I picked up 20 buck's off of the floor last week, and then handed it back to the person it was in front of.
So, I guess that’s a good deed, since they didn't lose it.![]()
(I tried not to make a misleading title unlike some of the other threads I've seen around *coughramesescough*)
What is the most recent good/charitable thing you have done for someone else? It must be something that you have not benefitted from in any way, other than feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.
I'll start! A couple nights ago my brother needed to drive to baseball practice, but his gas tank was low and he was in a hurry, so I let him drive mine. He could of been a few minutes late and filled up his car, but I saved him the trouble of it. He didn't ask or anything, I just offered and he accepted.![]()
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
I picked up 20 buck's off of the floor last week, and then handed it back to the person it was in front of.
So, I guess that’s a good deed, since they didn't lose it.![]()
Last edited by The Dark Crystal; 04-20-2010 at 11:41 PM.
gaming service ID:
I don't do good things for people... so I'll just say that I totally gave this dude a high five that didn't deserve one the other day. It probably made his week.
I was heading home from school in downtown Tampa and a car pulled up besides me and asked if I could tell them how to get to aquarium, well needless to say I wouldn't be able to explain it well enough to help them so I just told them to follow me and lead them there myself. Wasn't too much trouble, like 10 minutes on my commute home, but they seemed very appreciative.
Wanna Know More:
The other night when my friends and I went to Steak and Shake, I held the door open for them as we were leaving.
Currently Playing:
The other day, I gave a homeless guy some spare change. There was enough there for a cup of tea, something to eat, and perhaps a change of underwear.
Today, I held a door open for a girl who was on crutches at college. She was just getting used to using crutches by the looks of things. =(
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
Well I have been very busy so I haven't been able to go and do community service like I used to. My friend has to pay his rent here in a few days, and like most he has been layed off. His rent is around $300 a month. So being the good buddy I am I gave him the cash.
I got rid of one of the kids my roommate babysits, because he was harrassing/screaming at her. ...by that, I mean I carried him away from her, and put him down in a chair. Sometimes when he does this, I try to lure him away with a toy or something, but I was tired and grumpy this morning.
The other week, I also gave blood, which isn't very hard-all you have to do is sit there in a chair while a needle is stuck in your arm and it sucks your life juices away into a bag... And then you get to have coffee and cookies afterward! Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Last edited by Taco-Calamitous; 04-21-2010 at 05:16 PM. Reason: lure, damn it.
i cheered my friend up the other day because her dad was in a car crash a day before yesterday. it was pretty bad.(he'll be alright no broke bones or anything too serious)
The cake is a lie!!!!!
I didn't make anyone cry from making fun of them during the PT Test today... That's usually a good deed in my book.
I always thought it made them try harder... I later found out it made them cry from pain. Meh.
I gave a poor woman few coins that was in my wallet and she smiled an thanked me
that was enough to please my heart and get me the feeling that I'm very glad of myself today and may be those little coins meant alot to her since I managed to draw a smile upon her face![]()
Last edited by Diyala; 04-22-2010 at 05:54 PM.
I always hold doors open for people when I enter/leave a building. It's just become a habit. It's pretty surprising to see people's emotionless faces light up when they see some stranger holding a door for them. It also makes me feel good because I feel that people aren't nice to anyone around them in this day and age.
Not saying it's much, but I do believe that it's the little stuff that counts.
Today, I was in a class field trip going to Elmwood Cemetery here in TN and I saw a tipped over flower pot next to a gravestone while I was walking with my best friend during our tour. I put it right back up and made sure it doesn't fall down again.
I've been helping a friend with a girl he's crushing on and giving him advice lately. It didn't work out in the end since she didn't reciprocate his feelings. Sometimes, I get the temptation of giving him the wrong advice and watch him crash and burn. Hohoho.![]()
Everything I do is good. Even if it's evil, it's still good. Like this one time, I mugged some dude just so they wouldn't mug me.
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
Last night I went and pickeed my mother in law up so that she could stay the night and avoid a fight with her husband. Spent a few hours cheering her up. Not sure if it was a good deed to get mixed up in other peoples affairs but I felt good afterwards.
Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"
We will fight, we will be strong
Together we're marching on
United, we move as one
Our finest hour has just begun
Philmore - Our Finest Hour
Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?My awards:
hmm idk im not a good kid/child the closest ive been good is holding my dog n saying i luv him n saying hes a good boy..even thow he eats my hand all the time
**1 tequila,2 tequila,3 tequila,floor**
time your wasting just your do to better anything have you don't this reading you r why <-- read backwards,
DO NOT HURT MY PET LEMON lemons have feelings to you know !!
well i was at a store yesterday and some guy dropped their wallet and i picked it up for them. i guess that counts.
I slayed the Rancorr for an unarmed Jedi!!!
. . . . .
But I did help this one lay-dee through a rather difficult time, her boyfriend left her and she went stoooooooooooooooopid and talked about suicide. . . . .
After hours of trying, I convinced her that wrist slitting and suicide thoughts are not a good option, and her day brightened quite a bit.
If only I could get her to quit drinking and smoking.
CPC8- 'fo bros, 'fo life, 'fo shizzle
Stopped a couple of ****wits from breaking into a car.
Seems to be happening more and more these days and in a few different locations too.
victoria aut mors
Sorry I have a quick question. Lets say for example I gave up my seat on a bus to a guy that was running late for work. Good deed right? Well now what if said bus was then hit by a truck driver that fell asleep at the wheel and said late man was killed would it still be a good deed or would it then become a very evil deed cause you kinda killed a guy?
Unleash the MONSTER inside!
I called my mom for Mothers day
I couldn't call my mommy for mothers day![]()
Unleash the MONSTER inside!
I didn't make fun of Darnell.
Until now!
Huh? Why not?
Unleash the MONSTER inside!
I needed a reason to post in this thread.
Until now!
Why did you need a reason to post in this thread?
As I posted this I looked back at the first post you put up and it just hit my square in the face what you said, because up until this point I didn't understand. Wow! I feel retarted now.
Last edited by Darnell; 05-09-2010 at 10:09 AM.
Unleash the MONSTER inside!
I received a store credit for doing reviews on Natural Parenting stuff (cloth diapers and whatnot) and I had a friend who wanted to try cloth but didn't have the money to invest in the initial start up. I had a $125 in credit from my reviews, and I bought the diapers and gave them to her.
Unfortunately she hasn't gotten them yet. The website is totally backed up from all the reviews and whatnot. Hopefully she gets them soon.![]()
Today I called a 2nd class that was yelling at a fireman for no reason a worthless piece of s#!t I think that counts.
Unleash the MONSTER inside!