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  1. #1
    Boxer of the Galaxy Need help Rowan's Avatar
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    Need help

    Im expected to make a speech at my girlfriends 21st coming up soon. One of her friends is making a speech so I suppose that puts me in the spotlight as well. What I want to know is, what does one say at these things? I dont want to go in about how much I care for her etc because I'm really not open like that.

    Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Registered Goober Need help Order's Avatar
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    Re: Need help

    Considering that the other friend will probably talk for 20 minutes. Let them go first and make yours short.
    I usually go for the,
    "Congrarulations on surviving this long, we're all very glad that you did."
    If her parents are there, switch up to a more sincere tone and thank them for raising a great girl.

    If the other friend steals your idea and makes theirs short too, wing it.
    Cracking on the birthday girl is allowed as long as it is taken lightly and followed up by a compliment.
    You gotta feel out the crowd.

  3. #3
    Boxer of the Galaxy Need help Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Need help

    I would consider myself good at imporivsation, but fail hard when its supposed to be sincere. How can you improv sincerity???

  4. #4

    Re: Need help

    Haha you don't really. I'd say plan something even if it is small, the shorter the better I'd imagine. I mean why take the spotlight from the birthday girl? If it is something you feel like you have to do more than you really want to I'd say opt out, people can sniff out a forced speech easily. Keep it simple, I don't think you'll be snakecharming and don't feel you have to impress anyone if you do make a speech, the celebration is about her not how well you can talk.

    Is it a formal affair? I've never heard of speeches at birthdays before...

  5. #5
    Boxer of the Galaxy Need help Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Need help

    Quote Originally Posted by Imposter View Post
    Is it a formal affair? I've never heard of speeches at birthdays before...
    Well 21st birthdays here are like the right of passage. Traditionally we give a key here that is supposed to symbolise your key to the future and everyone signs it. I suppose it is formal in a way and I'd love it to be everything my girlfriend wanted and more, because shes the type of person who cherishes memories and wants to make the most of these kinds of special occassions. Shes very family oriented and they feel the same way. It would be expected of me and I dont want to let anyone down. To prepare a speech I would like some sort of template. I dont want to embarass her because then I would feel like im taking some of the attention away from her, but what I would like to do is keep it short and heartfelt. Is that possible when I dont like being very open to people?

  6. #6
    #LOCKE4GOD Need help Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Need help

    Assuming Australian 21sts are like NZ ones, then just get a pen, and on your hand write 5 words that remind you of 5 funny anecdotes to do with her. If you're a passable conversationalist, then that is all you will need to make a funny speech. If you can't think of 5 funny anecdotes, the rule of thumb is that you shouldn't be up there speaking. Get sincere for five seconds at the end of the speech and give her a peck. Everyone will go "awwww" and you'll be done.

  7. #7
    The Mad God Need help Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Need help

    As a terrible speaker, my best advice is to distract the audience with humor. I can't speak seriously and sincerely about anything for more than about 5 seconds, but I can keep a stream of jokes going all day long if I have to. If you're going for length, just use comedy as filler. Always worked for me.
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