Wait.... -Che- has feelings?
This is a new & surprising development. XD
Funny thing though... I've been -through- probably 60% or more of the U.S. (state-wise, not necessarily towns/cities), but I've only actually stopped and visited a handful of towns/cities.
Oklahoma... The only good thing in Oklahoma is the Casino in Idabel. ^_^ $2 draft beers all day even though the percentage is only 3% by volume. They only have beer and frozen margaritas made from Smirnoff Ice (what!? Gross!), but I think they have bottle service (BYOA) 'cuz they have all the fancy bar glasses.
Bull Butter. you know you cried during that scene.
Btdubs, Yall know that kid committed suicide?
He is now with the horse.![]()
Poor Atreyu... Or whatever his name is.
I don't think he's with the horse... I'm pretty sure the horse didn't voluntarily run into the Swamp of Sadness and die. hmmmmm.... We must find that diamond kid and ask her about it.
Oh I kid I kid. It's not -that- kid. It's the other one. That Jonathon Brandis or whatever that was in Parts 2 & 3 of The Neverending Story.
Who would've thought? They both decided to make their systems look like blocks for some reason. Forget the sleek, sessy designs of systems past. It's time for your console to be another electronic block, alongside your TiVo or whatever. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Ok now that thats out of the way I want my other game Sony...THE LAST GUARDIAN.
*I understand all ur skepticism for the last few months Ive been posting Versus teasers sry XV threads and shoving "Versus=XV Sony PS4 exclusive" down all ur throats but ya'll shoulda listened to me. Humble? Aint nobody got time for that! XDD
Anyway Thanks Nomura/SE *kisses*
WOOOOO Lets go Nintendo!!!
I'll get to the PS4 design-'XBOX ONE in Italics' soon. **Still watching the conference
OVERKILL!!! FLAWLESS VICTORY!!!!!!!! FATALITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's so it can be stack-able. XD And you can put it on top of your DVR and then put something else on top of -it- and have a PS4 sammich of sorts.
Now I wanna sammich.
It's a conspiracy. They came out with similar designs 'cuz 'cuz..... There's going to be a merger in the future. OMG! I foresee the Gaming Gods descending from Planet Namek or whatever saying "No more, Bill Gates. Your Playbox will be purchased by Sony and your rights to gaming will henceforth be no more. You have shamed us all. May your endeavors in shitty operating systems live on."
I found this a while ago but I couldn't remember where I got the link from.
Batman’s Greatest Boner | Redshirt.co.uk
Apparently this was an actual Batman comic strip from like the 50's or so.
Currently Playing:
Pillars of Eternity (PC)
I play Magic! See what decks im playing or building here!
And boner meant mistake back then. Hilarious reading though.![]()
I have a bunch of 1950s books at home from when my parents were kids. I've read most of them. The stand out characteristic is the sexism. My favourite title is "The Gay Dolphin Adventure".
Also, there's an old Noddy book somewhere around home in which Noddy gets a new car, but when he drives it through the Gollywog neighbourhood, oh boy you guessed it, he is hi-jacked, stripped naked and left in a forest to die. Gosh, those Gollywogs!
So are all spambots born on the same day? ss2.png Sorry about the formatting/size of the pic I had to use IE to upload it for some reason. I completely forgot what a pain it can be to use sometimes.
Currently Playing:
Pillars of Eternity (PC)
I play Magic! See what decks im playing or building here!
My kid made a complete ass of herself at the mall today cuz she wanted to ride the damn train and we didn't have cash to pay for it. This salesman goes "aww let her ride it!" & I was like "Are you nuts!? I don't give in to my child when she acts like this. I don't reward bad behavior and we don't have cash."
That's right. Being strict is the way, otherwise kids will start taking advantage with every chance they get.
She really never acts out like that, but she was exhausted. Doesn't really excuse her behavior, but it's an explanation of sorts. heh.
in other news, my homeboy and I are back in bidness. major win. I'm super stoked.
I went to the restroom at my university to wash my hands and thought I was by myself until someone farted and I screamed. I looked behind me and saw the door to the bathroom stall half opened with the guy laughing and emptying his bowels at the same time. I was cracking up too!
I was about to make a thread on this when I thought "Ain't nobody got time fo' that" so I stuck it here instead.
Yes i stole it off chzbgr, but as someone whose played Pokemon Sapphire over and over I noticed the flaw in Team Aqua's plan. Even if you haven't played the game you should get as general idea of what's going on.
Currently Playing:
Pillars of Eternity (PC)
I play Magic! See what decks im playing or building here!
IDK about you, but I'm feelin' 22.
I don't wanna go to work today. Can I just hang out in my room until it's over and get on my plane ride home tomorrow? :3
I don't want to go to work tomorrow either. I could take a sick day... But I think I should be saving them for when I'm actually sick.
Yeah but but... It's -so- much fun taking a sick day when you're not sick - especially if it's a paid sick day. It's like Ferris Bueller's Day Off, except no crazy principals come looking for you.
I started my juice diet today. Juicing with a blender is a lot of work, but I hear using a juicer is -more- work 'cuz you gotta clean the parts like as soon as your done and -that- can get annoying. So far so good. Good thing I love veggies a lot. ^_^
well in that case.... No sick days for you!
And thanks!
h097683AE.jpgIMG000563.jpgMy flight was cancelled. I'm really frustrated and mad right about now....
I see nobody cares about my plight, that's cool... Here's a pic from Animal Crossing: New Leaf that Julie sent me. He wants to know what kind of animal he would be if he were an animal... I think he is confused. I otter punch him. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
I care! That sucks. Did you find another flight?
I hate flying. Flying ravages my nerves.
-_-;; My child strikes again. She told my sister that Jay said that if we got her a kitten he would torture it. Which isn't what he said at all, but whatever. I should've said something about using the word "torture" in front of a 5 yr old period, but I wasn't thinking about it. I was almost about to have a panic attack from being in line @ the commissary & having to fight the crowds for an hour. blah.
And apparently we're completely broke somehow. Homeboy needs to stop smoking. He smokes more than a pack a day and it's annoying.
i think i have fallen in love with a guitar playing, kingdom hearts cover singing youtube girl, how can i admire her without coming off as a creep pls send halp
i have lost all control of my life
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
First of all, I must examine this person to see if she is fit for my bro. Second, after I see her and approve, add her on twitter and wait for the opportune moment to say something funny. Make her laugh twice and she'll be like "LMAO who is this guy". LOVE AT SECOND TWEET gg