Nothing from McDonald's is as gross as what happens to it after it attacks my intestinal track an hour or two after eating it.
That stuff keeps Pepto in business.
Has anyone actually tried the McRib? I keep seeing that annoying commercial and everyone eating sloppy as shit on it. One of my pet peeves is sloppy eating. I'm way into BBQ and all but it looks absolutely disgusting, especially since it comes from McDonalds. And did I see pickles on that one dude's? Gross.
Nothing from McDonald's is as gross as what happens to it after it attacks my intestinal track an hour or two after eating it.
That stuff keeps Pepto in business.
Until now!
I had one a few weeks ago. Saw it on the menu and I think it looked cheap or something, so I got it. It was alright. Nothing spectacular. I don't know if I'd order one again, but I wouldn't refuse one if someone gave it to me. I usually get tacos or burritos anyway, if I'm gonna get fast food. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
I went and tried a McGrittle the other day since everyone is all crazy about it. It wasn't that bad since I got the egg and bacon. I would order it again if I was hungry enough but I stay away from fast food sausage :s we don't get along well.
I asked my friend if she had tried the McRib and she said it was actually pretty good. I'll try it eventually.
Idk about McRibs, since I've never had one, but my mom likes them. To me, they look an awful lot like the rib sandwiches that my old high school would serve in the cafeteria sometimes, and I wasn't a fan of those at all.
I think McGrittles are delicious though. :3 I didn't think they still made 'em! I'm never up early enough to catch the McDonald's breakfast menu anyway, soo...that could be a reason. Haha.
Click at your own risk.:
I have a nasty fetish for rib patties... therefor, the McRib is on my list of delicacies. Minus the pickles... and usually the onions. It's definitely sloppy... excessive bbq sauce so the patty slips everywhere, etc.
I happen to work at the place you all are shitting on, but it cool cause I hate it. The McRib is gross. Probably the worst invention ever. It is gross to start with then it gets onions, and pickles on it. I strongly advise you all to stay away from McDonald's food, it is gross, and very bad for you.
Anything dealing with BBQ is sloppy. Especially if you're dealing with BBQ baby back ribs. Those are delicious! The McRibs? I'm sure it doesn't hold a candle to the real deal, but I should try it some time. Hmm.
We don't get the McRib over here, but sometimes it crops up as a promotional item. I've never tried it, but it doesn't seem very appetising.
We usually have the Big Tastys as promotional items. I don't like them at all.
"...For the stronger we our houses do build,
The less chance we have of being killed." ~ William Topaz McGonagall (1830-1902)
McDonalds plays tricks on my childhood memoriesYou see, the McRib reminds me of the good times of school lunches, and everytime they had the rib sandwich at my school, I would be the first to rush the lunch line for it because it was so damn goooood. HOWEVER, the McRib is not as good by any means, so I was quite disappointed when I tried it out last time. Don't get me wrong it wasn't bad but I don't care for onions on it, and I dislike pickles on everything so that was two strikes, and the third would be how it couldn't compare to the school's rib sandwich. I still stick to my McDouble/Chicken Sandwich supersandwich combo where I stack them together, then dip them in the hotsauce. :-P~~~
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
It's called the McGangbang, guys.
Last edited by Jin; 12-19-2010 at 10:40 PM.
Until now!
That actually looks kind of f*cking gross in that pic, what more is to be expected from McDonald's haha.
McDonald's is the Baltic avenue of fast food: Everyone buys it.
Habitant vegetable soup blows the balls off every other vegetable soup