Ruin, it's good to have you back buddy. And if you were in NY during fleet week, and I didn't get the chance to buy you a beer, I'll be pissed.
But yeah, I think things haven't been fantastic for a lot of people lately. Personally for me, I've been having automotive trouble with my work truck. Last Friday, I blew out a tire, and had to change it using tools that were 15 years old and never used. They were rusted to shit and not very good. I also had to do this on the Long Island Expressway, where cars were wizzing by at 70+ mph. I thought I was going to die, and that's not even an exaggeration. Took me a good hour plus to change the tire and work the rusted and archaic jack and spare system.
Tuesday, in the same truck, the serpentine belt went. It split and flayed, to the point where the strands began to wrap around the dowel for the fan. Because my knife was in my other work truck, which is also in the shop, I couldn't just cut the wrapped part off and drive back on what was left. I had to get it towed. I felt like a bitch.
Oh, and I'm also single now, but it was a mutual decision, but the ex is now regretting it and I'm not. This won't be fun to deal with.