I have never heard of this, but apparently the guy had been in the business of selling "lunar real estate" since 1990, and he can do so because he "found a loophole in international law" to where he
can do this.

Also this:
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Making a mint out of the Moon
I don't know if I'm more concerned for him, or the people that are actually buying into this sort of thing.
I think that we should look into making THIS world better, instead of finding ways to go and colonize some other planet. That, to me, seems just like people are running away from the problem.
I don't think there's going to be a problem about future generations fighting over who owns what land on the moon because they have a "land deed" for it. There's a caption under one of the pictures in the article that reads "No government has yet recognized the lunar sales as legally binding", so basically, it
is just bragging that you "own" a piece of moon property.
