Fantasy VI where they changed the sprites to ponies and the dialogue has been butchered. I'm just saying this brony fad better end soon because of there annoying habits.
P.S They have also ponified Super Mario, The Beatles, and the band Dethklok. They are getting on my nerves. Lastly a lot of them are hypocrites