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Thread: Malt-shake On A French Fry

  1. #1
    I will finish the hunt Malt-shake On A French Fry Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Malt-shake On A French Fry

    I was thinking today about how many times people will look at my food an wonder about my mental health. I like to put honey mustard on my burgers, honey on my chicken nuggets, PB on my waffles, and salt on my tomatoes. To me it tastes great. Even my son likes his waffles wtih jelly instead of syrup.

    I was wondering if any of you do weird things to your food. Even if it is something like mashing your Chipotle before you eat it (Which I do too). And what is your favorite food you like to eat that some would call gross.

    Oh & Ramen noodles with hot sauce!
    Last edited by Cheesevixen; 06-11-2008 at 09:06 AM.
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  2. #2
    Synthesized Ascension Malt-shake On A French Fry Zardoch's Avatar
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    Lol, like hell I don't. At Steak-n-shake, I often dip my fries into the chocolate shake as if it were ketchup. Some people find it awkward that I also eat ketchup on just about everything, mostly chicken in general. Then there's my moments of adding BBQ sauce to my mashed, fried, or baked potatoes and I honestly think there's nothing better. In Mexican restaurants, I always place plenty of rice on top of a tortilla chip and then add some salsa. It's excellent.

    There's also one other habit I have and that's eating foods that are complete opposites of one another, yet taste great combined. For example, a cold chocolate milkshake is absolutely incredible with some hot chili bowl with plenty of beans. Another example would be something I don't do often or at great extent, but eating chocolate with spicy or similar foods can be pretty good, such as a hersey's chocolate bar and jalapeno pringles. I only eat that shit light though, because it might screw with my digestion.

  3. #3
    Malt-shake On A French Fry draco's Avatar
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    Well the only thing I did wierd to my food was eat my romin noodles dry with out cooking them first but at this moment thats the only thing I can think about.

  4. #4
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Malt-shake On A French Fry Joe's Avatar
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    ahah, I used to do quite a few things that my parents/sister/friends thought were weird. I'd dip my chicken, if it was fried, or if it was a chicken sandwich, in Vanilla or Chocolate pudding. I'd also put barbecue suace on anything I'd put ketchup on, since I can't stand ketchup. I dip my french fries in Chocolate when I get a chance, and sometimes, I'll coat grapes in vanilla ice cream. I agree with Vicious, really sweet foods can make really good combinations with spicy ones. Really sweet chocolate, after a bowl of piping hot chili, for instance.
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  5. #5
    Registered User Malt-shake On A French Fry winterborn86's Avatar
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    Whaen i was preg, i had a couple of werid likings, such as dipping french fries(the bcrisps) in spaghetti hoops, aand eatin tomato ketchup sandwhiches.
    Most of the time now i put gravy on alot of my food like chicken dippers,chips,wedges,fish finger,burgers i dont think its weird but others do.

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  6. #6
    Gingersnap Malt-shake On A French Fry OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Honey on chicken nuggets is amazing and I won't have anyone tell me otherwise. And chocolate frosty fries, yes sir. Salt on tomatoes, yes. Never tried your others, though. I just might.

    When it comes to food, I really will try anything once unless I suspect it might make me ill. Safety first. Fried pickles with ranch dressing are an old favorite, and sushi places don't intimidate me a bit. I had lime chips with spinach dip once... ate too much of them, so it didn't turn out well, but I enjoyed it at the time. And if you tell me there are pineapples in it, I'll very willingly give it a try, I don't care what it is. Nutella sandwiches... yum. And playing with tea makes me happy. I've told Sinister about one of my favorite blends that consists of gunpowder green tea (a smoky, strong green that can taste a little like seaweed if you steep it too long) and coconut flavored black tea. It's wonderful. We did something interesting last quarter. You take a jar of sliced jalepenos and a jar of sweet pickles and you chop up the pickles and mix everything together, dividing evenly between the two jars, juice included. Spicy sweet pickles. They were good, but I wouldn't eat them on an empty stomach. Um... oh, sometimes I like chips on my sandwiches. I like when things are crisp or crunchy. And quite often, I'll mix together plain yogurt with ricotta cheese, honey, raisins, and wheat germ. My roommates think I'm strange for it, but it's quite good. And nutritious. Also, bbq chicken pizza sounded strange to me at first, but it's damn tasty.

    Anyway. I'm not TOTALLY OUT THERE, but I do eat a few things that friends stay away from. More for me.

    P.S. Boiled peanuts. Give them a try.
    Last edited by OceanEyes28; 06-11-2008 at 01:00 PM.

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  7. #7
    Registered User Malt-shake On A French Fry Halie's Avatar
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    Peanut Butter on grapes is yummy. Myself and my best friend tried it before, it was so nice. People gave us weird looks, but hey. It was great. XD

    Also, Peanut Butter on crisps (that'd be potato chips in the US) is also nice. And Salt on Ramen is good too.

    There are a few things I'd like to try though... like Peanuts dipped in garlic sauce. I just need to get a hold of some peanuts first. Erm... Oh, I did try BBQ Pringles in Garlic sauce not so long ago. That was pretty nice too...

  8. #8
    Bananarama Malt-shake On A French Fry Pete's Avatar
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    I'm a fan of Ramen and hot sauce, and also uncooked ramen... with hot sauce. I also like the fries with frosty combo aaaaaaaand chicken nuggets with honey.

    I'm also a fan of mayo on my chicken and turkey as opposed to gravy, as well as mayo on cranberry sauce. It's delicious.

    I used to make a plate of what everyone said looked like vomit, but it was a mexican bowl type dish. It involved Spanish rice, salsa, cheddar cheese, ground beef w/ taco seasoning and sour cream. Mix it up, microwave it, and enjoy. It looks gross, but tastes amazing.

    Like Ally, I'll eat pretty much anything once, though safety doesn't concern me nearly as much.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  9. #9
    I will finish the hunt Malt-shake On A French Fry Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    Great post ocean eye's; I love how some things have made you sick that doesn't stop you from trying weird things. Awesome!

    I thought a of a few more today. Anyone ever had chips in a sandwhich? It is especially good with braunswagger...I don't think I spelt that right, but oh well. And I thought that everyone knew about banana & PB sandwiches, but to some people that is a little weird. I love them

    Oh, and an apple can find it at it is freakin' AWESOME!!!
    Last edited by Cheesevixen; 06-11-2008 at 02:48 PM.
    "Some men just want to watch the world burn"

  10. #10
    Are you related to my brother?! No, I don't, but he tends to do crazy stuff, such as tuna with tomato ketchup, and brown sauce, mayo, salad cream, ketchup and soy sauce all on the same dish... Yuuuck. =/

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  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28
    P.S. Boiled peanuts. Give them a try.
    I have. They still have peanut flavor, but a nicer texture. ^^

    I've never tried honey with chicken nuggets, but the fries with milk shakes or even soft serve is great. I like soy sauce in my sandwiches instead of ketchup, salt on and in my everything, and condensed milk on my bread and bagels instead of jam or jelly.

    For sandwiches, I kind of go crazy. I stuff fruit in them sometimes for a little extra flavor for no reason. I also do the chip thing, but only if I feel like I want some crunch. I love to eat carrots and cucumbers in my sandwiches too, since they make them more moist. I sometimes squirt some lemon juice into them for fun.

    For ramen, I like to eat the noodles dry sometimes, with mayo. I hate hot sauce and BBQ sauce, so I never add those to anything.

    Yeah, I don't do much with my food. Mostly salt on normals foods, so nothing special there. I really go crazy with my sandwiches though since they're the things that need the most stuff.

  12. #12
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I don't eat anything out of the ordinary. I won't lie, I'm a terribly fussy eater and my favourite restaurant is the Harvester, which is a British pub atmosphere restaurant serving mostly meats, fish and pasta with a free salad bar.

    That's not to say I'm not passionate about food, though. I love to cook, and I love to eat, but I love to eat fresh foods. I love fresh salad and honey mustard chicken.

    But I'm very simplistic with my dishes unless I'm cooking for somebody with high maintanence tastes.

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  13. #13
    I go against the grain when it comes to cereal. I don't put milk on it. I like cereal. I like milk. I don't like the combination... I think it's madness.

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  14. #14
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I have the habit of drowning half the things I make in tomato, several varieties of cheese, dried garlic powder and dried oregano leaves. Bread, potatoes, potato chips, french fries, chicken, beef, fish...
    It often matters not. Though depending on the food in question I might skip the tomato and/or one or two other things.

    Oh and I tend to fortify pretty much every non-alcoholic drink with a little rum or nicer bourbon if it's on sale.
    And yeah, whenever I have Chinese, I grab some Honey Chicken.
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  15. #15
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    I've tried dipping McDonald's fries in ice cream or their thick shakes, that's actually rather nice. I don't do it very often though. I'm not into a lot of weird stuff overall because I am very fussy, I always have been. There is a LOT of food I will refuse to eat. I was terrible as a child, I never ate anything barely and my parents wondered how I stayed alive. I drank a lot of milk and my doctor said to them that I could actually survive on that.

    I used to love having a lot of pepper on some things I ate, mainly hot food. I would just put tons on there. I have no idea why, it just made it taste better in my opinion. Oh and yes, it did burn my tongue a bit afterwards.

    I don't think there's much else besides that.

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  16. #16
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silver View Post
    I have the habit of drowning half the things I make in tomato, several varieties of cheese
    You sound like my Andrew, haha. Not so much tomato, but he will usually try to make some kind of sauce to dribble over the food, even when it doesn't really match what we're eating.

    As a snack, he eats poppadoms in mango chutney.

    He's much more daring with his food, but no wonder I'm not daring... Mayonnaise with ketchup, mustard and Branston Pickle in a sandwich with only three pieces of turkey to stave off the really nasty bits of the taste?

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  17. #17
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    Ah, that reminds me of my cousin. She used to have an obsession with BBQ sauce. She would have it on a bread roll or a piece of bread.. by itself. She would not have anything else with it which always grossed me out. She usually has meat now, like chicken but smothers it in a ton of sauce. I don't know why she bothers putting the meat on to begin with, you wouldn't be able to taste it anyway. She's always been like that though, she's very fussy.. even worse than myself. I barely have sauce on anything, I dislike BBQ sauce so I avoid it.

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  18. #18
    Registered User Malt-shake On A French Fry Halie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chez Daja View Post
    Mayonnaise with ketchup
    Geebuss Christ. Doesn't he ever get ill with that? Haha.

    Years ago, I made myself a salad of some sort, and I daringly mixed the beetroot with salad cream. It tasted nice, but my God, my stomach was frickin' killing afterwards. Not a good combo, no sir-ey.

    Also, today I dipped Prawn Cocktail crisps in salad cream. Wasn't too bad Definitly better than with Beetroot. >.>

  19. #19
    Bananarama Malt-shake On A French Fry Pete's Avatar
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    I'd just like to point out that Mayo and Ketchup is nothing more than your standard "French" salad dressing. Add some relish and it becomes Thousand Island.

    Hooray for being a poor college student at one time.

    Also, Hot mustard or hot sauce is more or less good on everything.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  20. #20
    Eating the outer parts of lemons could be considered odd by some, but not by me >.>
    Also yeah am Dutch, so mayonaise suits almost everything.
    Cheese-pancakes are considered strange by some too..I love them.

    Peace out

  21. #21
    um when i went to mexico i put chili powder on my sugar cane slices...i thought it would be absolutely disgusting but it turned out pretty good i gues everyone that lives in mexico does it tho but it was great.

  22. #22
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Nice thread!

    Quote Originally Posted by Vicious View Post
    Lol, like hell I don't. At Steak-n-shake, I often dip my fries into the chocolate shake as if it were ketchup. Some people find it awkward that I also eat ketchup on just about everything, mostly chicken in general. Then there's my moments of adding BBQ sauce to my mashed, fried, or baked potatoes and I honestly think there's nothing better. In Mexican restaurants, I always place plenty of rice on top of a tortilla chip and then add some salsa. It's excellent.
    OMG, thats kinda what I do lol! Its been something I have always done - dunk fries in my milkshake! Its tastes pretty good... What? You can't tell me you've never even thought about it, right? AND I LOVE BBQ sauce! The Jack Daniels one is really good too with just about everything!

    I can't eat sausage rolls without sweet chilli dipping sauce - I gotta have the sweet chilli, or I won't eat them. Ketchup doesn't really make the rolls taste better than when its with sweet chilli...

    When I have cake and custard (which I haven't eaten in a while...), I'll aways mash up the custard with the cake. I have no idea why - always done it lol...

    Then there is the way I eat things. I always eat the thing I don't like on my plate first, and save my favourite part of my dinner until last. I always save my Yorkshire Puddings until last if we have them on a Sunday.... ^_^

    Quote Originally Posted by Chez Daja
    As a snack, he eats poppadoms in mango chutney.
    Thats a really good snack though! I love it! Chutney and sweet chilli dip... hmmm...

    I think thats it for now... if i think of anything else I do, I'll post back!
    Last edited by Unknown Entity; 06-14-2008 at 04:06 AM.

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  23. #23
    I will finish the hunt Malt-shake On A French Fry Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjrouse View Post
    um when i went to mexico i put chili powder on my sugar cane slices...i thought it would be absolutely disgusting but it turned out pretty good i gues everyone that lives in mexico does it tho but it was great.
    They have something like that in Texas too. We put chili on pickles or in a fruit cup filled with pineapple and other sweet fruit. It is actually really really good. Haven't had one in SUCH a long time though.
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  24. #24
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Malt-shake On A French Fry Polk's Avatar
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    I've never done the "French Fries in Chocolate Shake" thing. I had a friend in high school who would do that in restaurants. People stared at her. I laughed (but secretly cried?).

    As for me, I put black pepper on just about everything I eat. Save for like, ice cream, cereal, and cake. Seriously, cottage cheese with pepper on it for the win. Also, Nacho Cheese Doritos and ketchup is amazing.

    A guy who I used to work with put applesauce in Chef Boyardee pasta, dipped hot Pockets in it, you know, like most hot stuff. The way he explained it made sense though. When he was a baby apparently, his mom used to cool his food off apple sauce, and he just got used to it.
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