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Thread: Lay down your arms...

  1. #31
    TFF's Token Imp Lay down your arms... Martin's Avatar
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    I honestly cannot believe a remark that I added almost flippantly has stirred such vitriolic debate. But I stand by what I said. It's not necessarily the case that alcohol is the root of all evil. I never stated it was, I just made a simple statement which I hold true; that no matter what it does have an effect on the mind, lowers your inhibitions and (especially true in the UK as pointed by PH and Helter) happens to be a major factor of violent crime. This is fact.

    I never said it was the only cause. I think that certain mind-altering substances also happen to play a part, as with gang culture and the like. But let's be brutally honest here, in the case of the UK, most reported knife-crime or stabbings take place outside of drinking establishments. Silver, you're quite right in defending the moderate drinkers out there, but please accept that those who cannot control their drinking, are usually the violent ones. It just happens that way.

    The main problem here is that we're all discussing this from varying culture. So everyone... calm the hell down. It's not helping and is not exactly what this thread is about is it?

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  2. #32
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pablo Honey View Post
    Every Friday and Saturday night in most towns and all cities in the UK, the police presence intensifies ridiculously; they crowd the streets in riot vans and, in London, patrol club areas on horses kitted out in horsey riot gear. Also, in A & E (Accident and Emergency) units in hospitals across the country, doctors and nurses need protection from their patients, and have to file countless abuse forms about the abuse they recieve on these weekend nights. Now, I wonder, why is it just these nights?
    I wonder the same. Australia's known for it's beer loving inhabitants (and trust me when I say most are actually drinking other alcoholic beverages these days) and we don't seem to get that many drunks attacking hospital staff. It's mainly heavier drug users here who've literally lost half the use of their brain through such all time favourites as crystal meth. Including a couple of people who used to be my mates...

    But then what would I know about alcohol and this kind of thing? I'm just an at times heavy drinker whose friends are pretty much all the same in terms of drinking. I don't think I have ANY friends who don't like the occasional (or more than occasional) drink...

    It is because a lot of people are pissed, and fighting. They are drunk and crashing cars, hitting one another, attacking one another, the police and doctors and nurses. This is the situation in the UK. On this you cannot really comment, since you don't live here.
    I know I can't comment on the UK. But I can comment on what I see here. And if it's not effecting both places the same way, then it would appear that alcohol is only a part of the equation if anything. I know a fair few people that have been involved with drink driving accidents (though most sucked at driving anyway), yet don't know any that would resort to something like stabbing a person while drunk unless they were provoked first and an angry drunk. I've seen incidents involving a pack mentality, especially if someone has either a gang or a large family with a ton of siblings and cousins and the like, and I have fought meth addicts myself, some who did seem to wish me bodily harm (or just looked very confused and angry, and at other times rather blank faced yet with tightened features), yet never had any real problems with someone who was just drunk. There's also a person's smarts. If a drunk is getting aggressive you just agree with him and keep him onside. You're either an idiot or damned sure of yourself if you let one bait you really...

    Both Helter Skelter and myself enjoy a drink as much as the next person. His poison is Guinness, mine is rum or Kopparberg.
    I drink pretty much everything, but my favourite drink is Coruba rum. Probably one of the cheapest decent dark rums you can buy. Guiness is alright, and has a little more alcohol content than most Australian beers, but it tended to be a little too pricey for me here most of the time. I'd rather stick with Toohey's Extra Dry and the like, especially as one of the several bottleshops in Dapto often has it on sale. It's a little less sharp tasting, but it is pretty damned crisp. My point? Not much, but it shows to some extent a little knowledge on the subject of alcohol.

    Oh, and were you insinuating that I asked or somehow prodded him into posting here?
    Not exactly. Nope, I was more insinuating that he saw a disagreement between us and decided to post because of it. I insinuated rather than stating it as it's not something I'm sure of. It's just I noticed the last few posts were mostly with similar circumstances. I apologise if I got it wrong.

    Do you honestly think this shitty little place matters that much? He holds most of you in contempt, and never comes here.
    Well, he sort of proved to me it matters that much by bothering to post. And if he never comes here, how would he have seen this thread and bothered replying? As for his contempt, that's too bad. The only contempt I hold is that for someone who acts so arrogant where it isn't warranted. But that's ok, I do enjoy finishing things.

    But he checks it every now and again, and when he did, he found this thread.
    It's amazing how people can not come here, check threads and then post...
    ...while not here! And it's something I don't think I can do with any possibility... I applaud Helter Skelter's almost magical abilities.

    I didn't know he'd even been on here until about 20 minutes ago. Why you think I'd need help to discuss a point is beyond me.
    I don't think you need help with a discussion. And that's part of the reason (besides him sounding a tad snotty to me) that I might have seemed hostile. It was probably also how I'd been sober for days, but regardless...

    I KNOW you don't need help discussing things. I also respect your opinion. But I do have a difference in opinion here it would seem and just as I believe you would, I'm prone to defending my views and keeping with the discussion.

    Please forgive Helter for being too sober to take a cheery look at stabbings or to respond to you nicely. As I stated, he holds this place in mild contempt most of the time, and only posts if something grabs him.
    I never held that aginst him. No, I held his inability to play nice against him. It brings out my bad side, and the remark about him being too sober was purely intended to show that he seemed a bit too uptight for my tastes. Maybe you should up his Guiness intake?

    Maybe you can't see the damage binge drinking does from where you live. But here it is a powerful force. Coupled with the racism, historical contempt and bigotry that runs rampant over the UK, booze is a huge thing. I'm not talking a couple of pints down the pub with your mates. Last weekend, Glasgow was host to the Orange Marches; thousands of drunken Protestants marching around the streets, singing horrific songs about the Poles, pissing all over the streets, and starting fights. One stopped my brother in the city centre and asked if he was Polish, while he was with my mum; both replied no, at which point one of the march hangers-on grabbed my mum from behind and started leering, 'That's just as well then, eh!' before they spotted police around the corner and buggered off. Like **** would you catch someone doing that in the middle of Glasgow unless they were drunk.
    That's it exactly. It's not alcohol on it's own that does anything. It's the person who commits the crime regardless of their reason. Alcohol can contribute to a person commiting a crime, but it doesn't do that to a majority of people and often it's the other things. Like the contempt and bigotry for example. Sober people are capable of stabbing people too. And often as they have their full balance and wits about them, they're more successful.

    This discussion is pointless, and this post was pointless. I'll never understand why I let the internet anger me, but there you go.
    If the post was pointless, then why did you post? It wasn't pointless at all as you were just explaining what your thoughts are and I can completely respect that. You explained your situation and why you've seen things as you have and have given me the opportunity to do the same right back. Even the things that do seem pointless rarely if ever are, especially if they have an effect that's not always readily visible.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chez Daja
    There are some seriously paranoid people in the world that carry knives, whether they're under the influence or not. It may be for defense, or just "to look cool".
    Well if we're talking pubs here, chances are they equipped the aforementioned knives before their drinking time at the pub. They might have drunk enough while at home to be drunk, but don't you have laws there against pubs serving drinks to intoxicated people anyway? We do here, and it means predrunks are just sent home and don't always tend to bother trying later. THose that do are the ones fully in control where you don't notice they're drunk in terms of how balanced they are and their speech.

    In any case, I don't think carrying weaponry of any kind or drinking excessively should EVER be justified. And nobody can make a logic point proving that much wrong.
    Indeed. I just hate when alcohol is linked to crimes in a generalised way. It might influence some, but most drinkers are fine, even those who overindulge. I've seen way more drunks embarrass themselves or almost kill themself through drinking than I have seen harming others. The nasty ones tend to be a minority.

    Should we ban cars and the like as they give some people road rage which can result in another's injury or death?

    And silver; just because you personally have never wanted to hurt somebody because you were drunk, doesn't mean you speak for everybody downing booze. There is such a thing as uncontrollable addiction and even if I do scratch my head in wonder about it, it IS something that some people cannot control. I'm not linking you to that, but I wanted to clear it up.
    I have heard that, but I still think the individual should be held accountable for his/her actions. Alcohol doesn't kill your ability to make the right decision, it merely impairs it. And they decided to drink the alcohol in the first place meaning it's their own fault. If a person is addicted, that's fine. But anyone can quit if they want it enough...

    Quote Originally Posted by FFGuru
    I honestly cannot believe a remark that I added almost flippantly has stirred such vitriolic debate. But I stand by what I said. It's not necessarily the case that alcohol is the root of all evil. I never stated it was, I just made a simple statement which I hold true; that no matter what it does have an effect on the mind, lowers your inhibitions and (especially true in the UK as pointed by PH and Helter) happens to be a major factor of violent crime. This is fact.
    Worry not, I took what you said with humour. And the bit that needs to be cleared up is that alcohol DOES NOT happen to be a factor of violent crime. It is a factor of SOME violent crimes. If that's not understood, then once again poor, poor, poor, sweet, juicy alcohol is just being used as a scapegoat. It lacks the hands to stab someone itself you should all realise.

    I never said it was the only cause. I think that certain mind-altering substances also happen to play a part, as with gang culture and the like. But let's be brutally honest here, in the case of the UK, most reported knife-crime or stabbings take place outside of drinking establishments. Silver, you're quite right in defending the moderate drinkers out there, but please accept that those who cannot control their drinking, are usually the violent ones. It just happens that way.
    Aye, and like I said above in this post of mine, the fact that the UK and Australia seem to differ despite a lot of booze drinking indicates the alcohol isn't the major factor to me. Believe what you will, but I'm yet to see a cop taking a drunk too seriously here. Nope, that's the role of the bouncers (aka Security License Holders with a 'C' on their card indicating they can do Crowd Control work), and most drunks tend to pick themselves up and bugger off home once kicked out of a place. Some get a little angry at being kicked out, but the same can be said of any sober person. There's that few incidents that the few times the cops are needed, ten of them arrive at the one time and arrest the one or two causing trouble. No more drunks carry knives than sober people neither...

    The main problem here is that we're all discussing this from varying culture. So everyone... calm the hell down. It's not helping and is not exactly what this thread is about is it?
    And I agree. Chill out people, you all just need a good drink. Or ten.
    Yeah, this is starting to get off topic, but it's still applicable if someone is mistaking the power of alcohol as a huge evil force taking countless lives, when it's really just a part of the cause for a small number of incidents.
    victoria aut mors

  3. #33
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silver View Post
    Indeed. I just hate when alcohol is linked to crimes in a generalised way.
    I never said that. In fact, I even stated that it isn't the root of all crimes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Silver
    Should we ban cars and the like as they give some people road rage which can result in another's injury or death?
    What are you talking about? The difference between the two is that cars actually have a positive usage.

    I have heard that, but I still think the individual should be held accountable for his/her actions. Alcohol doesn't kill your ability to make the right decision, it merely impairs it. And they decided to drink the alcohol in the first place meaning it's their own fault. If a person is addicted, that's fine. But anyone can quit if they want it enough...
    I agree with to an extent, but how is being addicted "fine"? Some people can't quit because they're weak. My dad struggled with alcoholism for decades and in the end, he did manage to quit. But he wanted to quit way before he was able to.

    And I agree. Chill out people, you all just need a good drink. Or ten.
    Yeah, this is starting to get off topic, but it's still applicable if someone is mistaking the power of alcohol as a huge evil force taking countless lives, when it's really just a part of the cause for a small number of incidents.
    No. Alcohol is associated and used in a LOT of incidents. Not ALL of them. It may be happy-happy lets all drink where you are, but it's much different here, and I'm pretty insulted by alot of what you've said. Obviously you've never been a first hand victim of a drunk persons' anger.

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  4. #34
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chez Daja View Post
    I never said that. In fact, I even stated that it isn't the root of all crimes.
    I wasn't referring to you directly, I meant the way the thread was going after I pointed out that alcohol isn't as bad as some people make it out to be, yet someone did link it to this case and another. People don't stab someone just because they're drunk. I know that all too well.

    What are you talking about? The difference between the two is that cars actually have a positive usage.
    Alcohol is known to help some people socialise and the like as it relaxes them just as cars have the positive effect of providing transport. But just as alcohol has an ugly side, so do most cars in this age which kill the environment through their emissions, contribute to global warming and instill an anger known as 'Road Rage' in some which has also been behind deaths just as alcohol related anger has. Are cars directly to blame for a person's death? No, it's the people who use them. And I'm not including accidents here neither, merely the times where there's been the will to cause injury or death. Same as alcohol. You get a few incidents, but same goes for a lot of things.

    I agree with to an extent, but how is being addicted "fine"? Some people can't quit because they're weak. My dad struggled with alcoholism for decades and in the end, he did manage to quit. But he wanted to quit way before he was able to.
    I say fine, as I feel it's fine if a person wants to drink themselves into oblivion. So long as they're not directly effecting anyone else while doing so. As for quitting, I've quit a few habits myself (though not including alcohol which I don't really see as a problem). Even if you want to quit, you've got to want it enough.

    No. Alcohol is associated and used in a LOT of incidents. Not ALL of them. It may be happy-happy lets all drink where you are, but it's much different here, and I'm pretty insulted by a lot of what you've said. Obviously you've never been a first hand victim of a drunk persons' anger.
    Yeah... I've been in a few fights with drunks before Chez, especially when I used to hang out late most nights before my more recent 'internet addiction'. It's the people, they're so cool...

    But yeah, most of them it wasn't just they were drunk. It's because I have a habit of being an overconfident smartass half the time. I did not need the.. how you say... street smarts? It wasn't just that they were drunk, they were either too proud to back off after shit talking me OR they knew me from previously and didn't like me.

    If you don't want fights, don't provoke them or act like a smartass. If you gain their attention for the worst and can't defend yourself it's your own fault just as it's the drunk's fault for attacking you.

    I say what I do as I'm on another side. The vast majority of alcohol users are completely fine. YES, there are some bad eggs, but there's bad eggs in pretty much every grouping of people. At least there's no intent to stab some random person and steal their wallet like with some kinds of people *cough* wannabe gangstas with low quality small yet long blades made in china they bought at some local market or fair. *cough*

    I'm sorry if you feel I've insulted you, but frankly I hate feeling like I'm being lumped with knife weilding dipshits just because I drink large quantities of alcohol. Not all alcoholics are knife weilding troublemakers or psychos, hell many of us just sit at home with our mates drinking whatever the hell cheap red we could get for under $5 due to a couple weeks with low income. Alcohol does not a monster make, no, it just helps some thrive. Same as a ton of other things... Stress, road rage, whatever...
    victoria aut mors

  5. #35
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silver
    If you don't want fights, don't provoke them or act like a smartass. If you gain their attention for the worst and can't defend yourself it's your own fault just as it's the drunk's fault for attacking you.
    How can you say that? Some drunks just target you for no reason, whether you're talking or not, or acting like a smartass or not. I don't understand how you could be naive about that factor. Drunks do attack people. My father was attacked by four drunks (and no, he wasn't trouble and he wasn't an alcoholic by that time) for no reason except that just because they could. Little did they know that my dad used to fight a lot, and he beat the shit out of the four of them. He was lucky he could fight, or they might've mugged or killed him.

    And when did anybody say you were a knife weilding dipshit or even imply you were like them?

    Obviously we're from very different places, and I refuse to accept excessive alcoholism, as I also refuse to except "alcohol is fine". To be honest, you may know a thing or two about alcohol, but you'll never know the fear of young children who DON'T know how to fist fight. Consider yourself lucky.

    Rest in peace, Ben.

    I'm done with this stupid thread.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  6. #36
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chez Daja View Post
    How can you say that? Some drunks just target you for no reason, whether you're talking or not, or acting like a smartass or not. I don't understand how you could be naive about that factor. Drunks do attack people.
    I can say it quite easily. They always have a reason even if it's a damned stupid one. If a minority of them feel you're staring at them or something they might get aggressive, and sometimes they just want to mug you or something for some cash. Same can be said for people who aren't drunk though, and I know I'm much rather fight a guy drunk off his ass who can't even balance properly than a guy who can strike with complete accuracy.

    And yes, I do understand there are exceptions to the rule, but once again it doesn't just apply to those who've drank a tad too much.

    And when did anybody say you were a knife weilding dipshit or even imply you were like them?
    I just stated that I hated feeling like I was getting lumped with those kinds of drunks. I seem to see indicators that crimes involving drunk people aren't consistent place to place which to me screams that alcohol is a side issue at best. When people are directly linking alcohol to crime it makes heavy drinkers (such as myself) look quite worse than we actually are. There's a minority who are the cause of people's troubles and I honestly feel alcohol is rarely if ever the true reason behind their actions. I mean seriously, it's almost always a minority of people in any given demographic who are the cause of some of society's troubles...

    Obviously we're from very different places, and I refuse to accept excessive alcoholism, as I also refuse to except "alcohol is fine". To be honest, you may know a thing or two about alcohol, but you'll never know the fear of young children who DON'T know how to fist fight. Consider yourself lucky.
    It's a life style choice to refuse alchol or excessive alcohol, but denying that alcohol is fine can be seen as something else entirely. It's been established that drinking certain quantities of red wine can be beneficial to one's health, and that the right amount of alcohol can be a powerful social tool due to the lowered inhibitions people show. And I know very well the fear of a child who can't fist fight. Until I taught myself how to fight through neccesity I was thrown around like a ****ing ragdoll more days than not. And I know I'm lucky Chez. It's through personal experience a person is shaped as they are. I don't think I'd have it any other way.
    victoria aut mors

  7. #37
    Gingersnap Lay down your arms... OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    The antioxidants you get from wine are great, but you can get many more from eating dark chocolate or blueberries. I love the taste of a good red wine and I've been known to sip on other alcoholic beverages in social situations; but I don't pretend that it's healthy or that I'm a better person when I drink it.

    I know for a fact that I'm not. I'm normally a pretty rational person and I prefer to talk things out and play nice. But with enough alcohol in me, I can turn from sweet to pissy in no time. Someone tickled me once after I'd had a few drinks, and I slapped him. I don't slap people on a regular basis, what the hell was that? I don't like using alcohol as an excuse for inappropriate behavior, but it is definitely a factor. It was my fault that I slapped him, but I would not have followed through with that behavior had I been sober.

    Put alcohol in the hands of someone who would slap someone while sober, and you've got some pretty impulsive decisions ahead. I've been followed around, jeered at, and inappropriately touched by drunk ****s. I don't think they would have had the stones to do so had we all been in a grocery store or a library. Alcohol as a social tool: let loose your inner jackass.

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  8. #38
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wikipedia
    Euphoria (BAC = 0.03 to 0.12%).
    - Subject may experience an overall improvement in mood and possible euphoria.
    - They may become more self-confident or daring; they may become more friendly or talkative, and/or social.
    - Their attention span shortens. They may look flushed.
    - Their judgment is not as good — they may express the first thought that comes to mind, rather than an appropriate comment for the given situation. --See: in vino veritas
    - They have trouble with fine movements, such as writing or signing their name.

    Lethargy (BAC = 0.09 to 0.25%)
    - Subject may become sleepy.
    - They have trouble understanding or remembering things, even recent events. They do not react to situations as quickly.
    - Their body movements are uncoordinated; they begin to lose their balance easily, stumbling; walking is not stable.
    - Their vision becomes blurry. They may have trouble sensing things (hearing, tasting, feeling, etc.).

    Confusion (BAC = 0.18 to 0.30%)
    - Profound confusion — uncertain where they are or what they are doing. --Dizziness and staggering occur.
    - Heightened emotional state — aggressive, withdrawn, or overly affectionate. Vision, speech, and awareness are impaired.
    - Poor coordination and pain response. Nausea and vomiting sometimes occurs.

    Stupor (BAC = 0.25 to 0.40%)
    - Movement severely impaired; lapses in and out of consciousness.
    - Subjects can slip into a coma; will become completely unaware of surroundings, time passage, and actions.
    - Risk of death is very high due to alcohol poisoning and/or pulmonary aspiration of vomit while unconscious.
    - Loss of bodily functions can begin, including bladder control, breathing, heart rate.
    Coma (BAC = 0.35 to 0.50%)
    - Unconsciousness sets in.
    - Reflexes are depressed (i.e., pupils do not respond appropriately to changes in light).
    - Breathing is slower and more shallow. Heart rate drops. Death usually occurs at levels in this range.

    Death (BAC more than 0.50%)
    - Can cause central nervous system to fail, resulting in death.
    - Short-term effects of alcohol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    For BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) see here: Blood alcohol content - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Self confidence and daring and impaired judgement are the only things I can see suggesting in the slightest that a person might be caused to get violent by alcohol. But then look at the wording. 'Self Confidence' for one. As far as I'm aware that refers to one's confidence with themselves, so it's not really that alchol has put a magical mind controlling device on a person's head and forced them to do anything. Then we get to impaired judgement. This I presume is the real issue as that could be what makes some people do something they wouldn't normally do. HOWEVER the key word is 'impair'. It doesn't actually stop someone from being capable of making a good decision it merely makes it harder for them to do so. My way of thinking is merely that once they've made the choice to consume any alcohol they are directly accountable for any of their actions afterwards, as either way they had a choice. It helps if a person knows their limits...

    Onto knowing one's limits. Despite the BAC guide, not everyone really conforms in terms of how alcohol effects them. I'll use myself as an example. I weigh approx 100KG which means 10 drinks will give me a BAP of .17. This in turn would mean that roughly 20-25 drinks should kill me. As there's 24 cans in a case and each can is 1.8 drinks making a total of 43.2 drinks I believe, drinking half a case could perhaps kill me yet I've been known to drink more than a case on occasion. Even subtracting approximately .01% every 40 minutes after drinking as the guide allows would show I have a good deal more than what should be lethal in my system. And I also remain more or less coherant as you can see through my typing ability. And then in contrast is a guy I know through a friend. He is slightly taller than me and likely weighs around the same as he's thinner, yet two beers will have him falling over himself something severe.

    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28
    The antioxidants you get from wine are great, but you can get many more from eating dark chocolate or blueberries. I love the taste of a good red wine and I've been known to sip on other alcoholic beverages in social situations; but I don't pretend that it's healthy or that I'm a better person when I drink it.
    Quote Originally Posted by wikipedia
    Regularly having more than two drinks a day increases the risk of developing alcoholism, alcoholic liver disease, and some forms of cancer. Having between one to two alcoholic drinks a day has been shown to have positive effects on health, unless contraindicated,[1] chiefly because of its cardiovascular effects.
    - Long-term effects of alcohol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Polyphenol antioxidants to be exact. And yes, dark chocolate's antioxidant effects are more powerful in one area, protecting against LDL oxidation, but apart from that are nothing remarkable. At least to the best of my knowledge. Chocolate is good for the circulatory system and has other documented effects such as being a brain stimulator, having anticancer properties, aiding with coughs and it has antidiarrhoeal effects. It's only drawbacks are that it can promote obesity and I've heard some chocolates can cause a buildup of lead in the system leading up to lead poisoning. Interesting that one.

    Blueberries are interesting in that some varieties often contain more polyphenol antioxidants than others. It is said to possess qualities that can inhibit the progress of cancer cells, aid with Alzheimer's disease, help lower cholesterol and lipid levels and some varieties may contain contain anthocyanins, other antioxidants and several phytochemicals which are also strongly believed to have a positive effect in several ways. That said, depending on the nutrients available to the blueberry in question, some may lose some of these qualities to an extent or even altogether as with many plants. Some plants (not neccesarily the blueberry) are also known at times to be too rich in nutrients the body needs leading to negative effects if the nutrients stay in a person's system in too high a quantity. You could say that alcoholic drinks have varying levels of polyphenol antioxidants themselves, but they're often more consistent due to how they're processed.

    I also wish to make the point that there are over 4000 distinct species of polyphenol antioxidant, all which do their own thing to combat oxidative stress - basically a causative of some neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases. It's very hard to have too many polyphenol antioxidants in your system...

    As for it being increasing cancer risks, more things do that to some extent than not. Even staying out under the sun for too long. Oh and half the electrical devices in the average home may also be linked to cancer. And don't get me onto mutagens (like a wide variety of carcinogens just so ya knows)...

    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28
    I know for a fact that I'm not. I'm normally a pretty rational person and I prefer to talk things out and play nice. But with enough alcohol in me, I can turn from sweet to pissy in no time. Someone tickled me once after I'd had a few drinks, and I slapped him. I don't slap people on a regular basis, what the hell was that? I don't like using alcohol as an excuse for inappropriate behavior, but it is definitely a factor. It was my fault that I slapped him, but I would not have followed through with that behavior had I been sober.
    Which chances are does mean that alcohol had an effect on you. But did you lack the choice to not slap the guy or was it just impaired judgement on your part? As you've stated you don't like using alcohol as an excuse, an idea I agree with, and yes it can be a factor (though not a causative as I get the feeling some may perhaps think). Either way there was a choice to slap, despite any impairment caused by alcohol.

    Put alcohol in the hands of someone who would slap someone while sober, and you've got some pretty impulsive decisions ahead.
    Sounds like either way Sir. Slapalot's gonna do some slapping. To me the important difference would be that the person's impaired motor skills would mean some slaps might miss. There's also if they lack the balance they might not be able to get into such a position as being able to slap you.

    I've been followed around, jeered at, and inappropriately touched by drunk ****s. I don't think they would have had the stones to do so had we all been in a grocery store or a library.
    Fair call, and I do agree that's a problem. However I still see it as a far cry from stabbing someone which was the main point of this thread I believe. But while not exactly a small minority of drunks (there are a fair few like that), it's still not completely representative of the whole.

    Alcohol as a social tool: let loose your inner jackass.
    Not a fair call. It can also help you open up and be more honest with people. A line like that doesn't apply in all cases and is the type of slogan some seem to remember more than if one wasn't communicated across the table. I know a lot of people who are a good deal warmer and more welcoming with a six pack of toohey's new in their belly than they are with absolutely nothing.
    victoria aut mors

  9. #39
    Lay down your arms... Rinoa.Heartilly's Avatar
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    I think the philosophy of taking the arms away from everybody is absolutely ridiculous. Taking the knives away from people isn't going to prevent any of these tragedies from happening. There will always be someone who chooses to carry a knife, no matter how nice it would be for no one to carry a knife. But, conversely to your theory of total disarming, if everybody carried a knife, no one would dare try to screw with anyone, because they all have knives. But we know that won't happen either.

    You are also neglecting the fact knives have practical uses. I carry a knife for that very reason. I use it to cut boxes at work, open things, and a general all purpose tool. Just because I carry a knife doesn't mean I'm going to stab someone with it. But, my only exception, if someone with their bare hands decides they want to pull me off the street and try to rape me or physically assault me, you bet your ass I'll cut them.

    It is horrible the things that happen to these kids and the old people. But taking away knives is ridiculous. More police presence and less apathy on the average citizen's part. Also, citizens should travel safer, in groups, or for the love of your God take time out of your day and watch your damn offspring when they play on the playground. More people=less likely for a crime to be committed.

  10. #40
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rinoa.Heartilly View Post
    I think the philosophy of taking the arms away from everybody is absolutely ridiculous. Taking the knives away from people isn't going to prevent any of these tragedies from happening. There will always be someone who chooses to carry a knife, no matter how nice it would be for no one to carry a knife. But, conversely to your theory of total disarming, if everybody carried a knife, no one would dare try to screw with anyone, because they all have knives. But we know that won't happen either.

    You are also neglecting the fact knives have practical uses. I carry a knife for that very reason. I use it to cut boxes at work, open things, and a general all purpose tool. Just because I carry a knife doesn't mean I'm going to stab someone with it. But, my only exception, if someone with their bare hands decides they want to pull me off the street and try to rape me or physically assault me, you bet your ass I'll cut them.

    It is horrible the things that happen to these kids and the old people. But taking away knives is ridiculous. More police presence and less apathy on the average citizen's part. Also, citizens should travel safer, in groups, or for the love of your God take time out of your day and watch your damn offspring when they play on the playground. More people=less likely for a crime to be committed.
    Unfortunatly, there are some ****ers in the world who carry knives with intent to cause damage to others, purely because they look different, come from a different place, live in another postal code, or because they want to steal/mug someone. I'm not saying to ban the use of knifes if they are for some kind of useful use - whether that be for your work, or for genuinly protecting yourself - so that crime like this can... decrease a bit. You carry a knife because it has a use to you - work. Other people carry knives to do harm because they believe they are in danger if they don't.

    Now, I probably didn't make a lot of sence then, but I you get what I mean...

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  11. #41
    Lay down your arms... Rinoa.Heartilly's Avatar
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    Unfortunately, there are people like you said, use the knife for the intent to harm another individual. But the scum of the earth are the scum of the earth, but when I talked about carrying a knife, I was really using myself to represent the average citizen. I do believe that criminals having knives is an issue. But consider this: remember 9/11? The plane hijackings? If you are on a plane with the intent to hijack it now, you better count your stars and hope you aren't a bloody pulp by the time the plane lands where it's supposed to, because the air marshal won't be able to get passed the crowd of people kicking your ass. I believe the same concept should be put into effect with this. A group of people should be appalled at these stabbings and should do something instead of nothing. People should throw away the pretend sympathy and the heartless apathy, and actually try to make a difference. It shouldn't take a tragedy to bring public uproar. Watch your kids, travel in large groups, and if you see some asshole fighting for postal turf, get some balls and kick his ass. You TOO can carry a knife. Or call the police if you see suspicious activity, if you are incapable of physically stopping someone. It takes a whole population to fight against this sort of crime. Increased police presence helps as well.

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