View Poll Results: What style of Hair do You Have?

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  • Long Hair loose

    14 21.21%
  • Short, Emo Style

    5 7.58%
  • Short Spikey

    8 12.12%
  • Long Hair Ponytail

    11 16.67%
  • Shoulder Length Hair

    16 24.24%
  • Other

    12 18.18%
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Thread: My Long hair Fricken Awesome

  1. #1
    Full Time Glompasaurus My Long hair Fricken Awesome Raider's Avatar
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    Exclamation My Long hair Fricken Awesome

    I have long hair and i'm a boy.

    I have all ways wanted long hair since i was 12.I think mainly that was because my dad has long hair. But now i especialy like both men and women with long hair cause most of my idols have long hair, Alexi Laiho, Dave Lombardo, dave mustaine and various other Metal Gods

    What hair do you have and please say your gender to make it easier and say why you like it or have it.
    ♥The Morning After Crew♥

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  2. #2
    My Long hair Fricken Awesome You's Avatar
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    Im a guy and I have shoulder length hair. It used to be a bit longer than chest length but I had to cut it when I joined the army. So now im growing it back to that length again and its getting there slowly.
    As long as I dont have to shave my beard again! How can I be metal without facial hair!

  3. #3
    Registered User My Long hair Fricken Awesome winterborn86's Avatar
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    Im a girl and my hair is cut just above the shoulder and have layers cut into it and a couple of months ago had it dyed a nice reddish/brown which ... *checks mirror* need to be redone again, normally im a dark brunette which is odd as when i was 6 i was white blond. I have always wanted light waves/gentle curls in my hair but after trying looooooads of different things it turns out my hair type is to heavy to hold waves/curls in, so nevermind, but i love my hair the way it is now anyway

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  4. #4
    The Final Fantasy's Offical Emo My Long hair Fricken Awesome Lithium's Avatar
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    I am a guy and I have emo hair. It's long but it is in the emo over fashion and I love it. Pure black with red highlights.
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    The blood that spills, to the tears that I cry. I only wish for the nighttime to come. I wait and I wonder, I whisper and I stare, there is nothing that is ever there. I slowly close my eyes, as they grow silver with lust. ~Devon L. Kay
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  5. #5
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    My hair used to be waist length, but then it got hard to deal with, so I had it cut to just below shoulder length. I've been growing it again now, so its about half way down my back. I hate my hair when its lose, though I've been having it down quite a bit lately.

    My hair in winter goes a really dark brown colour, but in summer the sun bleaches it, and it goes this golden brown colour. I like it like that... Now though, it got a few golden highlights because I've really been out much this summer.

    I'm thinking of getting it cut again. I want it about shoulder length, with layers. Short enough so I can easily style it.

    Ha, I give anything to have it done tomorrow so I can see the looks on everyones faces on results day LOL!

    EDIT: Is it just me, or does hair look so much better when you don't brush it? Like... morning hair? When I brush my hair it goes... I get lots of fly-aways... Maybe thats why I hate my hair down... *shrugs*
    Last edited by Unknown Entity; 08-19-2008 at 03:34 PM.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

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    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
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  6. #6
    Shake it like a polaroid picture My Long hair Fricken Awesome RagnaToad's Avatar
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    I'm a guy and I've got quite long hair, though not shoulder length.

    I like my own hairstyle 'cause it makes me look relaxed and kind of trashy (though I can comb it when Im attending formal happenings and stuff).
    I guess I like the freedom of letting my hair grow, and because of a lot of idols of mine have not LONG hair (per se) but rather uncut hair, if you understand the difference.
    Short hair is just too simple looking, and is giving in to the system (in some way o_O). I realise that guys not getting their hair cut short has been a trend for some years now, but that's neither the reason for my "haircut", nor does that trend include my hairstyle (not entirely).

    I once said to a girl: I'm not gay you know, so you probably think I dress badly.
    Her reply: Nah, you dress really good, but you have this nonchalance around you that makes you look like a not-gay person.

    I'm not implying that people think of me as a gay-looking person though

    The hair fits the person. At least in my case I believe so.
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  7. #7
    Arachnie Suicide My Long hair Fricken Awesome ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    I've never been much with cutting my hair.

    I trim it, but it grows VERY SLOWLY, and I haven't actually cut it in roughly five years. I've not layered it, I don't have a fringe. It's all-one-length, and although I used to have maniacal ringlets the length of it has kind of pulled it down slightly, so it's just very wavey curling into ringlets around the ends. It's generally about mid-back naturally, and mid-lower back when I straighten it [although that's not too often]. It's dark purple with bright purple/blue/green streaks, but it changes -constantly-.

    I love both long hair and short hair on other people, but on myself I like it long, and don't think I could ever cut it short. I love to play with it, I love the feel of it, and I plan on letting it grow until I can't stand it anymore. Although I am cutting a thick, straight-accross fringe soon, hopefully. Think Kerli Koiv, but thicker. And.. Erm.. Purple. >.<.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  8. #8
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Another Chance To Live View Post
    Alexi Laiho, Dave Lombardo, dave mustaine and various other Metal Gods
    I lol'd.

    Uhm, hair. Well, I've had possibly every short hair style you can imagine. Spiky, bob, layered, feathered. You name it, I've tried it.

    I liked my chin length layered bob for a couple of years but have since grown it out. I've had longish hair maybe twice or three times in my life, although it's never grown past breast level.

    I plan on growing it to about breast level and having it layered throughout, since I had same-length through my hair before and it was so thick it broke hairbrushes... that and it looked really ugly because it had those annoying little bitsy pieces of hair that stuck up everywhere. Which I hate.

    My hair is naturally loosely curled although when I was a baby, I had fierce ringlets.

    Right now, I have shoulder length hair with layers and a layered fringe. It has been restored to it's natural colour after a couple of years experimenting with dyes. Without dye, my hair feels better and doesn't seem to feel as ...tough. Not only that, but it looks better and doesn't appear greasy, like how I think a lot of girls' hair looks when it's been dyed. My natural hair colour is dark brown -- almost black, with a slightly reddish tint whenever the sun hits it.

    I'll probably go back to short hair at some point, since it seems to suit me best so far.

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    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  9. #9
    Sir Prize My Long hair Fricken Awesome Sinister's Avatar
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    Shoulder length. I've kept it that way since I was twelve...only changing it occasionally and never for any amount of time. Make no mistake, I look amazing either way


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  10. #10
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Growing up I had this really cute bowl cut going on, made me look all poor and adorable and stuff, but I always thought it looked really good with my really light blond hair that I had back then.

    Once I hit nine or ten, I kept my hair really short and spiky for a really long time. It also started turning brown too, which was kinda wierd but different in a cool way. Next, I just had it really short and wierd looking, no real way it was made. Once I turned 16 though, just for rebelliousness/laughs, I got my hair permed! I ended up liking it and did it a couple more times over the next few years.

    At college though, I didn't end up getting a haircut the entire school year, from august through may. During winter break though, I got my hair permed again, which ended up kinda bad since it was so long but all the ladies loved it! After college was over for this summer, my parents basically paid for my haircut so I could get a summer job, so I cut it really short again with some curls left in the bangs. I am growing it out again and currently its just past eyebrow length, which is the ideal area I want it at the moment!
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
    CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™

    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  11. #11
    Air from my lungs. My Long hair Fricken Awesome Violet's Avatar
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    I like having long hair. I think it looks nicer on me than short, but not when it's parted in the middle. Right now, my hair goes down to the center of my back. I'll be getting it layered soon.. a new hairstyle finally!

    I like long hair on males, but not when it's unkempt. It look nicer on them when it's clean and taken care of.. and not like.. messy.

  12. #12
    Bananarama My Long hair Fricken Awesome Pete's Avatar
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    Buzz cut, all the way.

    I've never really been a fan of having long hair, plus it's not the easiest thing to play baseball in. On top of that, I go to the gym and work out a lot, and I don't like the feeling of having sweaty hair just strewn all over my face. So yeah, I usually do a #3 clip up top and a #1.5 on the sides. Good times
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  13. #13
    I invented Go-Gurt. My Long hair Fricken Awesome Clint's Avatar
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    I started growing my hair out when I was 14. At first it was because it was when I first got into metal. Then, over the course of five years, it evolved into "I don't feel like getting my hair cut, so I'm not going to get my hair cut." So I have long hair. After five years, though, it's getting pretty old. It tangles, and I really hate untangling it, because it makes my scalp hurt. I've actually had to trim it quite a bit, because I couldn't get the damn tangles out.

  14. #14
    I'm a girl and my hair was almost to my waist but I went nuts with the scissors last Friday and I let my friend put silver highlights (they were meant to be blond but we left the stuff in too long) in my brownish blond hair. I was going for the Yuna cut but it's more of a degrading Genesis since it has the silver streaks. Freaked out a few people at work on Monday. I was thinking about dying it back but I think I like the silver. (If you don't want silver highlight don't use the color Extreme Ash Blond)

  15. #15
    I've never been much with cutting my hair coz my hair grow really slow..

  16. #16
    I use a .5 on my entire head, so I have very little hair. I don't keep it that way, though, and I only do it every few months. So I go from bald to Jew fro over the course of several months, and then I repeat the process.

  17. #17
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    My hair's getting a bit on the longer side. I don't really care to have it cut at all so since school (and the compulsory haircuts the rules enforced) ended I just stopped getting haircuts. At the moment it spills a bit past my shoulders, and I tend to wear it in a ponytail more often then not due to how it keeps it out of my face and makes me look presentable for whatever would require it. If I'm just lazing around doing nothing in particular I tend to just leave it as it is, unless I'm playing a twitch game or something requiring some level of attention.

    Luckily for me, long hair seems to suit me better than short hair.
    victoria aut mors

  18. #18
    I like long hair, and I wish I could make it work. I tried it once and it grows out funny, I have really thick hair so instead of getting longer and smooth, draping down, it grows out like a football helmet... I could probably get by that but I don't know how to style hair and I could never justify paying a stylist for something I would be unsure of how to describe...

    Does anyone have some simple ideas of how to get my hair cut so it would grow down instead of out??? I have dark brown hair but I'd consider coloring it black...
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  19. #19
    The Old Skool Warrior My Long hair Fricken Awesome LocoColt04's Avatar
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    My hair, when wet, runs halfway down my back. It's probably about two feet long. As it dries, as most of you are aware, it curls up like crazy. Dry, it sits just a couple of inches past my shoulders, and has a ton of volume.

    On the poll, I voted "long hair ponytail" because my hair is only ever down until the first time I eat after washing it. At that point, I put it up because it gets in my mouth/utensils/food otherwise.

    @Dan - you have to get past that "awkward phase" if you want to get it long. My hair does the same at shorter lengths. I actually started growing my hair out as a dare in high school (end of freshman year, was dared to cut it before sophomore year and let it grow for the rest of high school). The awkward phase hit during the spring semester of my sophomore year and lasted until the middle of the fall semester of my junior year... then it started to grow heavier, and eventually weighed itself down. I stuck with it, and I absolutely love it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
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    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
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    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  20. #20
    The Quiet One My Long hair Fricken Awesome Andromeda's Avatar
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    My hair is currently sitting around the lower part of my shoulder blades. That's not quite shoulder length since it is longer, but it is also not half way down my back. I don't really know how long I'm going to take it since I've only recently in the last few years let grow out to such a length. I've always had a thing about long hair so I guess it was only a matter of time before I followed suit. Though it usually falls under the long pony tail since it is still not long enough to sit on its own and not get everywhere. I wish it would just simple hang straight, but I have too much hair I'm told by the people that cut my hair. I don't know how much of an exaggeration it is, but they say I have enough hair for 5 people, thickness wise, not length. So I think because it is so thick is never going to sit flat and straight like I wish unless I always kept it wet. That is not really an option and it sounds like Loco knows what I'm talking about. While I don't go wavy, I do just expand.
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  21. #21
    Registered User My Long hair Fricken Awesome Dimi's Avatar
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    I have short hair at the moment. The only time I've ever had it at its longest, was at the age of three of two. I had it down to my shoulders. I had wavy hair growing up. Surprisingly, people that didn't know me would look at me would tell my mom that she had a cute "daughter" but shouldn't be dressing me in boy's clothes. ><

    But I ended getting it all chopped off when I had gotten my first haircut. My mom said I was crying.

    Since then, I've kept my hair short, got haircuts, but switch up the hairstyles. Most of the time, I spike my hair. Other times, I get sick of the hair glue and just go without it and keep it all down. Personally, I could never do the whole emo hairstyle but growing it longer would be interesting.

  22. #22
    Arachnie Suicide My Long hair Fricken Awesome ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pimpitri View Post
    I have short hair at the moment. The only time I've ever had it at its longest, was at the age of three of two. I had it down to my shoulders. I had wavy hair growing up. Surprisingly, people that didn't know me would look at me would tell my mom that she had a cute "daughter" but shouldn't be dressing me in boy's clothes. ><

    But I ended getting it all chopped off when I had gotten my first haircut. My mom said I was crying.

    Since then, I've kept my hair short, got haircuts, but switch up the hairstyles. Most of the time, I spike my hair. Other times, I get sick of the hair glue and just go without it and keep it all down. Personally, I could never do the whole emo hairstyle but growing it longer would be interesting.
    "Emo" hair very rarely suits anybody. And it's not unique anymore. And imagining you with it makes me laugh XD.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  23. #23
    My hair reaches to about the middle of my back now, but it was longer before. I don't know what I was thinking when I cut it, but it's too late now...

    Anyway, I prefer long hair. I've never had it shorter than my shoulders since I was given a choice in the matter, and nothing has ever been done with it. The shortest I've ever had my hair was halfway down my neck, and the longest was to my waist. Even thought it's been long for most of my life, I never bothered to tied it up. My second grade teacher made me do it for about a week though, since she got tired of it being in my face all the time. Up until this summer, I hated putting it up and thought it was too hard to do. I changed my mind only because I've finally noticed how hot it gets during this time of year when you're stuck in a small room with thirty other kids and no AC.

    And for plain, straight, hair, it gets tangled a lot. That's why I go around like a crazy bag lady with no comb- but I'm getting to that point. Every comb I own snaps in half or loses half its teeth after a few weeks of use. It's kind of annoying, but also kind of funny.

  24. #24
    Born Again Atheist My Long hair Fricken Awesome Sarah's Avatar
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    Hair is like hell for me. My hair is currently a little longer than shoulder length, thick as hell, dry, and a wonderful mix of wavy and curly. It lives on a diet of fingernails, hands, elastic bands, hair brushes, conditioner, and small animals.

    I have had many different hair lengths, but it's almost always been in long layers (as my hair is not manageable at one length). I've also done many colors- black, brown, red, pink, green, blue, purple, light blonde, orange, and on. I'm naturally a dirty blonde, but my hair is currently red.

    I wasn't allowed to cut my hair until I was thirteen. It used to be all the way to my butt and took HOURS to take care of. Of course, this is all because my grandmother is insane. It took just one instance of me playing hair dresser when I was three for her to decide "No hair cuts ever!" after screaming, crying, and spazzing. I just took a little off the top, and giving me bangs fixed that. It took me ten years of pleading to finally get a hair cut. Up until the day I moved out, if my grandmother was around when I was getting my hair cut, she would gasp and cry with every piece of hair cut. Did I have some kind of hair linked super powers I am unaware of?

    Note to the people that say their hair grows too slowly: I've found that the more I cut my hair, the faster it seems to grow. When I wasn't allowed to cut it, it grew just enough to keep up with my height. Now, it's easily over a half an inch a month, with it slowing down if I skip hair cuts.

    Note to Bleachfangirl: Oh my science! Do not use a comb! A wide toothed brush would probably work a lot better. All of that frizziness and tangles is probably from breakage, which would be caused by using a comb. Try finding a brush that is all one piece of plastic, if you can- you won't have to worry about destroying it. I think you can find them at Walgreens for around one dollar.
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  25. #25
    Stage Dives, High Fives. My Long hair Fricken Awesome Confession's Avatar
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    I am a guy... I used to have very freaking long hair... Although I liked it, when I got rid of it I was so releaved....

    Having long hair is awesome for a while... But once you get it cut it's like OH MY GOD IS I IN HEAVENS?

    I would classify my hair as other... I am practically inbetween shoulder length and the emo one.... It is practiaclly an organised mess.....

    Wu Tang Killa Bee's, We On The Storm.

  26. #26
    Well I tend to cut my hair every 2-4 months. At best I like it when it's shorter on the sides and on the top I gel it so it's spiked. Problem is for whatever reason I always put off haircuts til later, meaning another month. But if I grow it out my hair becomes naturally wavey. My top does what it wants when I brush it back so it can look a bunch of ways, and if I gel it and try it then it can be even crazier! For right now I haven't had a haircut in about 3 or 4 months so yes it's that time. Though lately I've thought about just buzzing it short and then letting it grow out just to see all the weird phases it goes through.

    Around 14 or 15 I didn't get my haircut for almost an entire year. It was pretty crazy! I had it spiked and all in the begining and went for it. I did cut the back though JUST so it wouldn't become a mullet! But the hair became so much and impossible to control. If I pulled the top of my hair down it went to my chin so it was pretty crazy to have. Though one day I got annoyed by it and just went back to regular style. Oh well it was a fun experiance, though it probably looked like garbage.

  27. #27
    Registered User My Long hair Fricken Awesome Halie's Avatar
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    Is it just me, or does hair look so much better when you don't brush it? Like... morning hair? When I brush my hair it goes... I get lots of fly-aways... Maybe thats why I hate my hair down... *shrugs*
    I agree, sometimes when I get up and I look in the mirror, my hair looks really nice. It isn't messy, but not neat, it's a little bit ruffled and... stuff. But then you brush it and it looks all flat and annoying. And then you have to get the hairspray out, which sucks balls. Hairspray is evil. >=[

    Anyhoo. My hair is more or less shoulder length, layered, and ginger. It was red, but then it faded. I like having long hair... but I also love having it short, too. Short hair is more comfortable, because it doesn't get all piled up on your pillow when you're in bed like long hair.

    I like changing it around a lot. About two months ago it was brown black with a ginger and blonde fringe. Now it's ginger and stuff. =D

  28. #28
    Full Time Glompasaurus My Long hair Fricken Awesome Raider's Avatar
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    Yay gingers FTW.

    I have always hated short hair cause its too simple.
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  29. #29
    beep boop. My Long hair Fricken Awesome
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    I have long hair, for the most part. Occasionally I'll do shoulder blade length, but that's about it. I might try a bob cut next if I can get the courage to do so. I like messing around with colors once in a while.. but I'm sticking with the natural/blonde look.

    Long hair on most guys is nasty ugly. Shoulder length and HAVING IT STYLED properly is a +. It makes you look trashy if you have it all one length and super long greasy lookin' hair. Pony tails on guys make me shudder and look away. That's just how I feel.
    turd burglar.

  30. #30
    Arachnie Suicide My Long hair Fricken Awesome ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melanie View Post
    I have long hair, for the most part. Occasionally I'll do shoulder blade length, but that's about it. I might try a bob cut next if I can get the courage to do so. I like messing around with colors once in a while.. but I'm sticking with the natural/blonde look.

    Long hair on most guys is nasty ugly. Shoulder length and HAVING IT STYLED properly is a +. It makes you look trashy if you have it all one length and super long greasy lookin' hair. Pony tails on guys make me shudder and look away. That's just how I feel.

    I think that if long hair on a guy's looked after right, it can be great >.<. Provided it's brushed and looked after, like long hair on anybody. Not matted or full of split ends.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

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