--> My Long hair Fricken Awesome - Page 3

View Poll Results: What style of Hair do You Have?

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  • Long Hair loose

    14 21.21%
  • Short, Emo Style

    5 7.58%
  • Short Spikey

    8 12.12%
  • Long Hair Ponytail

    11 16.67%
  • Shoulder Length Hair

    16 24.24%
  • Other

    12 18.18%
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Thread: My Long hair Fricken Awesome

  1. #61
    Ellipsis My Long hair Fricken Awesome Meigumi's Avatar
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    I used to have hair at shoulder length. I take great care of my hair, and girls at my gym class couldn't resist touching it because it's sooo light, dry and soft.

    When I was little, I used to like having long hair, but it's hard to wash and dry. It's so time consuming, and it took a while to brush it everyday, before going to school. Then, my mom wanted to cut my hair, and I hated my short hair.

    I got used to it afterwards, so I like having short hair now. Heck, I'll probably beg for another haircut in spring.
    .....And I also stole that cupcake.

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  2. #62
    Cilla vs. Games My Long hair Fricken Awesome Priscilla's Avatar
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    I have long hair. It's blonde and it goes halfway down my back. I am still growing it though. I prefer long hair on me. I've had it short when I was little and it just isn't as pretty. I really don't think long hair is a pain to maintain. I just need to brush it. If I don't put it up it gets a little messy.. Nothing hard to deal with though. I have shampoo and conditioner that is specifically for long hair as well.

    I never know whether I want a block fringe or a side fringe so I tend to alternate between the two. The side fringe sits better on me so that's what I have right now. It's nice. I love having a fringe. It makes everything look better. Even ponytails. I have a side part to go with my fringe. So I don't have the middle part look going on. You can hardly see my part anyway so it works great.

    On males I prefer short hair. That's just me though.

  3. #63
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Random girls like to touch my hair, and the only way to avoid this is to wear it tied back in a ponytail, preferably with a hat.

    I'm not sure if it's the blond highlights or just the way I lovingly wash it every morning, but it's definetely my best (and shiniest) asset. Long hair ftw.
    victoria aut mors

  4. #64
    I'll make you famous My Long hair Fricken Awesome Rydia Lover's Avatar
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    theres something about a man with an emo haircut that just turns me on lol.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wintermetal
    But I think this girl is uber hot
    Quote Originally Posted by Rumour.Delirium
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  5. #65
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I'm not emo!
    I'm just lazy and love good hair hygiene.
    victoria aut mors

  6. #66
    I'll make you famous My Long hair Fricken Awesome Rydia Lover's Avatar
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    well i wasnt really refering to you, i just ment the hair cut in general, after all it is on the poll.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wintermetal
    But I think this girl is uber hot
    Quote Originally Posted by Rumour.Delirium
    You ARE my number one, Rydia Lover. <3
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  7. #67
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Oh. Ohhhhhh. I was just testing you. Yessss.
    Btw my fellow longhaired peoples. I was thinking of getting some of those little braids like you see on modern day fictional pirates, but I heard they could **** your hair up.
    Anyone ever give them a go?
    victoria aut mors

  8. #68
    Are you gay? If so it could probably work for you, at the cost of "messing your hair up" of course.

  9. #69
    I'll make you famous My Long hair Fricken Awesome Rydia Lover's Avatar
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    ive never heard of that on a man but if it looks good then hey, go for it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wintermetal
    But I think this girl is uber hot
    Quote Originally Posted by Rumour.Delirium
    You ARE my number one, Rydia Lover. <3
    current games playing:
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  10. #70
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Well I'm not sure I have the wording right, but those things you see on Jack Sparrow for example. I notice some are beaded, but there's also a few with strands wrapped around eachother, usually to the side.

    And Che, I find good hair is great for getting a female's attention when the rest of me looks kind of brutal/thuggish. My hair is likely always 'messy' as all I do is wash it daily and occasionally tie it back which is a job requirement. It sits the way it does itself which I'm glad for as I cbf maintaining anything elaborate.
    victoria aut mors

  11. #71
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. My Long hair Fricken Awesome Polk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silver View Post
    Oh. Ohhhhhh. I was just testing you. Yessss.
    Btw my fellow longhaired peoples. I was thinking of getting some of those little braids like you see on modern day fictional pirates, but I heard they could **** your hair up.
    Anyone ever give them a go?
    What, you mean like dreads?

    Because this is what people would thing of you if you got dreads.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

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  12. #72
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by James K. Polk View Post
    Those were dreads? I need a higher res picture...
    victoria aut mors

  13. #73
    Girls don't find Jack Sparrow hot because of his dreads. They find him hot because it's Johnny Depp. Are you Johnny Depp? If that answer is no then don't get dreads.

  14. #74
    I'll make you famous My Long hair Fricken Awesome Rydia Lover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Che View Post
    Girls don't find Jack Sparrow hot because of his dreads. They find him hot because it's Johnny Depp. Are you Johnny Depp? If that answer is no then don't get dreads.
    i like dreads, but only on certain kinds of people though, and no not jhonny depp, i dont really like him
    Quote Originally Posted by Wintermetal
    But I think this girl is uber hot
    Quote Originally Posted by Rumour.Delirium
    You ARE my number one, Rydia Lover. <3
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  15. #75
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み My Long hair Fricken Awesome ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    I am a guy with shoulder length hair, but the front goes over to my right in a fringe. I love my hair as it is at the moment. It's been layered too.

    I have to straighten it though. My hair is so thick that when it gets wet orif I leave it alone after waking up, it curls like crazy.

    I always used to go from one extreme to the other in terms of length. I used to have it more or less bald until I was about 15. then I grew it out so it went just past the middle of my shoulderblades. Then I cut it all off to about an inch. Now I've grown it back out, and it stays this way.

  16. #76
    Memento Rhapso My Long hair Fricken Awesome Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: My Long hair Fricken Awesome

    I'm a dude and I have a Jew Fro. To be frank, I hate it. I've always wanted straight hair, but if I straighten it it stays that way for a whole two hours then goes back, even with forty pounds of hair spray and gel. It used to be at least 6 inches out, but then it got annoying and attracted to much attention to me (ooh look at him his hair is so fluffy I bet we can follow him around and touch his hair and he won't mind!)- thought of creepy stalker lady who tried to lure me into a closet and later stole a clip of my friends hair O.o
    So yeah, now it's a basic poof on my head. Damn you lucky straight haired people!
    *Note- I'll try to find a picture of my massive fro later
    Last edited by Rhaps; 07-20-2010 at 09:44 AM.

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  17. #77
    Crash Boom Bang My Long hair Fricken Awesome Lily's Avatar
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    Re: My Long hair Fricken Awesome

    I had mine cut not so long ago, it was mid back length and I'd had enough and decided it was time I had it all hacked off, I ended up getting it a bit below the jawline, though I forgot how fast it grows when its shorter and its already nearing shoulder length so Im gunna have to go get a couple inches off, and layered, it looks awful without layers, i had a straight cut when I first went and I hated it, I had to go back and have layers put back into it

    I like men with longer hair, not too long, though I dont mind that either, I just prefer it like, past the ears kinda length and scruffy looking, its hot

  18. #78

    Re: My Long hair Fricken Awesome

    I'm male and sport a buzzcut. I would like to keep it at 1/8", but parents don't like it, so I compromise with 1/4".

    I like it because I've never really cared for my hair, and could never figure out what to do with it. This way, I can keep it maintained, and never get too long, I have a good head shape for it, and it's much cheaper, since you do it yourself instead if going to a barbershop or salon.
    Last edited by GeLeHa; 07-20-2010 at 06:16 PM.
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  19. #79
    The Mad God My Long hair Fricken Awesome Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: My Long hair Fricken Awesome

    I keep my hair long and straight, it's about mid back on me now. Just looks better when headbanging. I never liked the way I looked with shorter haircuts as a kid, I don't plan to go back to em.
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  20. #80
    hair solution

    Re: My Long hair Fricken Awesome

    I have long and strong and fat hair and also silky and shyni because, I used Red shampoo hair daily and I shell be give you this advice that you also use this Red hair shampoo......Thanks.......!

  21. #81
    Registered User My Long hair Fricken Awesome
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    Re: My Long hair Fricken Awesome

    pratically shaved.

  22. #82
    My Long hair Fricken Awesome SSJ4 Goku's Avatar
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    Re: My Long hair Fricken Awesome

    I clicked on shoulder-length hair, as that's what I have now, but I probably won't be getting it cut for at least another year now, if not a year and a half, so it should get decently longer. I've kept my hair long for the last six years or so. I've always liked longer hair on guys and girls, so I've always fancied the look, but I would be lying if I didn't say my initial decision to finally start growing it out wasn't out of sheer laziness/not wanting to bother getting a haircut for a while. >_<

    I also donate my hair when it gets decently long. The last time I cut it was just over a year ago and I donated about 14 inches of it, which still left me with enough hair to comb back into something manageable without looking too awkward.)

    My hair also grows really slow though, and I'm in fact starting to lose hair despite my young(ish) age. Perhaps when I donate it, I should just tell them to hold onto it, as I'll need it down the line. Definitely something to consider!

  23. #83
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Lollage. When I posted in here last, it was two years ago and I had shoulder length hair. It's now breast length and layered, just as I had planned it would be.

    I really like my hair like this, although I've been toying with the idea of cutting it again. Still, for now, it'll be like this since it took me a good two years to get to this point. :3
    It's still brown, naturally.

    Since last post, I also have a new boyfriend. He's blonde, with short hair. It's curly and makes me laugh. Sometimes he'll gel it straight but it's pretty untameable. Still, it's not frizzy or afro-curly. If he grew it out, it probably would be.

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  24. #84
    Registered User My Long hair Fricken Awesome winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: My Long hair Fricken Awesome

    Been two years since I posted here too, think I was the third person to post, back then my hair was dead straight, reddish brown. It's still pretty much the same, but it has layers cut into it now and it is more red than brown now.
    Im getting a whole new look in the next few weeks, going to a more natural colour, brown with a copper tint, then having a brighter cooper/auburn slices put through it. No idea what slices are the hairdresser thinks that slices will look nicer than highlights with my layers, so I'm goin with her opinion. Might have it a little bit shorter this time, with more layers put in aswell.

    I did want copper all over but cos my hair is such a bright red, the colour wouldn't tkae to it properly with is why I need to go more natural first. Hope it somes out nice, it's costing me £63, I've never spent that much on me in one go lol

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  25. #85
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: My Long hair Fricken Awesome

    Mine's still growing strong.
    I have to tie it back into a long ponytail when working (presentation) or on windy days (otherwise hair goes everywhere). From what people have told me it's very healthy and has a nice shine.
    victoria aut mors

  26. #86
    アズテオル My Long hair Fricken Awesome Azuteor's Avatar
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    Re: My Long hair Fricken Awesome

    My hair is short, but still sorta long where the bangs touch my eyebrows and my hair is growing a little bit past my ears. I spike it up and curve it to the side Asian-style. Describing it as like Kakashi's hair might be more helpful.

    I used to have it as a faux-hawk. >>;

  27. #87
    The Lone Dagger My Long hair Fricken Awesome Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: My Long hair Fricken Awesome

    My hair has been short since middle school when I had the old fashioned bowl cut, pretty much looked exactly like Trunks from DBZ when I had it haha. I got it cut short when I was finishing up middle school because I moved from Shortstop to behind the plate Catching in baseball and my hair was a nuisance to get all under my mask. Plus once I got to college ball there were rules about grooming that we had to follow so no long hair allowed. So now I have the same haircut I have had for several years now, short with my bangs in the front shortened and spiked straight up. No gel or hairspray though, been cutting it this way for so long it just stays that way.

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