So, I've noticed that everytime I join a forum and put down something I don't like and someone else DOES like, some shmuck gets mad and sends me a pm that I can only assume they believe will change my mind about whatever it is I don't like. Thing is, it's always done the same way. They childishly chew me out, state how they think its great and I'm wrong and I should like it because they think it's the greatest thing ever, sometimes telling me I'm a homosexual in various ways. Thing is, and I've noticed this with every single one, they never give any details to back up their arguement. It's like they think calling me names and getting mad at me will suddenly make me go "You're right! Such-and-such IS wonderful! I have been so stupid not to like it."I mean, if someone is going to tell me I'm wrong, is it too much to ask that they ellaborate on WHY I'm wrong so I can actually consider their standpoint and maybe my own on the subject. That's not asking too much, right? I'm all for a bit of debate here and there, but it's not really a debate so much as someone throwing a hissy fit because someone doesn't agree with them. Does this only happen to me? Really, I'd like to know.