MY NAME IS POLK AND I LIKE REALLY STUPID THINGS (except Ska music, that's not stupid)
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MY NAME IS POLK AND I LIKE REALLY STUPID THINGS (except Ska music, that's not stupid)
Oh we're doing impressions now?!11111111111
well then, i'm che! i am a cat with cute bunny ears :3
mrowr! :3
I like where this roleplay is going... only a matter of time until the reverse cyber roleplay starts going down... i mean what....
I dig 5. ... Mostly cuz I can state at the rock and Han.... And Don Omar.. He got cute after he list all that weight, though now he looks kinda weird.
I haves pimple. It hurts. And it's on my eyebrow.
Oooooh y'all remember that game boogerman!? Hehehe
Looked up Lunar: Silver Star Story on PSN... I'm sad. Only available for PSP & Vita.m.. However, they have parasite eve. For $6. Yay.
So I drove to Julie's yesterday after work, and what should've been a 2 and a half hour drive turned into an over 3 hour drive because people don't know how to drive through construction and merge lanes without coming to a complete stop and driving 30 the rest of the time. My throat got a little bit more sore than it already was because I can't not yell when I'm frustrated. It's how I do. It was worth it though <3 Get to be ornery Tom all night and harrass her while she's trying to sleep >:3
Stupad Tracfone website won't let me download new ring tones. It keeps saying my number doesn't match their records, then when I enter my email account, say the phone is related to ANOTHER account?!? - what the crepe?!? I can't believe I'm paying these jerks! :*(
I got a tattoo last night. Just a small P on my ankle .. It's actually a bit off-center from where I wanted it, and a little thicker, but it turned out really cute ... Now the bf is super stoked about doing a Bahamut tattoo.. Maybe. Stay tuned.
Also. Power Rangers. The original. I'm on an old school kick lately. Lol
Cyanista: have you considered switching to Cricket or Boost? I also hear that Walmart's Straight Talk is pretty decent.
And what kind of phone do you have? Go to: free ringtones all day! I was able to get them on my crappy $20 Tmobile flip phone straight from the site. They're .mp3 format though
I have 55 days of Tracfone service left on it, and an accrued 518.80 minutes (dutifully hoarded from 60 minute prepaid cards. I cannot let those go to waste, so Cricket, boost and Walmart are out.
It's a Samsung Tracfone - a cheap hand-me-down from my brother (seriously, that's the only way I'd ever get a cell) for safety purposes - I personally think a taser is more my style...
"I don't have an mp3 player, those are for young people" says the ornery 26 year old =_='
tattoos are soooo cool. Is it color or just black?
I have to go back to work today. Just give me 2 million dollars and I'll live off the interest.
lol no, it downloads directly to your cell. All like 30 second snippets of songs. For -FREE-! ^_^
Attachment 23054Attachment 23055
That's a bad angle. I was pretty well intoxicated at that point. and it's just a P - for my Peepers. My psycho path friend (the one I made a post about) is now like "d00d.. I want Marilyn Mondroe with a shotgun. On my bicep. What's he charge?" We googled what she's talking about.. Yeah.. He agreed to do it for $200 and that's -if- she manages to come visit. I told him he should just get licensed here in TN (he's licensed in NY.. Or well... Used to be. It's expired) cuz there's a tattoo shop 5 min away looking for artists.
Can we all agree that this is a great nes overworld theme?
Yes. Agreed.
Finally got around to giving myself an avatar on this piece. No, I didn't make it myself. I deleted my whole database of pictures, textures, filters, and brushes from my mom's computer (I was almost in tears. It took me forever to build it up like it was).. And now someone's wanting me to do some kinda graphic thingy thingy for them, but I'm just like "ehhhh... I don't wanna do it!" *Stuart voice*
A masked punk armed with a knife held up my brother for $7 the other night. When the guy asked for more, my brother beat him up.
He came back without a scratch, but I'm beginning to think something is not normal here :spyfap:
HAhaha did he have a certain bounce to his step when he got home that says it all.
So anyone seen PSY's new song 'Gentleman'. I lol'd yes I lol'd so hard.
Go on watch it you know you want to.
Sweet baby jesus.. That was hilarious.
Watching season 2 of Homeland.. Jay's super addicted now. He watched most of season 1 in one sitting. He got up to go to the bathroom a couple of times and that was it. I finally had to close the laptop and make him go do laundry with me. lol
intro with catchy synth tune - first verse - break - silence - catch phrase - synth tune - Boom, you've got yourself a new PSY song.
Mother Father Gentleman.
I'm fixing to blast some music and wake this fool up. We didn't crash out 'till 7 a.m.
Yeah. It was a -major- drinking fest. We went and ate sushi, I had a beer, ordered another one, we were ready to go, I put that bitch in my purse and walked out lmao... Jay was like "Yeah there's something wrong with you"
.... Speaking of wrong. There's too much blood in my alcohol system as we speak. I'm dying for a Roadhouse Tea from Logan's. lmao I'm so trashed still.
Say what?
My brother went to the police station and is officially pressing charges against the guy who stole his $7 and threatened his life (I think we know which was more important to him)
Due to an accurate description of the punk's vehicle, tey've located the guy (a local repeat offender, apparently) and now they want my brother to confirm his identity - shouldn't be too hard what with all the bruises...
I wondered where this thread had gone, it was all the rage before I fell off the internet.
Good on your brother for taking action against that guy, Cyan. It doesn't matter how much (or little) he took, he shouldn't able to get away with assault like that.
It died. And then I resurrected it. Or tried to.
heh. Clearly I should never enroll in Nursing School.
Someone make me a grocery list.
I've been camped out on the bed for 2 days. I need to shower & move my arse and go get groceries.
Like there's any point in cooking for just 1. Cam almost never eats what I cook. I just wanna pig out on Cool Ranch Doritos and Mayfield's Moosetracks Ice Cream whilst playing Spyro... Like I used to do.
Grocery list:
Cool Ranch Doritos
Mayfield's Moosetracks Ice Cream
There ya go. :P
Speaking of grocery lists, I shopped this morning. Not bad for a Sunday, it probably helps that I went early and also went to the market that most people don't shop at. I'm willing to pay their slightly higher prices; it's a fair trade to not deal with hordes of elderly and power shopping soccer moms with packs of screaming hellions. And really, it's not that much more. I spent $13 on the ingredients for my salsa chicken dinner and even with three (possibly 4) of us, there will be leftovers.
Yeah, I don't really do the whole weekly shopping thing. I buy what I need to make something either the day I'm making it or maybe a day or two in advance. Of course most of the time I'm only cooking for myself so it's not like I need to buy a lot to begin with. I do keep a good stock of baking supplies though, since I do that a lot more.
I haven't left my room yet this morning :D
Polk: Look again ;)
Cesar: Sometimes that's what a man needs. I would probably welcome sleeping that long.