BBC NEWS | England | London | Hundreds march for stabbed youth
How much more blood needs to be spilled in the world, before stupid, gun and knife weilding teens concentrate more on their future, than on protecting Post Codes, killing people in petty arugments, tormenting the old, and damn right ****king the world up?
40-50 teens where killed last year, and another (I think the stats were) 37 this year so far have died because of this. Its sick. What? Are you gonna kill someone cos they were playing in "your" swing park? Pfft! Its a ****ing public area you dipsh*t! Gonna kill someone in E8 because they are from N1? E8 and N1 are postal areas, so postmen know where to deliver letters you ass wipe! JEESE!
What could bring someone to take a life? The thought of their blood on your hands... That life in your head?
Seriously, why do people feel the need to carry knifes? If NO ONE carried a knife, why would you still need a knife? Whats wrong with using your fists? Oh no, cos fists take longer in taking away a life? Its this that makes me angry... Parents not being able to control their kids, and allowing the street to bring them up - like its the best way...
What are your thoughts about this?