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Thread: Moving House

  1. #1
    The Fire Still Burns... Moving House Starfire's Avatar
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    Moving House

    I'm moving to London next week, just started packing.
    I wanted to know if anyone else also finds this incredibly stressful?!

    There is so much to do.

    Also there are alot of memories that you have to give up when you move.

    Give me your opinions!
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  2. #2
    I don't really find it stressful. I mean, I barely know you. How could I?

    When I was about 11 years old, my parents decided we'd be moving. I didn't really want to. I guess you could say that in a way, it was stressful. I was losing all of my friends and I would have to make new ones, and I'm not very good at making friends.

    To be honest, losing my friends was the only thing I was really worried about. In the end, though, I guess it turned out okay. I went back to see the person who was my best friend, and he was much different. He was a kind of person I didn't really like that much.

    But I don't really make friends ever now, so it's not that big of a deal for me to move anymore.

    But I did keep all of my memories, so I don't know what's that about giving up memories.

  3. #3
    I do what you can't. Moving House Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Meh, it's not bad. By the time I turned 16, I was living in my tenth residence ... ten different towns, different schools, etc. in four different states. I haven't spend more than three years in one town. Still haven't. So for me, moving isn't really a big deal anymore. It sucked having to do it, but looking back on it, living in all of those places and constantly adjusting has made me the person I am today, so I can't complain.

    Of course, it's no fun having to go through it. Packing everything up, moving, unpacking, new school, new community, everything. But learning how to adjust to a new situation is not a bad thing.

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  4. #4
    I will finish the hunt Moving House Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    My experience with moving is typical of a broken home. As a child my mom had us living in apartments. Needless to say every 6 months-a year we moved. I met my father when I was 10 or so. He lived in Ohio. He and my mother fought over me, but never got the courts involved. So whenever one of them was mad at the other I would have to move. I went back and forth from Ohio to Texas many times. Later on I ended up in a home for neglected and abused children. I moved from home to hospital every 3 months or so. After I got out of the home I got into a really bad relationship. I was forced to be on the move for 2 years.......Dallas, Denton, Houston, Austin....Then as an older adult with a dependant I have moved a lot on my own. Twice due to abusive or neglectful boyfriends, twice to save up money with my mom, and then of course I moved closer to my husband. Needless to say I have never had a stable home.

    Does it bother me? Sure it does. I would have loved to have had a stable home surrounded by people who wanted me more than to just make someone else angry, or to just **** with my head every day. Life isn't like that though. I do love the things I have seen, and the people I have met though. :-)
    "Some men just want to watch the world burn"

  5. #5
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Moving House Joe's Avatar
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    Not to bring in a sob story or anything, but I'll actually be moving a rather large distance this weekend, for the first time. I've moved around many times, but they were always within the same county (Nash County, North Carolina), but this time I'll be moving to Montgomery, Alabama. Extreme Financial Problems and inability to reason with a certain person in my house (my crazy grandmother) have forced me and my sister to leave with my dad, and my mom to go to Ohio. So yeah.

    Holy shit it's stressful. I don't even really have much, but just packing it up is a bit of a nightmare, especially since I have to basically choose what I'm leaving behind. Not to mention that I've lived in this area my entire life, so everything I know, for all intents and purposes is gone now. Saying goodbye to friends is a pain too. I thought for sure two of my friends were gonna cry, and another one hugged me a solid 15 times. A couple of random people I tutored and helped with stuff as well as hung out with every now and then came up to me to say goodbye as well, which was pretty neat.

    But anyway, moving blows, packing blows, and it's highly stressful.
    Last edited by Joe; 10-23-2009 at 01:54 PM.
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  6. #6
    Registered User Moving House
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    I've never moved very far distances, but I have moved into multiple houses.

    When my parents got divorced when I was younger, I had to go from my birthmother's house to my dad's house every weekend. My birthmother had my brother and I for the week and my dad had us on the weekend. Then, when my birthmother was deemed unfit to care for us, we switched to living with my dad. That's when we moved from house to house. After my dad married my stepmom (who I consider to be my mom), we settled in Oklahoma for a long time. We didn't have to move again until a situation happened with my birthmother, and she couldn't afford to live in the house that she and my dad bought when they were married. My dad paid off all the debt that she accumulated, and we lived in the house that we first had when they were married.

    Funny how that all turned out, huh? All that moving just to wind back up where we started.

    It was pretty stressful, but I was just a kid when most of it was happening.
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  7. #7
    Crash Boom Bang Moving House Lily's Avatar
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    The land of tea and crumpets old chap.
    I LOVE moving house, it's all so new and exciting and a nice new house to stick all your cra in. Its also a good opportunity to get rid of any crap you have been hoarding and meaning to get rid of

    Memories you can take with you, you're not leaving them behind, just a house

    I've moved house quite alot though, so I guess I'm used to it. Been in my current one for 4 years now and I'm gettingitchy feet, I'd love to move again, but alas, I know I'm here for the forseeable

  8. #8
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Moving House Tallulah's Avatar
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    Good luck with the move, Starfire.

    I have moved a fair few times since I moved up where I am, for university originally, six years ago. I have lost a few things, stupid little things, along the way, and have also accumulated a lot of junk; I have noticed this since moving into my own (rented) house after five years of living in shared accommodation as a student.

    When my parents, who still live in London, moved two years ago, I had to take, or charity shop, most of my stuff I had left behind. I had to lug 8 stone (a full suitcase, a holdall, and two plastic bags) worth of rubbish from my old house (where I had previously lived for 21 years) up the road to the station, to King's Cross, then across the bridge to the right platform at Newark station (Nottinghamshire) BEFORE they installed the lift, to catch my connecting train, and then from Lincoln station (again BEFORE they installed a lift!!!!) to my old house. My mum had a hospital appointment that day and my dad went with her so he couldn't help me.

    I ended up charity-shopping half the stuff I had brought with me anyway.

  9. #9
    I've moved a lot in my lifetime. I went to five primary schools and three academies. I don't even know how many houses. I lived in a shelter for a bit.

    To be honest, it doesn't bother me at all. It's a useful life skill to have, adaptability, and moving around is one of the best ways to learn it.

    Once you've been in your new place for a few weeks, or maybe months, you won't care. Don't worry about it.

  10. #10
    I've never really had to move long distances, except for when I was small so I don't really remember. At the same time, knowing me, I would probably stress myself if I had to move far away. Between leaving friends, Family, packing.... Blah!!.

    I love moving houses though. It's nice to have something new after living in the same place for a long time. We actually might me moving to a new house soon, but we've been really slow with it. I'm ready for a change.
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 10-25-2009 at 01:16 PM.

    Ta DA!!!:

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  11. #11
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Moving House Xanatos's Avatar
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    Moved two times so far, unfortunately both times on a long distance. Don't remember clearly the first time I moved since I was just a little brat so I'm sure it didn't bothered me too much.

    The second time was purely disappointment and to be honest I was pretty angry since I left all of my friends, my old school and well, the town where I spent the best 11 years of my life, so yea it was kinda stressful when I moved out.

    The good thing is that I'll never have to do that again unless I decide to move out but I highly doubt it'll ever gonna happen.

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