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Thread: The Internet and Sex Crimes.....

  1. #1

    The Internet and Sex Crimes.....

    Over the past decade, it seems that there are more and more sexual crimes committed every day. What are your thoughts? Do you think that since the internet started, it has created more sex offenders, or do you believe that they were always there, but just didn't have the 'tools' to expand their 'searches'?
    There are well over 10,000 registered offenders in the United States alone, that doesn't count the 300,000 that either:
    A. Haven't been caught which is a frightening thought
    B. Have been charged with a sex crime but don't registered yearly like they are required to do.
    C. Live within 100 yards of schools, parks, and daycares, which is suppose to be prohibited, but because of the poor policing, it isn't upheld.

    In some ways I find the internet to be a very evil tool for those that use it in a way to harm a child. But I find it even more frustrating when teenagers know that these kind of people prey on them daily and they continue to give out personal information to them thinking that it could never happen to them.

    And also, how many of YOU have given out personal information, address, phone numbers, schools attended, etc. to someone that you've never met or know?

    With all the children that are killed, molested, raped, sold to become prostitutes, and kidnapped every day, it seems as though it is out of control. Too many of our children are disappearing, never to return.

    Your thoughts?

  2. #2
    Registered User The Internet and Sex Crimes..... winterborn86's Avatar
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    Ive been watching this show on FX called "how to catch a predetor" and its disgusting that there are so many men out there, who chat up young underage children and send them sexual messages and pics.

    On this show i watched they set up these "decoys" to pretend to be 12 - 14 sort of age, and they get these men to come to this house thats been set up to catch them, and these men really go thinking they guna have sex with an underage child, its disgusting but these men get comfronted by the tv crew and gets arressted and these men who turn up are people who alot of trust like doctors, teachers even a jewish priest was among them. and most of them have familys aswell. In just one day approx 20 men were caught and thats alot in just one day in one country, think how many there are all over world.

    And i do agree with ypu Koda, the internet is being used as an evil tool, like... chatrooms or example they are ment to be a place where you can meet new people, make new friends and even find love but there are so many sex offenders out there who are turning these chatrooms into a horrible perveted thing and it not on.

    And i do also agree that it is frustrating to know people give out their details when they know of the dangers of it, i made that mistake years ago when i was 16, i met men from the net several times and i regret it, know im older i realised just how stupid it was to do and im lucky that i wasnt hurt, some people arnt so lucky.

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  3. #3
    Synthesized Ascension The Internet and Sex Crimes..... Zardoch's Avatar
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    You can't blame the internet for being used in a way that targets young children. The blame should be directed towards the pedophiles that actually do that and how there is no security in these chatrooms/forums and such. Above all, you should look at the parents who are allowing their children to go into such chatrooms without knowing what they are doing and who they are talking too. Still, even if there wasn't an internet, pedophiles would find another way to abuse these kids.

    Sadly, the biggest problem with all of this is how to at least make things safer for kids. The internet is a haven of freedom, so trying to censor or ban some freedom might hurt it. Either way, we need to crack down on sex offenders.

  4. #4
    Banned The Internet and Sex Crimes..... Jesus Christ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by winterborn86 View Post
    Ive been watching this show on FX called "how to catch a predetor" and its disgusting that there are so many men out there, who chat up young underage children and send them sexual messages and pics.

    On this show i watched they set up these "decoys" to pretend to be 12 - 14 sort of age, and they get these men to come to this house thats been set up to catch them, and these men really go thinking they guna have sex with an underage child, its disgusting but these men get comfronted by the tv crew and gets arressted and these men who turn up are people who alot of trust like doctors, teachers even a jewish priest was among them. and most of them have familys aswell. In just one day approx 20 men were caught and thats alot in just one day in one country, think how many there are all over world.

    And i do agree with ypu Koda, the internet is being used as an evil tool, like... chatrooms or example they are ment to be a place where you can meet new people, make new friends and even find love but there are so many sex offenders out there who are turning these chatrooms into a horrible perveted thing and it not on.

    And i do also agree that it is frustrating to know people give out their details when they know of the dangers of it, i made that mistake years ago when i was 16, i met men from the net several times and i regret it, know im older i realised just how stupid it was to do and im lucky that i wasnt hurt, some people arnt so lucky.

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  5. #5
    TFF's Token Imp The Internet and Sex Crimes..... Martin's Avatar
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    I must admit, I think this thread is a little narrow... when I saw the title I assumed that the topic would focus a little more than on paedophilia. However, my answer would that the Internet itself is not to blame, but simply its misuse in the hands of others. It is too vast a network to efficiently police, and it is simply information posted by others is it not? To blame the actual entity itself is unfair.

    Also, I understand where you come from regarding the publishing of personal information, and I do agree to an extent. However, what kind of a society will we be living in when no-one can trust anyone?

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  6. #6
    It isn't just focused on pediophiles, any sex crime. And I did say that they use it as a 'tool'. And you are correct, we can't blame the internet, it is those that 'use' it. And that's exactly what I am saying. Sure, there are Police Departments and such that use it to catch 'the bad guys', and as far as I'm concerned that is a good thing. But when it comes to trust, now days, it is a little difficult. There are all sorts of tricks that criminals use to lure in their prey, and the internet just happens to be one of them. The question is, do you think that within the past 10 years or so, has the problem worsened, has it made it easier for the sick minded creeps that use it to harm others, or are we slacking ourselves and making it easier to become a target?

  7. #7
    Banned The Internet and Sex Crimes..... Jesus Christ's Avatar
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    Internet=not a baby sitter.

    A 14 year old girl on the internet is not going to turn away when someone acts like the people her mommy told her to avoid. No, not when she has the freedom to talk and flirt just like a grown-up! And what does mom know anyway? Fascist bitch.

    Point is, when people have an open source tool, they are going to use it to meet their personal goals. For some people, that turns out to be what most call "sexually predatory behavior". And that's not going to be controlled or stopped. All you can stop is your kid sitting around on the internet all day doing **** knows what.

    Yes, it's about more than just kids, but when you're an adult it's kind of your own responsibility; you can still be preyed upon, but come on, you're an adult, you can probably figure out when something is real sketchy, and if you can't, maybe you deserve to learn how to the hard way.

  8. #8
    I have put out the state I live in, and, through friends and groups on Myspace, people could probably pretty easily find which school I go to. I've given out my first name, and I forget if I've given out my last name.

    It's not too much information, but probably enough for someone to go on if they wanted to find me. Doubt that would happen, though. Predators seem to go more for women, especially at my age, since going after a 16 year old male would be much, much more difficult.

  9. #9
    TFF's Token Imp The Internet and Sex Crimes..... Martin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Koda View Post
    It isn't just focused on pediophiles, any sex crime. And I did say that they use it as a 'tool'. And you are correct, we can't blame the internet, it is those that 'use' it. And that's exactly what I am saying. Sure, there are Police Departments and such that use it to catch 'the bad guys', and as far as I'm concerned that is a good thing. But when it comes to trust, now days, it is a little difficult. There are all sorts of tricks that criminals use to lure in their prey, and the internet just happens to be one of them. The question is, do you think that within the past 10 years or so, has the problem worsened, has it made it easier for the sick minded creeps that use it to harm others, or are we slacking ourselves and making it easier to become a target?
    In which case I apologise. From what I'd read it just seemed to be centered on that particular crime. I think you're right in claiming it's a question of vigilance more than anything. And I would agree and say the problem has worsened, because of the ease of access of the Internet. I don't want to contradict myself but then again maybe I should re-address what I said. Perhaps people on the Internet should a little wary with regards to the information they publish, but in my opinion not to the extent where they should feel unsafe or uneasy. I think it's a matter of personal opinion, and also maybe age is an underlying factor also? For example this is a forum that has largely a 13-25 age bracket so wariness could be advised.

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  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Lilium View Post
    I have put out the state I live in, and, through friends and groups on Myspace, people could probably pretty easily find which school I go to. I've given out my first name, and I forget if I've given out my last name.

    It's not too much information, but probably enough for someone to go on if they wanted to find me. Doubt that would happen, though. Predators seem to go more for women, especially at my age, since going after a 16 year old male would be much, much more difficult.
    That is so untrue. As stated in an earlier post, Dateline has done so many "To Catch A Predator" episodes, and many were young men, 13 to 16 years old that were used as 'bait'. It isn't just women Lilium, it's every gender, all ages. So please don't think for a moment that just because you are a male, you are excluded from possibly being a victim. Anyone that has ever worked with or around law enforcement can easily learn the tricks of the trade. As well as those that have spent any kind of time in jail.

    This is exactly why kids and young adults need to be more aware of the information they are giving out. As everyone knows, there are all kinds of sick creeps out there, as well as scam artists that prey on the elderly. And it's those people that use the internet as their 'tool' to find an easy catch.


    Quote Originally Posted by FFGuru View Post
    I Perhaps people on the Internet should a little wary with regards to the information they publish, but in my opinion not to the extent where they should feel unsafe or uneasy. I think it's a matter of personal opinion, and also maybe age is an underlying factor also? For example this is a forum that has largely a 13-25 age bracket so wariness could be advised.
    I agree completely, and I also believe that age is an underlying factor. Even with all that goes on today, so many of the younger ones believe it could never happen to them. There is absolutely nothing wrong with making new friends on the internet, and being comfortable and at ease doing so. I myself have made many friends through the internet, and I am much older than most of you. But I will say that I have met some real creeps too. Those of which I quickly ignore. Education and monitoring is the key I guess. Unfortunately, that can't always be done.

    Thank you for your post FFGuru.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Koda View Post
    That is so untrue. As stated in an earlier post, Dateline has done so many "To Catch A Predator" episodes, and many were young men, 13 to 16 years old that were used as 'bait'. It isn't just women Lilium, it's every gender, all ages. So please don't think for a moment that just because you are a male, you are excluded from possibly being a victim. Anyone that has ever worked with or around law enforcement can easily learn the tricks of the trade. As well as those that have spent any kind of time in jail.

    This is exactly why kids and young adults need to be more aware of the information they are giving out. As everyone knows, there are all kinds of sick creeps out there, as well as scam artists that prey on the elderly. And it's those people that use the internet as their 'tool' to find an easy catch.
    Okay, I see that. I was just thinking about some of the myspace things that have happened before, and how they were more aimed towards teen women. I've heard stories about males being victims of this type of stuff, but it seems that there is more talk about women being victims to this predator stuff. I wonder why that is...

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Lilium View Post
    Okay, I see that. I was just thinking about some of the myspace things that have happened before, and how they were more aimed towards teen women. I've heard stories about males being victims of this type of stuff, but it seems that there is more talk about women being victims to this predator stuff. I wonder why that is...
    In most cases, young women as well as adult women, through the eyes of a potential attacker, are looked upon as weak and can easily be over powered. And that isn't just based on sexual crimes, it can be any type of crime. Robbery,battery.. anything. And honestly, yes we are the weaker sex in the majority of cases simply because we don't have the strength that men have. That is simply a fact.
    But even with that being said, there are young males whose strength also cannot compare to someone twice their age or size. So the gender doesn't really matter, but you are correct when you say most sex crimes are focused on females.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Koda View Post
    In most cases, young women as well as adult women, through the eyes of a potential attacker, are looked upon as weak and can easily be over powered. And that isn't just based on sexual crimes, it can be any type of crime. Robbery,battery.. anything. And honestly, yes we are the weaker sex in the majority of cases simply because we don't have the strength that men have. That is simply a fact.
    But even with that being said, there are young males whose strength also cannot compare to someone twice their age or size. So the gender doesn't really matter, but you are correct when you say most sex crimes are focused on females.
    Yeah, that is true.

    I've heard some pretty bad stories about young males that have been the victim to a predator, though. I won't get into the story, though, since it's kind of sickening, but I'm not sure if they ever found the kid, though. I do know that there was some contact with the parents after years and years. Some pictures and I think a letter from the kid were delivered to the home of the parents. The pictures, I've heard, were not pretty. He wasn't dead, but he was... in the hands of some sick guy.

  14. #14
    Sadly, some are never found. That's one reason, among many, that they say there is safety in numbers. When out and about, always try to have a friend or friends with you. To a potential attacker or predator, one is an easy target....but a group together is a safety net for a potential victim.

  15. #15
    Aww yeah! The Internet and Sex Crimes..... Wolf's Avatar
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    You know, you're all right. It just makes me sick how older male adults in their 30s or 40s think they can just talk to a young teenage girl online, and think that they can freely come over and convince them to have sex. I, myself, have a younger 15 year old female cousin, and if I ever happen to find out some creepy old guy came over and had sex with her. I swear to God I'll murder the old perv. I don't care if I get a prison sentence, I'd murder the guy. I'm just glad my cousin knows better than to be in chat rooms like that though.

    Oh yeah, and FX? I thought Chris Hanson's to catch a predator was on dateline NBC. Oh well, I've seen the show a few times and there have been a few creepy people on it. It lets people know that it is possible to catch preditors, and it always makes me laugh to see a guy get tasered by the cops.

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  16. #16
    TFF's Token Imp The Internet and Sex Crimes..... Martin's Avatar
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    I think the main issue is how a system could be established to ensure that perverts and those who are using the Internet to fulfill perverse desires can be efficiently handled. The main problem is the scope perhaps. Because of the actual size of the internet it's maybe a question of how you get a system that could handle it. You'd need a high level of vigilance. There are organizations already in place to do this such as the Internet Watch Foundation which is a link to the British Police - dealing specifically with child pornography. These sites in particular are commendable, but I think more could be done.

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  17. #17
    I agree. I've been in touch with friends that are Detectives and Police Officers asking about such an organizations around here. So far none are in place, but hopefully I along with others can persuade the county to initiate something.
    It would be impossible to 'police' all chat sites available out there, but everything has to begin somewhere. And every little bit helps.


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