I met a dude online that looked dead up like Gohan in that awful live action movie (w Emmy Rossum and Chow Yun Fat)
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I met a dude online that looked dead up like Gohan in that awful live action movie (w Emmy Rossum and Chow Yun Fat)
If you're talking about DragonBall Evolution, Gohan wuzn't in that movie (which stunk brutally, btw) it was Goku.
Something heavy landed on my little bro's toe. He's laid up in bed groaning. What should I make to cheer him up?
How about a nice, cool smoothie with a very strong, sweet flavor of whatever fruit flavor you usually make? That would cheer me up alright :)
Anything with Emmy Rossum in it is a glorious production. Especially when she's not wearing clothes, a la Shameless
Agreed. Emmy Rossum is pretty hot...
I have a huge crush on Nikki Reed.... Not Nikki Reed in Twilight... Nikki Reed in.... Everything else. Lol idk why.. I just think she's like .. The hottest chick ever.
I have a huge crush on all of you....
because you are all so good looking...
i dont even know what im saying because 15 hour shifts suck ballz but I love you guys all anyways pls marry me
Sounds like Rocky wants to give us some pizazz if you know what I mean
I totes just dropped trou right now.....
I'm also kinda drunk.
I'm also in love with Pete's avatar thing.
Doug is hot.
Once upon a time, in 2004, my nickname was Patty Mayonnaise. Dunno why. I was working @ sonic. Someone said I look like -a- patty mayo .. there were diff variations... Peppermint patty, patty mayo... Whatevs... It stuck for 6 months.
Rocky can we go up to Vermont in the fall and watch the leaves change, and then maybe adopt a little Asian baby?
And I think Doug might be on Netflix... I know Rockos Modern Life is, which I'm thrilled about. I do have Doug on dvd though
I didnt know ppl actually watched that DBZ evolution movie..being slightly masochistic, even I wouldn't do that to myself. Back then, I remember seeing the Ad for it on the bus on the way to school. I wanted to rip it off the wall n shove it down someone's throat. How dare they insult Dragonball Z. America still needs to apologise to Japan, they must have felt totally offended by that pile of shit. If I wanted a slow n painful death, watching that movie oughta do it or reruns of Sex & the City..
Hm I think some ppl are cute n funny when they're drunk but most creep me the fk out. When my friends n I go out, I'm the friend that looks after them n drives their drunkasses home just cause I don't drink. That reminds me..some of them still owe me petrol money....
It comes on nick @ nite or some shiz sometimes too.. During that Retro Nick block.. They show All That, Kenan & Kelly, Doug, etc...
I'm stoked for Rocko though. That's my shiz. Hehe
I only watched DBZ Evo cuz it came on TV & I wanted to hear the hamasaki ayumi song @ the end. It was painful to watch tho.
I don't go out. the only reason I did was cuz my ride home insisted on it. She'd get straight trashed. It was terrible. I could never enjoy myself and get properly drunk cuz I'd have to sober up and watch out for her.. Make sure she's ok. People in general get on my nerves when they're drunk. Most of em act dumb as fizuck. F'realz..
Akira Toriyama was one of the writers, so... It was a joint effort of sorts. A failed effort, but an effort nonetheless. That kid who played Goku was pretty bad though. "They push me so far..." Wish I could find that clip. That line sticks out to me as particularly laughable.
I love Rocko's Modern Life!
Turns out my laptops internet has died somehow.. Idk exactly what caused it, I haven't taken it to be looked at. Not sure if I will as I plan to buy a new laptop in 2 months. Still really sucks though, mobile internet sucks and I'm sick of Skyping on my phone. Soo annoying. But we got proper cable internet so I can finally access the PSN on my lovely PS3 and on my Nintendo Dsi. Oh I have a WII too I'll try that later!
I bought Final Fantasy VI and VII! I started VI last night. Now don't shoot me, I havent actually played either before or VIII and IX. Now I definitely will.
I also hung out with Martin at his work at EB Games yesterday and he managed to make a $128 sale out of me. I got Lord of the Rings Lego and Professor Layton and the Lost Future (which I just started playing and so far it is pretty interesting) on Ds, $50 PlayStation Network Card and a Zerg shirt! I got to see Eb Games after hours and I helped Martin find some games they were sending to another store. Go me!
Lol yay Nikki! I need to hit up a Game Stop.. I still need a PS1 memory card for my PS2...
... Oh wait. I forgot. Homeboy has a PS3 and got IX downloaded. Yay me!
Rocko's Modern Life, yep. Epic.
Even more epic? Tiny Toon Adventures: How I Spent My Summer Vacation. XD I used to be soooo addicted to that movie.
It's okay, I used to spend hours playing the Tiny Toons NES and SNES games. That show was the tits.
» Sent via Tapatalk 2 on my Galaxy S2
Tiny Toons: Buster Busts Loose is a great SNES game as far as cartoon video games go. Anybody ever play Bugs Bunny in Rabbit Rampage? it was very enjoyable.
Fact: My first gameboy game was Taz-Mania. I used to have fun with that game, however, I never beat it though.
I remember one of my friends had the Tiny Toons All Stars game, which was badass. I loved playing it and remember kicking so much ass in the soccer game. I was so good that I'd legitimately ragequit if I even gave up a single goal on the hardest setting.
On the other hand, does anyone rememer Bubsy 3D or Gunstar Heroes? Incredible games for the Genesis.
How I Spent My Summer Vacation is a classic. Also, I like how those characters have pretty much been abandoned now... They should at least get an appearance in that new Looney Tunes show.
Not sure if anyone else here keeps up with the the latest next gen news but if you have been especially where it concerns Microsoft's "XBOX720"(of which no official announcements have been madeby MS) then u might find this gif hilarious like I did XD
Oh n I #%*#%*# love Busby on Snes! My 2nd alltime favourite console as Ive probably mentioned before.
I'm told it's called XBOX Infinity...even tho it says 720...and it have an infinite symbol.
I played bubsy 1 and bubsy 2 for snes and I liked them, grew up on them too. I also have played Gunstar Heroes a few, it was pretty good.
Has anyone ever played Pirates on commodore, nes, genesis, pc, xbox, 360, wii, or ps3? I'm a fan of the NES version.
Where nothing is owed, deserved, or expected
And your life doesn't change by the man that's elected
If you're loved by someone, you're never rejected
Decide what to be, and go be it
Sorry, just spoutin' off random lyrics again. :3
Yesterday I finished FF6, so then I started on Crystal Bearers (for the Wii) - still waiting for the headache to subside :blowtop:
Now I'm pathetically staring at the "Zapper: One Wicked Cricket" case and contemplating re-watching 2 Fast 2 Furious...
Have I reached the pits?!?
I dunno, but I'm awake at 5 AM today...
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Wait, 2 Fast 2 Furious? Wut? Wut? Why would you watch that?
Tokyo Drift is the best Fast and Furious movie ever made.
I'm fairly confident with having not seen any of them that all of those movies are stupid, and I will not be persuaded otherwise.
The first few Fast and Furious movies were just about cars mostly. After Tokyo Drift they kinda went towards the Heist plot line.