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Thread: Job Interviews. How Were They Like When You Had Yours?

  1. #1
    Registered User Job Interviews. How Were They Like When You Had Yours? Dimi's Avatar
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    Job Interviews. How Were They Like When You Had Yours?

    Yesterday I had an interview with the manager at Carl's Jr. I was pretty damn nervous. I got all dressed up, wore a tie and a long-sleeved shirt. I wanted to look professional but I was hoping that I didn't look too dressy.

    I was really nervous while my dad was taking me there. I had these Starbucks mints in my hand and I just ate the entire thing leaving my mouth on fire. Nice one, right?

    But before entering, I spit some out and I swallow what I had left in my mouth. But I looked good. I smelled good. And my breath was extra minty.
    So I go up to the cashier and tell the lady that I'm here for the interview. She walks back and gets the manager and we to the back of the restaurant and we talked about me wanting to work here and my plans for the future.

    And honestly, I think I did okay. Not too well but not too bad. I told him that I was eager on working full-time for this year and starting college next fall. He seemed intrigued by my plan and with what I wanted to do with my life. But the only thing that worries me is how he told me that he's looking for someone with experience. And I have no fast-food experience.

    I've worked at a church that had a nursery before where I did some custodial work but when said that, it makes me somewhat worried about me getting the job.

    But this time was better then the last one when I applied at that pizza place before. I didn't even show up to my interview because I was having problems that day. That was my fault though. They're not going to care if I have problems or not. Lesson learned.

    Anyways, what was your experiences going through something like this? Were you nervous or eager? And what was those interviews like?

  2. #2
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Haha nice thread topic, Fishie! I am sure your interview went well, now let me tell you about my experiences.

    Like you, I also rocked the tie on my very first interview. I was only 14 at the time and I applied to be a bagboy at a local foodstore. The assistant manager was so impressed by my dressing up and coming to the place in an awesome fashion, he made sure that I got hired just because of my looks! I had no experience at all, not even with any other jobs, so I was pretty happy with the outcome. Later once I did get hired, the assistant liked me so much that he promoted me quickly and I was one of the youngest closing store managers at only 17 years old...True story of success right here, lol.

    Most of the time, when an employer is looking for someone with experience, it just means that they are looking for someone that already has a strong work ethic and has worked a day in their life before, so I think you should be ok with your experiences. If youre the one that the manager really wants they will make sure to get you under their wing so they can mold you into what they want as success for their business, and especially you will stand out since it appears that you want to take a year off school just to work, which is a nice thing that an employer has to look forward to. You can be the dependable employee that has the flexibility and (soon enough) experience to be able to fill in any gap that is needed at work.

    For the short version, I think you have a strong chance of getting hired, as least it sounds like it.
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
    CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™

    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  3. #3
    Cilla vs. Games Job Interviews. How Were They Like When You Had Yours? Priscilla's Avatar
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    Well I have had two interviews for two different jobs Woolworths and EB Games but both went ohkay.

    The Woolworths one was when I was 14. It was an induction thing so numerous people were there. The supervisors chose four people they wanted to interview out of everyone and I was told I wouldn't get the job because I wasn't even working age. But I got it and I worked there for over a year until a local EB Games opened up.

    So then I applied for Eb Games at 15. Told them I couldn't work Saturdays because I played competition tennis and Mum told me because of that I would not get the job. They asked me all these personality questions and made me sell them a pen. I wasn't even legal age to trade in but I still managed to get it.

    No idea I must have got lucky twice.

    But by the sound of it you will be fine. But good luck Jelly =]

  4. #4
    Sir Prize Job Interviews. How Were They Like When You Had Yours? Sinister's Avatar
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    Of course my first interview, I was uncomfortable. But the lady interviewing me was a school friend of my mother's and though I personally didn't know her, my mother had insured that I knew certain revealing facts about her that put me on level playing ground. (not that I blackmailed her or anything) It just helped me gain a foothold of confidence. The rest was easy enough, I suppose. But yes, I was uncomfortable.

    The idea of having your total worth summed up by a business represented by an individual is a very...intrusive and penetrative ordeal. It's not pleasant...ever, I should imagine. Even when I had credentials and worked as manager of the stupid greenhouses, the interview was...not the most thrilling thing in my life.


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  5. #5
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Mine tend to be mixed. If the interviewer is cool and things are comfortable it all goes easy and often there's a bit of chatting involved. And then sometimes I have the misfortune of being interviewed by a panel or a higher up who looks like they just had a large instrument inserted up ther- ooohhh hey!

    Yeah if it's a panel or that certain kind of person, chances are I'm screwed. It's still best to remain calm the full way through so with any luck you get a job, but it's nerve wracking.
    victoria aut mors

  6. #6
    Registered User Job Interviews. How Were They Like When You Had Yours? winterborn86's Avatar
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    Ive had a few interviews since i left school 5years ago, but only to two really stick out in my mind, one was with Jarrolds and i felt terrible all the way thro the interview, cos its a posh place the woman who was interviewing me was looking down her nose at me like i had no right to be there, and it made me even more nervous than i already was.

    My other one i remember was a hairdressing salon called John olivers, i was nervous to start with til i saw my intrviewer, and he was really REALLY hot, i actually had a big grin come up on my face when i was thought it, and i was so glad he didnt notice lol.

    I normally dress pretty much the same with interview knee length black skirts and a white blouse, and black shoes, i dont feel so overdressed nor underdressed.

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  7. #7
    I have probably been through a dozen job interviews in my short life, and I have only been nervous when it wasn't someone I could relate to. When the manager is a guy in his twenties or thirties, I have no problem because we can make small talk. But when it is an old lady or something, it gets tough.

    I find that being calm and honest leads to a job.

  8. #8
    Job Interviews. How Were They Like When You Had Yours? Yuki-onna's Avatar
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    I can't even remember my first interview...I was probably nervous, perspiring, deer-in-headlights...god only knows how I got it, I used to stress out wildly about those things. I was the times have changed.

    Nowadays, I've been able to get every job I qualify for, even some I don't really. Employers usually want to hear the same thing. You're flexible, reliable, dedicated, learn fast, and you're great at multi-tasking and working under pressure. I've had a lot of fun jobs, a lot of shit jobs, and a lot of jobs you just have for the money.

    Dress neat, be well groomed, and be sparky, that's all I can say. A lot of times people will hire you then even if you don't have experience. And once you've had a few jobs, you get the gist of things.

    There's no way I'm staying in mediocre minimum wage jobs for the rest of my life though, I'll be glad when I earn a degree and have a pay that doesn't start at $7,50. Not that there's anything dishonorable flipping burgers, heck no, but I don't want to be the 30 year old at the Mac...yeesh.
    I remember when you were happy with a RADISH.

  9. #9
    well ive only had one interview in all my life and it was this year for lifeguarding. i knew i would get the job cuz ive had many years of experience on the water. but i was kinda nervous for the interview. i had the pool coordinator, head life guard and the head of the recreational department interview me all at the same time. it didnt help that the guy was a complete ass hole and he knew that i had gotten in trouble with the law a few months back wich was gay but i made it through and i am a life guard now which isnt as fun as i thought it would be. but oh wel at least i get payed.

    Kobe's a Dominator

  10. #10
    Gingersnap Job Interviews. How Were They Like When You Had Yours? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    My auditions for shows are probably more like job interviews than the actual processes I went through to get jobs. With an audition, I have to look nice and dress conservative, but not stuffy. I have to be professional, but I still have to be pleasant, approachable, and memorable. So of course I get nervous.

    I had a job teaching Cotillion (it's like a program for middle school kids that teaches basic ballroom dancing and Southern manners) for a while. I attended Cotillion and then wrote a letter to the woman in charge asking to teach it. She remembered me and liked me, so I got the job.

    I got the job I have now in a similar way. I work at a coffee shop/recording studio, and I know the guy who owns it. I was spending time with family friends and telling someone about how I had a lot of free time and wanted a job to have something to do. He heard me, asked if I was 19, I replied that I was 20, he said, "Good, you can serve beer. Want to work at Studio Joe?" "Uh, sure." "Come by tomorrow morning and fill out some paperwork. Do you want to start tomorrow night?" So I did.

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  11. #11
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Job Interviews. How Were They Like When You Had Yours? Polk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fishie View Post
    Yesterday I had an interview with the manager at Carl's Jr. I was pretty damn nervous. I got all dressed up, wore a tie and a long-sleeved shirt. I wanted to look professional but I was hoping that I didn't look too dressy.
    If you get that job, I demand you mail me free burgers...

    Anyway, I've had one job interview in my life, for my current job. I didn't feel too nervous about the interview, because I knew I had nailed my application. I've done a lot of volunteer work in my day, and I managed to work that in to my application.

    The interview itself was pretty informal. She asked me the normal questions, as in "Why do you want to work here?" and "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?". I still dressed up and looked fancy, though. Aw who the hell am I kidding? I was freaking gorgeous. That night, as I was still dressed up, the sunset looked at me, said "Dayum... " then comitted suicide because it knew that it could never be as good looking as I was that day. Thankfully, when a sunset dies, it just turns into night time.

    At least that was the way I remember it...
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  12. #12
    Job Interviews. How Were They Like When You Had Yours? Mr Spike's Avatar
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    Last interview i went through was only a few months ago at the local CO-OP. Wasnt too bad really, i put a fair amount of interesting stuff down on the application form so he asked me a fair amount about that, luckily alot of the stuff i did was in relation to te't ham work etc so a few of the questions he asked me about "times when you have..." and such were easy to answer.

    I remember being petrified, mind. I haven't had many interviews and he was a HUGE guy. Like, tall.

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  13. #13
    I've had 3 jobs - 4 if you include my paper-round, though nobody ever includes the paper-round. In only one of these jobs did I have an interview. This job was with a small group of web developers, and I was going for a programming position.

    I didn't go for the whole suit and tie schebang. I went as far as smart casual, and found myself to still be dressing smarter than my interviewers. It's a very casual work-place. Yeah, I was a wee bit nervous, but not as much as I could be since it was an interview for a work experience placement which I didn't really want that much. If I didn't get the job, I got to sit around on my ass all Summer, which I wanted. So I didn't care.
    Still, I got the job, and I got kept on as a part-timer, still there to the day, though only wokring holidays. I'm so glad I did get it, too. It's challenging and the people I work with are awesome.

    Just once in my life... I want to walk into an interview with all the perfect qualifications, but just for the humour of the scenario, present myself as a total moron personality-wise. I,E. - Act like a total couch potato with no commitment and Instead of dressing smart, wearing a T-shirt with a swear word printed across it. Sure, this would serve no purpose career wise... but it'd make for an amusing pub story. Then I'd actually make some effort with a job.

    Yeah, I'm strange like that. But that's just British humour for you.
    Last edited by Neo Necron; 07-03-2008 at 02:35 PM.

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  14. #14
    TFF's Token Imp Job Interviews. How Were They Like When You Had Yours? Martin's Avatar
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    Unfortunately I've had three interviews in my life and all three were shams. Shams because I found out after them that I'd got the job before I even turned up. A bit annoying to be brutal but then again I must be employable ha.

    Best one was for my Online job. They asked me if I'd had any experience shopping before. Yes Shopping.

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  15. #15
    I've had 2 interviews in my whole life. In thefirst I was 15 and the second I was 17. When I was 15 I was all nervous for it. I was mostly just quiet and very polite though. Overall I already had the job so it didn't matter. The second again already had the job but was pretty easy about it. I was tired and came from my old job. They just asked if the job was alright sounding and what hours I'd work. And I just told them anything, since at that point I was spent. They seemed to like my casual yet curtious attitude.

  16. #16
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    My very first job interview I was wearing khakis and a tshirt, with a coat on, I was 17, didn't really care if I got the job, and had just gotten off school that day.

    My 2nd job I got w/o an interview, it was a friend-introduces-you and you're hired instantly thing. 3rd job was basically the same, filled out an app, met the chef, started working the next day...

    4th job I filled out an app in a long shirt, dress pants, tie, dress shoes, ect, but I wasn't really nervous, and realized I was well overdressed. My 5th job I knew the sous-chef from my 4th job, and that was just a fill out an application and start working that night thing...

    Now I'm unemployed again, since the restaurant I was at for the past year just closed last Saturday, and I've had a couple interviews since, and I went in casual pants and a casual dress-type shirt and my chef shoes, my other interview I showed up in full chef wear. I turned down both jobs; though.


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