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Thread: Most Embarrassing Moment(s)

  1. #1
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. Most Embarrassing Moment(s) noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    Most Embarrassing Moment(s)

    What are they?

    Mine is probably my freshman year of high school... I was going to the Christian school and we had to wear Khaki pants. I started my period one day at school during Biology and didn't know until I'd gone to the bathroom (back then I never got like PMS or cramps or symptoms of any kind). Kids were like "Do you need a tissue?" and I had no clue what they were talking about. It was really bad. None of the teachers would let me go home even though I walked to school everyday, so I was stuck wearing my backpack with the strap all the way out so that it would cover my ass.

    Then, in 2006, when I worked at a LongJohn Silver's in AZ, I was... Um.. Yeah effed up, but on what, I won't say. I was working the drive thru as well as taking inside orders, and dishing & bagging the dine in & to-go orders as they came up by myself. It was pretty busy for just me by myself. Anyway, so I'm taking this person's order and being all enthusiastic "Yes sir! What else can I get for you sir!" and each time I said it, the person would say "Ma'am. I'm not a sir, I'm a ma'am", but being in the state I was in and being as busy as I was, I -never- caught her say that until the end of the order. And because everyone working was required to wear headsets, they -all- heard it and were dying laughing at me. I felt soooo bad.

    I can't think of anything else really, though I'm sure there's more. I guess maybe one morning after I switched to public school, I'd been completely stoned and had done a couple of shots of vodka or something before I got on the bus. I went to 1st period - Spanish class and went straight to sleep with my legs tucked underneath me in my seat. Of course my feet & ankles fell asleep.

    So when the bell rang, I grabbed my backpack (with all my books in it, which weighed probably 40 lbs) and tried to ignore my feet being asleep... As soon as I took a step forward, I fell over & landed on my side. My ankles just gave out. I laughed it off though. XD

  2. #2
    Chief Inspiring Officer Most Embarrassing Moment(s) Cyanist's Avatar
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    this one is about my mom, who I am ALWAYS awkward around.

    Well, my mom used to insist on buying me training bras (prolly cuz mother dearest spent her smallness in them). Now, that's okay for some flat-chested teenager, which I soon clearly WASN'T! So I used the few 'supportive' ones I could scavenge, and, okay, I guess they got a little ratted (Hey, a girl has to work, that would go a whole lot slower if she's worrying about the position of her...whatevers) anyway she drags me to an upscale clothing store (that is JUST like her. She spends months ignoring her most dutiful children, then overcompensates, and splurges on ONE of them, I digress) So I'm standing there, all awkward and scratching my head every time I notice someone glance my way, my ma just dreamily looking about her at all the manikins, and, well, her hearing gets REALLY bad at times (miraculously her ears 'pop' on occasion, giving her superhuman hearing, but this wasn't one of those times) So she's practically shouting her little suggestions to me in this crowded, but reverently silent store, where everyone was quietly whispering to each other!
    "Ya know, Pupu (that's her nickname for me ever since another embarrassing incident of my youth) I keep seeing all those cheesed-out bras on the clothesline. DO YOU NEED A NEW BRA?!?"
    I stare disbelievingly at her, shuddering at the sheer volume! (She is descended from a Minnesotan truck-driving family, therefore her voice was MEANT to carry across barren, icy terrain from the cab of a rumbling behemoth, so, yeah! Every single one of those snobby shoppers and their well-adjusted teenagers and their giggling friends not only heard every word and syllable, but probably had the words ringing in their ears for days afterwards!
    "Mom, could we leave?"
    "WHAT?!? Speak up! Oh, you want THIS training bra? OOFAA WOUJJA LOOK at the price on THAT! EH? You know, that's more than at the Goodwill!"

    Yes, I believe that was one of the times you might have called me embarrassed. None of that was really her fault, of course, and I've completely recovered and forgiven her for that singular incident.
    ~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

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  3. #3
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. Most Embarrassing Moment(s) noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    omg. That reminds me of when my mom dragged me into Frederick's of Hollywood. It happened several times. And my mom had me when she was -40-. So imagine a 50-something with a 10/11/12 year old in that store. I wanted to die.

  4. #4
    Registered User Most Embarrassing Moment(s) sayian's Avatar
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    these kids at a street park(outside basketball) asked me- "hey can you dunk" and i ever so confidently replied (smacked my lips) "yea i can dunk"... "watch, ill take only three steps from behind the 3 point line and dunk".. "look,, 3 steps from here".. so my first mistake was trying to dunk in shoes with no grip. secondly, the court was really slick(double no no).. anywhoo. so i explode off my left leg and i got 2 more steps to go.. im doing awesome, i mean, the way i launched im anticipating some serious air time.. but on my last step, i slipped(and this is at full power kick off mind you).. then my right leg swung from behind me all the way to over my head, that momentum sent my left leg flying and so im like 5 feet off the ground and horizontal and thinking-- ooh shyt.. i landed on my ass and completely broke my pride, self-confidents was fractured, and bruised my ego underneith a streetlight with a bunch of kids and a HOTT woman laughing her ass off telling me how perfect that was and thanking me... then she kept screaming the words "omg 3 steps" and never stopped laughing..
    ok keep on, its all shits n giggles until sombody giggles n shits....

  5. #5
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Most Embarrassing Moment(s) che's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sayian View Post
    these kids at a street park(outside basketball) asked me- "hey can you dunk" and i ever so confidently replied (smacked my lips) "yea i can dunk"... "watch, ill take only three steps from behind the 3 point line and dunk".. "look,, 3 steps from here".. so my first mistake was trying to dunk in shoes with no grip. secondly, the court was really slick(double no no).. anywhoo. so i explode off my left leg and i got 2 more steps to go.. im doing awesome, i mean, the way i launched im anticipating some serious air time.. but on my last step, i slipped(and this is at full power kick off mind you).. then my right leg swung from behind me all the way to over my head, that momentum sent my left leg flying and so im like 5 feet off the ground and horizontal and thinking-- ooh shyt.. i landed on my ass and completely broke my pride, self-confidents was fractured, and bruised my ego underneith a streetlight with a bunch of kids and a HOTT woman laughing her ass off telling me how perfect that was and thanking me... then she kept screaming the words "omg 3 steps" and never stopped laughing..
    Hahaha. Well, you can be the badass (I'm sure you can still ball), or you can be the clown. But at least you weren't the dudes in the middle. They can't make that woman laugh that hard, OR be impressed. Right? Right? I tried.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  6. #6
    Death Before Dishonor Most Embarrassing Moment(s) Josh_R's Avatar
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    Most embarrassing thing I have ever had happen to me was in high school during a football game. I was a linebacker, and had just intercepted a pass. I was running like a motherf*cker down the field, and then bam. Tripped over my own feet and ate shit. Hit then ground and slid on my face. Was so embarrassed and pissed off that when I got up I threw the football as hard as I could.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  7. #7
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Most Embarrassing Moment(s) che's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Josh_R View Post
    Most embarrassing thing I have ever had happen to me was in high school during a football game. I was a linebacker, and had just intercepted a pass. I was running like a motherf*cker down the field, and then bam. Tripped over my own feet and ate shit. Hit then ground and slid on my face. Was so embarrassed and pissed off that when I got up I threw the football as hard as I could.
    Did they intercept it back? Or did you fumble? Or what?! I need resolution but, way to.............keep us on our toes. LOL

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  8. #8
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Most Embarrassing Moment(s) Tallulah's Avatar
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    Oh good Lord, I just had the most embarrassing moment in a public library; I was only there to print out some information on buying a used car, as my printer at home doesn't work.

    I sat down and this guy to my left stared at me. I gave him my 'death glare' (like the one I gave some guy this morning when he nearly barged into me, and he instantly apologised). I printed out said documents, and was about to leave, when I thought I'd better check some other information pertaining to a friend's funeral, and this led me to write a tribute on the Announcements website. I was just thinking what to write when this creeper passes me a note, which I ignored, as I thought it would be rude to write: "Look, I'm trying to write a heartfelt piece about a friend who died far too young, and I don't need this s**t! LEAVE ME THE FUNK ALONE!" He took it back, and I continued with my work, but I could see he was writing something else, and I'm sitting there, trying to keep from laughing. He eventually passes me this s**t back, and I bail, without even looking at it.

    On the way home, still trying not to laugh, I thought of the wittiest responses possible, all too late. Why does that always happen? -_-
    "...For the stronger we our houses do build,
    The less chance we have of being killed." ~ William Topaz McGonagall (1830-1902)

  9. #9
    Certified tech, come at me! Most Embarrassing Moment(s) SuperSabin's Avatar
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    One of my embarrassing moments happened one of the days I was working for my school's helpdesk. I was assigned one day to troubleshoot a software issue on a teacher's computer whose classroom was located in the portables area. At the time, I wasn't too familiar with the portable locations and I went to a portable that was labelled portable 5 (which is the number of the portable that she is in) when I go inside I ask the teacher about the problem and she just looks at me, eventually she told me that I was in a portable of a school that was next door to the one I attend and so I apologized and quickly got out of there.
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  10. #10
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Nothing. I never do anything embarrassing (or at least very little actually embarrasses me.) Clearly neither does che, as per all he's done is respond to other people's embarrassing moments lolz

    I'm sure there was something in Basic. Most of it was pretty humiliating and demoralizing. Maybe when I fell in the water trying to jump for the rope. Someone later told me I "Super-manned" it into the water. I had enough hang time that my MTI had enough time to calmly tell me while I was still in the air, "Next time go for the rope." Implying, I suppose, that I was going to be recycled. But I didn't get recycled, so yay! (Better yet, yay that I never have to go through any of that again.) Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  11. #11
    Boxer of the Galaxy Most Embarrassing Moment(s) Rowan's Avatar
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    Nothing really. cept when people ask me whats up and I reply with "good". bahderp.

  12. #12
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Most Embarrassing Moment(s) che's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Telegraph View Post
    Nothing. I never do anything embarrassing (or at least very little actually embarrasses me.) Clearly neither does che, as per all he's done is respond to other people's embarrassing moments lolz
    Hard to be embarassed when you're too busy being a champion.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  13. #13
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. Most Embarrassing Moment(s) noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    Clearly it's something so embarrassing and traumatizing Che has either A.) Blocked it from his memory, B.) Refuses to talk about it or C.) Both A & B.

    Right now... I have an abscess. On my booty. And it hurts. A lot. Jay wants to lance it himself but I'm skeered.

  14. #14
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Y'know, you're probably right. It's okay che! We understand your sensitivity on the matter. <3 Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

    EDIT: Also, nox. Hope you get better.

  15. #15
    Memento Rhapso Most Embarrassing Moment(s) Rhaps's Avatar
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    Forgive the format, but it's the easiest way for me to recall anecdotes. This one happened like, three days ago so I chose it, but I'm like Michael Cera and Jessie Eisenberg put together, so my life is essentially one giant awkward parade.

    >Raining rather hard outdoors
    >Still like 90 degrees inside
    >In response, I am shirtless
    >Car honks outside
    >I live in the middle of nowhere
    >Move to check the window
    >It's two of my friends, one of which is a rather attractive female, waiting in friend A's car
    >Realize I am standing in window shirtless
    >Retreat and don shirt
    >Walk outside to see what's up
    >As soon as my foot contacts the ground I slip and slide on my back for like four feet
    >Lie in the mud allowing my shame to consume me
    >Female Friend steps out of car
    >"You alright? We were heading out to the card shop if you want to go."
    >Oh, maybe this won't be the worst moment of my lif-
    >"I'm busy see you guys later"

    CPC8- 'fo bros, 'fo life, 'fo shizzle

    I won something :3

    Also member of something that won another thing

    Don't click this.

  16. #16
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. Most Embarrassing Moment(s) noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    Now I just wanna pet him and squeeze him and say "It's okay, honey. Tell mama all 'bout it." XD and then give him noogies.

    It'll never get better. I swore for 3 days I'd been bitten by a spider. I was like "OMg. I'm gonna die. I got bitten by a brown recluse and I'm gonna die"..

    I still think I'm dying. I'm very dramatic. and this is quite humiliating. And painful. Then my dad tells me "When I was a kid, I got one awn the heel of mah foot and yer PawPaw sat down awn me and cut it out with a knife."

    ..... Cuz that's his way of comforting me. Love ya, pops. Really. I do. And my mom suggested I let Jay do it as well and I nearly cried. She was like "He's a flipping Combat Medic ain't he!? He's qualified!"

    ... IDGAF. I'll let that bitch stay there.

  17. #17
    Sir Prize Most Embarrassing Moment(s) Sinister's Avatar
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    I was something of a les enfant terribles, or so I've been told. I asked a girl to have sex with me, in the middle of class when I was five. I told little old ladies to "get the **** out of the way" when I was six. I told one woman she was fat when I was ten, just cause. I called a "preacher" out for lying in front of his "congregation" when I was about the same age. I suck at tact. But one instance has always haunted me and will until the very day I die.

    When I was in 4th grade, there was a girl I had a crush on. She was a sweet kind of girl-next-door cliche. It was a Catholic private school. She, a rival and I started the whole "My Father can kick your father's ass" routine. When she offered that her father could bomb my father and my rival's father(or something inane like that). I replied that her father was dead(he had died in a car accident only weeks ago). It was automatic. I didn't think about it. Some demon in my head made me say it and I couldn't call it back.

    That was my most embarrassing moment.


    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  18. #18
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Most Embarrassing Moment(s) che's Avatar
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    ALRIGHT, I will do an embarassing moment.

    It was freshman year of college. We had many exchange students living in our dorms. I spoke a little bit of many languages, but obviously fluent in nothing. Anyway, this girl from Japan was being super awesome and cute and I just thought she was amazing as hell so I wanted to try talking to her in Japanese. I told her I thought she was cute in Japanese, and she laughed and we became more friendly. She knew way more English than I knew Japanese, like most people there... but I thought saying stuff in Japanese would impress her. Well, we were getting pretty close throughout the night and drinking and being flirty when I said "oyasumi??" like really intently. And she said "no, Oyasumi means SLEEP" and she laughed. And I was like "yeah, uh, that's wanna I want to do. Sleep with you." And she didn't understand what that expression meant, or played dumb.

    So eventually I was like, well "I'M going oyasumi!" And she was like "okayyyy!!" And I left, and she didn't follow me. SADDDD

    tldr; oyasumi "means going to bed", and that is not like the english expression of "we're gonna do it". I will never know.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  19. #19
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. Most Embarrassing Moment(s) noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    Can I still snuggle you and pet your head? PLEASE!?


    THIS is my most embarrashing moment.


    Oh dear lord. ... I just realized how bad that post up there looked.

    On the other hand, Che should be so lucky. You're a ****, Che.

  20. #20
    Virmire Survivor Rocky's Avatar
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    I was like 16 at teh time and in an elevator with my mom in the middle of september. We were on the way down from eating dinner, when these two attractive girls my age also hop on. On the way down, my mom randomly asks me what I am going to be for holloween. I havent dressed up for holloween since i was 12. It was loud enough to get smirks from the women.

    ever since then, I knew i was going to be damned by the gods of misfortune and random and senseless embarrassment.
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
    CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™

    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

    (Updated April 13th 2013)Currently Playing: League of Legends, FTL, Dead Island, Borderlands 2, KotoR 2

  21. #21
    Boxer of the Galaxy Most Embarrassing Moment(s) Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
    I was like 16 at teh time and in an elevator with my mom in the middle of september. We were on the way down from eating dinner, when these two attractive girls my age also hop on. On the way down, my mom randomly asks me what I am going to be for holloween. I havent dressed up for holloween since i was 12. It was loud enough to get smirks from the women.

    ever since then, I knew i was going to be damned by the gods of misfortune and random and senseless embarrassment.

    Your mum trolled you.

  22. #22
    Hewerya love...? Most Embarrassing Moment(s) seanb's Avatar
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    mine are too embarrassing to post but i remember a fella in my class in school when i was about 10
    we were playing charades for some reason and he gets up infront of everyone and tries to portray the film 'the lord of the rings' by proceeding to make a circle with his thumb and index finger on one hand while rapidly inserting his other hands finger in and out of it. of course the class was in hysterics, and he was none the wiser. the teacher didn't do anything. so he mimicked this intercourse gesture for some time until he realised what everyone was laughing at .... poor boy.

    me and a friend were caught browsing porn in high-school by a teacher,.. quite embarrassing.

    when i was young we were doing a play in school. we had a list of props to bring in. i brought in a telescope, turned out i misheard 'stethoscope' ...laughing stock of the ****ing class

    i vomited into my coat hood when i was hungover on the bus a few years back. i wrapped up the coat and put it in my bag like nothing happened. I don't think anyone saw me, it was at night. that was embarrassing, but cleaning the coat was worse

    i once got wasted on whisky and tried to feel up my gf (at the time)'s friend.... had a baaad time

    ok il stop... i could go on forever when it comes to alcohol LAWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. #23
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Most Embarrassing Moment(s) che's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanb View Post
    mine are too embarrassing to post but i remember a fella in my class in school when i was about 10
    we were playing charades for some reason and he gets up infront of everyone and tries to portray the film 'the lord of the rings' by proceeding to make a circle with his thumb and index finger on one hand while rapidly inserting his other hands finger in and out of it. of course the class was in hysterics, and he was none the wiser. the teacher didn't do anything. so he mimicked this intercourse gesture for some time until he realised what everyone was laughing at .... poor boy.

    me and a friend were caught browsing porn in high-school by a teacher,.. quite embarrassing.

    when i was young we were doing a play in school. we had a list of props to bring in. i brought in a telescope, turned out i misheard 'stethoscope' ...laughing stock of the ****ing class

    i vomited into my coat hood when i was hungover on the bus a few years back. i wrapped up the coat and put it in my bag like nothing happened. I don't think anyone saw me, it was at night. that was embarrassing, but cleaning the coat was worse

    i once got wasted on whisky and tried to feel up my gf (at the time)'s friend.... had a baaad time

    ok il stop... i could go on forever when it comes to alcohol LAWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    encore, encore!

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  24. #24
    #LOCKE4GOD Most Embarrassing Moment(s) Alpha's Avatar
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    Once when I was five or six there was a kid sitting down to his lunch, with a juicebox lying down next to him. I thought it was empty, and ran at him, jumped, and landed on his juicebox... assuming that it was empty and would just make a cool popping sound. It was full, and the juice exploded all over him. I ran away and never owned up to it.

  25. #25
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. Most Embarrassing Moment(s) noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    I'm not drunk, but I literally just rolled off of my side of the bed ... Between the bed and the little table/nightstand thing. and I got stuck for awhile.

    It was painful.

  26. #26
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Most Embarrassing Moment(s) che's Avatar
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    Okay, this just happened a few hours ago.

    So I was leaving quicktrip, ran in to grab some drinks. This nice couple was in there and held the door open for me on my way out, said thank you and all that. They were riding on a motorcycle. They had a ton of stuff in this sack. Whiskey, coke, other stuff I didn't see it all. I only noticed whiskey because the girl at the counter almost broke the bottle by dropping it on the counter while they were paying. So we were all like "phew! coulda been bad! I felt like we had all bonded and became gas-station friends in these 3 minutes together. So when she's getting on the motorcycle, I dunno what happens but she goes "ooh!" and puts down the sack and bends over to adjust it. Well, at that same time I had backed out in reverse and I was at the point where I could switch to 1st (manual car). So there was a slight delay when I had my headlights pointing right down her dress, lighting up her boobs.

    I felt SO bad. I didn't even look, I drove away as quickly as possible. And I don't turn on my lights until I back out and turn so I don't blind the people smoking outside or entering/leaving the store for as long as possible. So it kinda just all happened at one moment.


    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  27. #27
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. Most Embarrassing Moment(s) noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    One night, whilst working at Logan's RoadHouse, a lady came in. She was a regular or whatever. And the weekend "thing" in my hood is to "barhop" from like the sports bar to the other sports bar to where my Ex works to O'Charley's & then Logan's. So chickadee was already trashed when she came in and sat down at the bar.

    She had a couple or 3 drinks and goes to the bathroom... Comes back and sits back down at the bar. Except she was missing a thing or 2..

    Her pants & undies.

    Yep. She only had on like her jacket & tank top underneath. And sat herself buck ass naked at the bar. Not sure how it got handled 'cuz I never worked up in the bar. I didn't like it up there. heh.

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